Part 13 (1/2)

As she slid behind the wheel of her car, he said, ”Pack an overnight bag for”

Chapter Five.

True to his word, the first draft of Connor's prenuptial agreement appeared in Lara's inbox before ten o'clock in the morning. He'd encrypted it and sent the pa.s.sword under separate cover.

She opened the doc.u.ment. Not surprisingly, it was almost twenty pages long and each section was complete. Even though she didn't have time to read each line, she scanned the highlights.

As she'd had a preliminary meeting with her family attorney, she'd known this prenuptial would be a bit different from many others. Most people entered a marriage a.s.suming it would last rather than setting a termination date. That should make it more straightforward. At least theoretically.

Since that appeared to be the case, she searched out the pertinent parts. As he'd mentioned yesterday in his office, he'd included the fact that everything that happened between them was confidential, not to be disclosed to the press, and he'd backdated that to yesterday.

Then she read the addendum.

Item A outlined her role as a submissive.

Shocked, she leaned forward to study the screen. He insisted she wear a collar if they attended lifestyle events. She was required to address him as Sir during their BDSM scenes. And she would submit to predetermined punishments when necessary. They would live together and sleep in the same bed.

The idea that he'd discussed the intimate details with his lawyer mortified her.

She was willing to bet that a sympathetic judge would rule that the addition was unconscionable, thereby rendering it unenforceable. It could threaten the entirety of the rest of the agreement. On the other hand, if she didn't sign it, he might refuse to marry her.

He was d.a.m.n shrewd.

Item B contained his requirements of his wife. She was free to keep her own last name, but she was welcome to take his if that suited her. Regardless, they would be known as Mr. and Mrs. Donovan to their colleagues. She would be expected to accompany him at times to various events and perform other duties such as hosting dinner parties.

Outside of immediate members of his family, no one would know about the marriage of convenience. That rocked her. His family could know, but hers couldn't? She understood that his concern was practical from a business standpoint. But keeping it from her mother might be difficult. The woman seemed to have psychic skills where Lara was concerned.

She froze when she reached the bottom line.

The length of the contract was for three years unless both parties agreed to negotiate a longer term.

Three years?

She'd been thinking one, two at the most.

She dug out her cell phone, scrolled through her recent contacts, found his number then dialed.

”You read the contract.”

Did he ever engage in niceties? ”And there are certain things I don't like.”

”Have your attorney contact mine.”

She expelled a deep breath. ”There are only a few points we need to talk through. I'm sure you can guess what they are.”

”I need to ensure you have adequate time to review the doc.u.ment,” he said. ”And you'll need to have your lawyer look at it. I'm happy to discuss it when we meet tomorrow,” he said.

When she was at his house, worrying that he might secure her to the spanking bench?

”Surely there's nothing you didn't expect?” he continued.

After last night, the addendum shouldn't have surprised her. ”Can we meet for coffee?”

”Of course.”

”On second thought, no.” She didn't want anyone overhearing. She thought about suggesting her office, but she didn't want her father knowing Connor was in the building. And the idea of going back to his office...

”Thompson has some biscotti for you.”

He couldn't be serious.

”Two o'clock?” he suggested. ”I can have my attorney with me, if you'd like.”

”That won't be necessary.”

”Shall I send April?”

He was giving her all sorts of choices, yet she still couldn't help but feel as if he were totally in control. It unnerved her.


”Yes. Please do.”

”I look forward to seeing you.” He ended the call.

She sighed. Even when she got what she wanted, it seemed to be on his terms.

Lara printed off a copy of the contract then closed the doc.u.ment. She grabbed a yellow pen to highlight her biggest concerns before putting the packet of papers in her briefcase.

Afterward, she joined her father for a short meeting in his office to set the priorities for the coming week.

”Anything new?”


”Nothing back from Connor Donovan?” she asked eventually.

”He'll come back,” Pernell said, linking two paper clips together.

Her last hope was to convince him to take a great big swallow of pride. ”You're not willing to relent, call him, maybe? I could be part of the meeting. Maybe organize a time for him to talk to the board.”

”That's not how business is done, Lara Marie.”

”What if I set it up?”

He straightened his spine. ”I won't hear of it.”