Part 25 (2/2)

”Just so.”

”I have been thinking what would be a good thing to give him.”

”A pair of spectacles,” suggested Sophia, rather absent-mindedly.

”Sophia, you are a goose.”

”Just so,” acquiesced her sister, meekly.

”Such a gift would be very inappropriate.”

”Just so.”

”A pair of boots,” was the next suggestion.

”That would be better. Boots would be very useful, but I think it would be well to give him something that would contribute to his amus.e.m.e.nt. Of course, we must consult his taste, and not out own. We are not boys.”

”Just so,” said Sophia, promptly. ”And he is not a lady,” she added, enlarging upon the idea.

”Of course not. Now, the question is, what do boys like?”

”Just so,” said Sophia, but this admission did not throw much light upon the character of the present to be bought.

Just then Andy himself helped them to a decision. He entered, cap in hand, and said:

”If you can spare me, Miss Grant, I would like to go skating on the pond.”

”Have you a pair of skates, Andrew?”

”No, ma'am,” said Andy; ”but one of the boys will lend me a pair.”

”Yes, Andrew; you can go, if you will be home early.”

”Yes, ma'am--thank you.”

As he went out, Miss Priscilla said:

”I have it.”

”What?” asked Sophia, alarmed.

”I mean that I have found out what to give to Andrew.”

”What is it?”

”A pair of skates.”
