Part 18 (1/2)

”Is everything all right, Liese?”

She stared at her feet for a long time before answering. ”I am not sure whether it is my place to comment, Dr. Adler.”

”Comment on what?”

”I had just received my pay from the tailor. He only gives me a few marks for a week's worth but still . . .” She sighed. ”After he paid me, I went to the Old City. There is a market there that sells vegetables for a good price when they have anything to-”

Franz regretted asking. ”Liese, I do not mean to be rude, but I am in a frightful hurry.”

She nodded to herself. ”I wasn't snooping, Dr. Adler. I just happened to see them together. On the bench.”

”Who did you see, Liese?”

Her voice dropped to a whisper. ”Your wife.”

”Sunny was in the Old City?”

”Yes.” Liese glanced around her before speaking in a hush. ”She wasn't . . . alone.”


”Papa sold them all!” Freddy exclaimed as soon as they were alone beneath the eaves behind the school. Laughing, he grasped Hannah by the shoulders and spun her around. ”You're a brave one, Banana, carrying all those cartons through that checkpoint.”

”It was nothing.” She tried not to remember queuing at the checkpoint in her bulky coat, which was lined front and back with cartons of cigarettes, worrying she might faint with fear. But in the end, the guard waved her past with only a few questions and seemingly no interest in what might be under her coat.

Freddy dug into his trouser pocket and pulled his hand out in a fist. ”I wouldn't call this nothing.” He made a show of slowly unfurling his fingers to reveal the five-dollar bill in his palm.

Hannah stared dumbfounded at the crumpled note. She a.s.sumed that the man with the beard was Abraham Lincoln, but she had never before seen anything other than an American one-dollar bill.

Freddy waved it at her. ”For you.”

”For me?”

”Your share of the profit.”

”But Freddy this . . . this is a fortune.”

Still laughing, he leaned forward and pecked her on the lips. ”No, Hannah, this is just the beginning.”

The kiss left her dazed. Warmth swept across her brow and cheeks. She stared wide-eyed at the boy before her, who was suddenly too handsome to bear. Freddy was saying something, but she couldn't follow his words.

He shook her gently by the shoulders. ”Next week again, yes?”

”Yes,” she murmured, uncertain of what she was agreeing to and not even caring.

”Papa was wondering if this time you might be able to carry a few more cartons?”

”I think so, yes,” she said. Anything that might encourage Freddy to kiss her again.

The sound of footsteps shattered the moment. Freddy dropped his hands from her shoulders as though letting go of a scalding pot. He stepped back just as Hannah saw Otto Geldmann rounding the corner.

Otto was a sweet kid whom she had known since her first week in Shanghai. But just then, she wished the earth would swallow him up and leave her alone with Freddy again.

Freddy straightened to his full height and took a step toward the slight boy. ”Hey, Otto, you're not spying on us, are you?” he asked in a friendly voice, but with a threatening undertone.

”No.” Otto's cheeks reddened. ”I was just-I don't know-kind of bored. I came to see if I could find anyone behind the school.”

Freddy reached into his pocket and extracted a crumpled box. Hannah counted four cigarettes inside it. ”We were just about to have a smoke. You want in?”

”Yes. Yes, please. I would love one,” Otto said. He glanced at Hannah, his eyes wary.

Hannah and Otto choked on their cigarettes while Freddy inhaled as smoothly as if he had been smoking for years, then tossed the stub to the ground and crushed it with the heel of his shoe. Hannah and Otto followed suit.

”Those were less than half done!” Freddy exclaimed. ”What a waste!”

”Oh, sorry,” Hannah said, and meant it. Otto nodded contritely.

Freddy turned to Hannah with a knowing grin. ”No matter. I'll be getting a bunch more very soon.”

As Hannah headed home after school, she felt light as air. Her belly grumbled, but she hardly noticed another day without lunch. The kiss had happened so quickly that she couldn't even remember how Freddy's lips felt on hers, but her chest filled with b.u.t.terflies as she considered the promise inherent in that one moment. She resisted the urge to skip: her left foot never cooperated gracefully enough.

Her thoughts turned to the five-dollar bill tucked into her skirt. She would give it to her father without a second thought, except she knew there would be questions. She could not risk revealing what she and Freddy were doing. She considered leaving the money on the floor or tucking it into Franz's coat pocket, or perhaps even Sunny's, but the outcome would be the same. No one in Shanghai could afford to be so careless with that amount of money.

Esther! She would give the money to her. She could trust her aunt with anything.

With that problem solved, her thoughts drifted back to Freddy. Had they just become boyfriend and girlfriend? Could it really be?

Caught up in her daydreams, Hannah had already walked a few blocks before she noticed the unusual number of jeeps and trucks collected along the street. Some were parked on the sidewalk or pointed halfway out into intersections, while others blocked the entrances to the alleyways and the networks of homes they concealed.

As Hannah rounded the corner onto Kung Ping Road, she saw three soldiers gathered behind a truck parked at the end of the block. Infantrymen were a common sight in the ghetto, and these men stood at ease, but Hannah still felt deeply unsettled. She almost doubled back to avoid them but instead lowered her eyes to the pavement and continued on her way, staying on the far side of the street.

Just as Hannah reached the truck, the soldiers sprang into action. For a panicked moment, she thought they were heading for her. Instead, they raced over to the door of a nearby apartment building that had just flown open.

Hannah heard the shrieks first. The words were almost unintelligible, but she made out the phrase ”Leave me be, you devils!” howled in Shanghainese.

A soldier stumbled out through the doorway hoisting a tiny Chinese woman in his arms. Her long hair had fallen across her face, and she struggled like a cat in a bathtub. The soldier pinned the woman's arms to her sides, but her legs flailed as though she were trying to run on air.

The other soldiers raced over, taking hold of the woman's arms. One soldier slapped her viciously across the face with his palm, then hit her again with the back of his hand. The woman yowled in response and struggled even more vehemently.

Hannah spun away from the violent scene. She was about to run back down the street when the woman called out to her in Mandarin, ”Girlie! Listen to me!”

Yang! Hannah froze. She cautiously looked back over her shoulder at the woman who had helped teach her Chinese. Yang tossed her head, clearing the hair from her ashen face. Her frantic eyes were huge. ”Wo duz yren!” she cried. ”They found only me!”