Volume Ii Part 1 (1/2)

Zoological Ill.u.s.trations.

Volume II.

by William Swainson.


_H. caeruleo viridis; pileo, collo, plumisque totis subtus pallide cinnamominis; auribus viridibus; nucha torque nigro gracili ornata._

Blue-green; upper part of the head, neck, and all beneath, pale cinnamon colour; ears green; round the nape a slender black collar.

As far as I can ascertain, this beautifully coloured bird is quite new, and hitherto undescribed. It is in the possession of Mr. Leadbeater, of Brewer Street, by whom it was received from New Zealand; and who gave me the opportunity of now publis.h.i.+ng the accompanying figure and description.

The two extreme points of difference in the Linnaean kingfishers, are seen in the _Alcedo Ispida_, and _A. gigantea_; the last of which has been made into the genus _Dacelo_. It will, nevertheless, be found, that from among the birds left in the old genus, there are a great number, (of which, indeed, this bird is a striking example,) which are much nearer allied to _Dacelo_ than to _Alcedo_, where they now stand. It will appear, therefore, more natural to consider _Halcyon_ and _Dacelo_ as one genus--which may be called by either name, but which must be distinguished by the characters herein given to _Halcyon_, inasmuch as the generic definition of _Dacelo_ (founded on one bird) will be found too restricted to comprehend all.

Total length ten inches; bill two and a half from the gape, and one and a half from the nostrils; the tip of the upper mandible with a slight inclination downwards, and with an appearance of a notch; the whole head, neck, and under plumage, of a delicate fawn colour; under wing covers the same; the remaining upper plumage, with the wings and tail, changeable blue green; ears sea green and dusky, united to a narrow black nuchal collar; wings four inches long, and the tail, which is even, three and a quarter; the hind head is slightly crested, and the feet pale brown.

Pl. 68


POGONIAS rubrifrons,

_Red-fronted Toothbill._


_Rostrum mediocre, cra.s.sum, validum, basi latiore quam altiore, vibrissis longis inc.u.mbentibus tecta, lateribus ultra basin compressis, culmine arcuato, subcarinato; mandibulae superioris margine dentibus 1 vel 2 armato, mandibulae inferioris marginem obtegente. Nares approximantes, parvae, rotundae, per rostri basin perforatae. Pedes scansorii, digitis posticis versatilibus._

Typus Genericus _Bucco Dubius_ Lath.

Bill moderate, thick, strong, the base broader than high, with long inc.u.mbent bristles, the sides beyond compressed, the top arched, and slightly carinated; upper mandible with one or two strong teeth on each side, the margin folding over that of the lower mandible; nostrils approximating, small, round, perforated through the base of the bill.

Feet scansorial. Hind toe versatile.

Generic Type _Doubtful Barbut_ Lath.