7 The Fateful Day Part 1 (1/2)
Qiang Shen had never thought that he would have to tell his parents the whole truth, or at least not so soon. As he watched his mother cry for him, he thought if his father believed his whole story. After several minutes without saying a word, his father was the first to break the silence. ”So you are telling us that you come from the future and if so, then where is the real little Shen? Are there two equal people at the same time?”
”I am and I am not Qiang Shen!” said Qian Shen. ”What traveled to this era was my spirit, my conscience, not my body and not having one, I came to my original body, it is not as if I had taken possession of the body, it was more a fusion of souls, being the same soul of different times, our wavelength of resonance is exactly the same, so that you can understand it more easily, it is as if I had lost my memory, I create new memories, then I recover the memory and I keep both memories, that of before losing it and the one after losing it. ”
With that brief explanation, Qiang Shen began telling his parents his story until the moment when he returned to the past.
”I do not know where to start, I think I'll start with the events that started everything, at that moment n.o.body knew that everything was related.” At the beginning of 2009, in Mexico, an earthquake of more than 8 degrees was recorded, opening the earth and destroying several cities and communities in the area known as Yucatan, in that same earthquake, the Chichen Itza pyramid was completely destroyed, the earth was opened and its remains completely buried, that was the first spiritual seal that ...” ”Wait a moment, Did you say spiritual seal? What is that? ” Mom Qiang interrupted, ”they are barriers or protective spells of the region implemented by the ancient civilizations represented by a monument, a group of buildings or a formation, most of the ruins or ancient cities are sites of wors.h.i.+p, or amplification of power, some others were places where you could relive the revelation of the G.o.ds and only a few in the world serve as spiritual seals.It is currently unknown to people the human potential, what we thought were myths, it is all true.Magic, alchemy, powers sacred, cultivation, all that we thought were stories, it is possible to use them.A shortly after the fateful day, I met a cultivator who took me as his disciple.You asked me how it is possible to achieve this body, it is because I started again cultivate with the technique that person taught me. ”
”I can hardly believe it,” said Papa Qiang.
”As I was saying, Chichen Itza was the first seal. Months later, an incident that hit the world happened: The Karnak Temple in Egypt was destroyed.
A series of explosions occurred throughout the Karnak temple complex killing all the tourists who were there leaving the whole place in ruins. Mrs. Lu died in that incident. ”
”Mrs. Qiao, do you mean Mrs. Qiao Wei, the one who lives opposite?” Wondering mom Qiang
”Mrs. Qiao went with her son on holiday to Egypt at that time, Qiao Tian said that she had stayed at the hotel that day while her mother had gone to see the temple and soon after, the sounds of explosions were heard. As they said in the news, no terrorist group claimed that attack. ”
Papa Qiang no longer knew what to say and he only listened to his son.
”In December of that year in England, religious extremists illegally entered Stonehenge and began to destroy the place, they said that G.o.d revealed to them that Stonehenge was built by demons and that it should be destroyed, by the time the authorities managed to arrest the culprits, Stonehenge ceased to exist.