Chapter 1 (1/2)


Translated and Edited by: Ren

*(TL: 楔子xiezi, roughly translates to a wedge. I think it's slang that represents a small wedge breaking into the beginnings of a story. If I'm wrong please correct me ^^)

No words could be used to describe Ming ChangYan. He was born with nice skin, a handsome face, and amazing skill.

His original name was made up of a string of difficult to understand Da Wen characters, hard to p.r.o.nounce. After he came to Zhong Yuan, some people called him Ming shaoxia*, some called him Ming dage**, others called him a gentleman, either way, he'd already forgotten his original name.

*(TL: young cultivator) **(TL: big brother)

When Ming ChangYan was born―murder, arson, evil. Adultery―he obviously never done it.

He had a great number of affairs and flirted constantly with the opposite s.e.x*, he also did a great number of prodigious and amazing things.

*(TL: 招蜂引蝶, zhao feng yin die, lit. means to attract bees and b.u.t.terflies.)

After Ming Shaoxia lived on Cangsheng for nearly ten years, his talent outshone, his martial arts surpa.s.sed all boundaries, and no one under the heaven could beat him. He fully deserved the t.i.tle as number one.

Whether it was Zhong Lian Sect or a master at Xi Yu, they were all terrified of him, and no one dared to oppose him. Therefore, the JiangHu sect was peaceful, free of quarrels. But, the life that everyone lived was far too comfortable and watching Ming Shaoxia receive praise from the world at such a young age, they were all envious, so they all tried to find a way to bring problems towards him.

On May 29th, the people accused him of doing evil, of committing a sinister crime, he killed a discipline from the Jianghu Sect that was beloved by all, whose looks made flowers bloom and was a respected to the utmost degree hero. This matter made people furious, and despite his high prestige and skill in martial arts, he was unable to quench the flaming rage in people's hearts.

Over the course of one day, the number one gentleman, Ming ChangYan, was viewed upon as a demon, and several sects combined together to purge him in Yangbo River.

With a wave of his hand, he was unbeatable.

In his heart, there was only one opening, the other nine orifices on his body were closed*

*(TL: There are nine openings in the body, it's basically saying that, except the hole in his heart, the rest of his body remained closed. I hope this makes sense. ^^; Does it sound wrong?)

However, Ming shaoxia was not killed by the sects that ganged up on him, but, in the heat of the battle, he didn't know that someone was planning to push him, lost his balance and fell into Yanbo River.

Ming Changyan, the newly promoted demon head, was killed in such a manner.

His body was washed away by Yanbo River's large currents, and every sect leader looked at each other in dismay: You look at me, I look at you, without looking for his body, they waved their hands and all loudly acclaimed to the world: Dead! Completely dead!

The completely dead, Ming Changyan, stood up and made himself a gravestone.

The currents of Yanbo River washed away half his life; but, luckily Ming shaoxia's willpower was strong, the currents were fierce, and after drifting him back and forth, it finally drifted his not-dead body on land.

Just when he was on solid ground, the whole world was saying: Ming Changyan has died! Ai! How could he just die! It's a shame that Tianqing Sect and Mingmen Zhen Sect nurtured such a demon!

The demon, Ming Changyan, drank some water from the Yanbo River, water filled his head, and he forgot half of his memories.

While setting up his gravestone, he could only think and sigh.

Ming Shaoxia could only remember his glorious achievements, and couldn't remember him doing any evil and unforgivable crimes, from here it could be seen that he was a false shaoxia*

*(TL:由此可见,他是一个虚伪的少侠. I honestly have no idea what this line means. I think it means that, due to his forgetfulness, he couldn't even be counted as a shaoxia?? If you know, please tell me…)

However, when writing his own gravestone, only knowing his accomplishments isn't a bad thing, Ming shaoxia slowly carved on his gravestone: Ming shaoxia, date of birth unknown, location unknown, talented and attractive, full of righteousness, joined the Qing Sect on an unknown date, served the number one sect under the heavens, ordered by the common people on an unknown date*, was ordered by all the sects under the heavens….

*(TL: I'm possibly the worst translator you've ever seen, but the sentence某年某月得苍生令, I could only understand half of it. The literal translation was: On some year of some month was ordered by the common people, which I cannot understand;; If you know, please tell me…)

On an unknown year, in an unknown month, on an unknown day, a small beauty with a soft and delicate body gave itself up to the heavens…