Part 11 (1/2)

The Ohana C. W. Schutter 63700K 2022-07-22

Sadako bolted upright. ”As soon as I graduate from high school. It's all arranged.”

”Do you know him?”

”Yes. He's the handsomest, most wonderful...” Sadako hugged herself. ”I know I'm not pretty like you, but if you were a man, what would you think of me? Be honest.”

Mary tilted her head and looked at her. Sadako was no beauty, but she had an elfin charm. ”If I were a man, I would think you were very cute with a great personality.” She shrugged. ”Besides, pretty isn't important.”

”Easy for you to say,” Sadako looked down and traced the pattern on her dress. ”I'd give anything to look like you.”

”Thanks, but remember the j.a.panese saying, to be born too beautiful is a curse. Not that I think I'm so beautiful,” she added quickly.

”When you meet him, you can tell me what you think.” Sadako squeezed Mary's hand. ”He's coming home for the summer from the university. He's going to be a doctor.” Sadako bit her lip. ”I'm so nervous. Our parents thought it would be better not to wait too long. I'm glad. I don't want to be an old lady when I marry. Imagine me, a doctor's wife!”

”It sounds like you have a wonderful life planned out for you.” Mary smoothed the fabric of the colorful futon.

”I hope you like him because you're like a sister to me.” Sadako hugged her.

”I'm sure I will.”

The first time she saw Mitsuo he was slouched in a club chair with his cheek pressed against his hand. He yawned and his father prodded him. He straightened up in his chair. Both the Kawaes and the Tanakas were there. She and Sadako were the last ones to enter the living room.

Sadako pulled Mary's elbow and stopped her from walking into the living room right away. ”That's him, in the blue aloha s.h.i.+rt,” she whispered.

Mary noticed how the end of his nose turned up. He had a head of thick, wavy black hair and deeply tanned skin. He looked like he spent a lot of time on the beach.

”Come, join us” Sadako's father waved the girls into the room.

Mitsuo stood up. He was tall and broad-shouldered with a boyishly handsome face.

Sadako's father Kenji introduced Mary to everyone.

Mitsuo approached her and clasped her hand in his. She felt giddy inside. No boy had ever touched her with such intimacy.

She didn't remember anything else about that evening. What they talked about or ate. The only thing that stayed in her mind was the way he looked at her. When their eyes met, it was as if an electrical current flowed between them.

She envied Sadako.

After that night, she often thought of him while lying in bed. She stroked her upper arm and legs wondering what this feeling was that aroused her senses. It made her s.h.i.+ver even in the heat.

When he stopped by to shop or visit Sadako, she was struck dumb. She imagined his eyes darkened with pa.s.sion when he looked at her. Her life revolved around running into him.

Was it by chance or design she found herself alone at the Kawae's the night of the bon dance at the Buddhist temple? Mary had made an excuse. She didn't want to see him in the presence of the two families.

Two nights before, when Mitsuo and his parents were at the house, Mary helped serve tea to the guests. When she got to Mitsuo, he stroked her finger as she handed him the cup. She s.h.i.+vered and his eyes ensnared hers. Feeling eyes on her, she looked up to see Mitsuo's mother, Keiko watching the two of them, one finger tapping her cheek.

She couldn't risk being around him for a while. Yet she couldn't stop thinking of how thrilling it was to feel his finger stroking hers. She replayed it over and over again. She could think of nothing else.

A knock on the door sprung her from her reverie.

When Mary opened the door, Mitsuo stood there alone. Her hand flew to her throat. ”Everyone's at the bon dance,” she said.

Mitsuo shrugged. ”Stupid me. I thought I was supposed to meet the Kawaes here.”

”They left almost half an hour ago,” Mary began to close the door.

He put his hand on the door to stop it from closing. ”Aren't you going?”

”I have things to do.” Mary turned her head away from him.

Mitsuo slipped off his shoes and stepped in the door. ”Didn't the Kawaes give you the evening off?”

”Yes, but I have mending to do.”

”Don't you ever spend time having fun?” Mitsuo leaned back and the door closed.

Mary stepped backward, her head still down. When she spoke, her voice shook. She wondered if he noticed. But then, she had said more to him tonight than all the other times she had seen him combined. ”I'm happy being alone. I like to keep busy. Besides, I don't know many people my own age.”

”I'd like to be your friend. Come walk with me awhile.”

”I can't,” Mary backed farther away.

”Yes, you can, just for tonight.” Mitsuo stepped forward. He was so close she could smell the man smell of him.

”My mending...” Mary's voice trailed.

”Can wait,” Mitsuo finished the sentence for her.

”It's not right,” Mary eyes were on the ground.

Mitsuo cupped her chin in his hand and turned her face to him. ”You're like a sister to Sadako. You can tell me all about her.”

His touch set her skin on fire. Not wanting to betray her feelings, Mary kept her eyes on the ground and said, ”I don't know.”

”Let me stay with you awhile before I go to the bon dance,” Mitsuo's hand fell to his side. ”Besides, don't you think its old country for me to marry someone I hardly know? I'd like to know more about Sadako. She says you're her best friend. You can tell me about her.”

”Well, it is a nice night,” Mary stepped to the door and opened it. A light breeze ruffled her hair. She turned to look at Mitsuo and caught her breath as she drowned in the dark pools of his eyes.

Lifting his hand, he brushed the hair from her eyes. ”Nights like this are special.” His hand lingered on her cheek. She s.h.i.+vered.

”Are you cold?” His fingers continued to caress her face.

”No.” Pointing to the sky, she moved away from him. ”Look, a full moon.” Overcome by his presence, she swayed slightly and he caught her by the elbows. She turned to him and nothing else mattered.

His fingers pushed back the curls from her face. ”You don't know how beautiful you are,” Mitsuo said in a voice so low she could have been imagining it. She looked up and fell into a dream as his lips, feather light and gentle, covered her face. Her legs turned to jelly.