Part 20 (1/2)

”On my c.u.n.t,” she repeated somewhat hesitantly. ”I wasn't sure if I could take it. But it was amazing. You know, in future it may help me if you don't tell me what you're planning to do.” But she was greedy. Everything else he'd said, she wanted it, too. His words lingered and tantalized. Now that she'd discovered this side of s.e.x, she was ravenous.

”It's a balance,” he agreed. ”To prepare you, let you know what to expect. But if you know something's coming, your brain can supply the rest and fills in the blanks with fears.”

”I understand that.”

”Fear is one of the most powerful of all emotions. To conquer it is to succeed in life.”

”You're sounding a bit like a philosopher.” Or a man who'd been through a big test. She put her hands on his chest and pushed back a little so she could look at his face. He believed what he was saying, clearly. ”Do you tell yourself that every day?”

”It's a mantra.”

”Fear can be useful,” she argued. ”Without it, you can behave recklessly.”

”Indeed. That's where discernment comes in. But it's easy to let fear keep us stuck where we are.”

”Sometimes the boogeyman really is out there,” she replied.

”Most times he's in your head. Take the last scene, for example. In just a few seconds, you built it up to be something worse than the experience actually was. In fact, you could have said no and not had that shattering o.r.g.a.s.m.”

And the after-effects still lingered.

”Let's get you to my house.”

She nodded.

He stood and helped her up.

”I should take a quick shower.”

”Do you have a handheld showerhead?”

”Don't get any ideas. I'll be right back.”

He picked up her clothes and didn't offer them to her. ”Show me the way.”

His jaw was set, meaning that any argument would be futile. She sighed. Another thing she could learn from. The man didn't waste time with disagreements. He just a.s.serted his will until it became a force in and of itself.

Connor followed her as she walked toward the back of the house and into her bedroom. Being naked was beginning to feel more normal, but it was still a bit startling to know he was behind, watching her.

He deposited her clothing on the bed. ”Through there?”

She nodded, and he led the way into the small master bathroom. Since the house was older, it had been an addition. Her s.p.a.ce wasn't luxurious, like his.

Maybe moving into his home would be better. She'd miss her neighbors and the backyard, but the soaker tub was an enticing trade-off.

He moved the shower curtain aside and reached into the stall to turn on the water. A few seconds later he said, ”In with you.”

She moved past him. ”You're going to get wet.”

”I'll worry about that.”

Connor directed the gentle spray just below her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.


She grabbed the tiny bar and made a lather.

”What's the scent?”

”Magnolia,” she said, returning the sliver to the wire rack.

”Haunting,” he said. ”And now it will be on my sheets.”

The idea that he intended to sleep with her took their relations.h.i.+p to a new level of intimacy.

He watched her run the lather across her torso, then lower. As she washed, he rinsed. He took care not to wet her hair or ruin her makeup more than she already had.

”Grab the soap again.”

She picked it up and held it while he ran his fingers across it and slid off a small amount. ”Done?” At his nod, she replaced it.

”Now turn around.” He washed and rinsed her back and b.u.t.tocks. ”There's no indication that I spanked you.” He trailed his fingers lower. ”Maybe this tiny mark from the single tail?” He pushed on her b.u.t.tock.

”I don't feel anything,” she admitted. This morning, she'd looked at her rear in a full-length mirror. She hadn't seen anything. She'd never tell him that she'd been slightly disappointed.

He took his time, slowly moving across her skin.

”This isn't what I thought of when you mentioned Dominance and submission.” She rolled her head from side to side as she enjoyed the feel of his hands on her.

”Every relations.h.i.+p is unique. I enjoy caring for you. I do it as much for myself as I do for you.” He rinsed her off. ”Now let's make sure your p.u.s.s.y is clean.”

She turned to face him and she spread her legs without argument.

”Part your l.a.b.i.a.”

The man was a torment. He directed the water near her c.l.i.t then moved his hand away. He repeated his action a couple more times and arousal began to churn inside her. ”Connor!”


”It's...” This seemed impossible. But because her skin was so tender from his sharp slap, even the small amount of water had her on edge. She'd never thought of herself as particularly o.r.g.a.s.mic, but he was proving she was.

Abruptly, he moved the showerhead.

She felt like a rubber band that had been stretched too far then pinned there. He couldn't seriously be planning to stop there? ”I want...”

He met her gaze. ”I know. I know exactly what you want.”

”And you won't let me climax? Are you serious?”

”Think of how much more intense it will be later when I let you come.”