Part 15 (1/2)

She jumped over the unconscious bodies and sprinted out the service door. For a split second, her nict.i.tating lenses hindered her sight, then she retracted them with a deliberate blink. Claire stood in the center of the narrow alley, her beautiful features frozen into a mask of terror. Her mouth was wide and a hideous wailing poured out. Her eyes were locked on a spot beyond Eve's shoulder, and madness stirred in the cerulean depths. Eve turned her head, her gaze following the Frenchwoman's line of sight.

She choked, then stumbled, the world spinning. Ken's tall form emerged from the unlit kitchen, his head turning to align with theirs.

”Holy mother of G.o.d,” he gasped.

Pinned to the exterior wall of the diner was Molenaar's body. Arms splayed and hands affixed to the metal facade with iron nails through the palms. Urine soaked his pants and puddled on the crumbling asphalt. His sightless eyes gazed heavenward, his mouth lax and lips spattered with crimson. A circlet of rusted barbed wire hugged his head, completing the sick recreation of the Crucifixion. Where was the blood . . . ?

”Sa tete est-” Claire doubled over, but no vomit came up, her body too perfect to succ.u.mb to her emotions. It was then that Eve realized Molenaar's head had been severed from his body. It was held in place above his neck by nails staked through his ears.

Terror chilled her fevered skin.

Eve screamed, her fists clenching even as her knees weakened.

A flock of seagulls joined them, screeching to the sky and the G.o.d who allowed such things to happen to those who served him.


Reed pulled off Highway 1, the fabled Pacific Coast Highway, at the Fremont Boulevard exit. A moment later his rented Porsche was purring across Fort McCroskey.

He could have been with Eve already if he'd s.h.i.+fted directly to her, but he knew Raguel too well. The archangel would have his students holed up together with no chance of privacy. That was fine for training. It wasn't fine for dealing with the turmoil Reed sensed in Eve.

Through their handler/Mark connection, he felt her alienation from the rest of her cla.s.s and sensed that she was dealing with it by shutting herself off emotionally. She was running on autopilot and that was dangerous for a Mark. He suspected he'd need to get her away from the strain of her cla.s.smates before she would relax enough to talk about what was troubling her. Hence the need for wheels. The fact that the car was also a babe magnet was a bonus. Eve had been attracted to Cain and his Harley. It wasn't a stretch to hope that she might find the 911 Turbo Cabriolet a turn-on, too. With a top speed just shy of two hundred miles an hour, Reed hoped to open the throttle on both the engine and Eve's stress. Using his connection to Eve as an inner tracking device, Reed maneuvered across the base. Raguel would want a report on the trip to Australia, then the archangel would try to make Reed leave, which wasn't going to happen. He wasn't going anywhere while there was any hazard to Eve's well-being. Although he would never admit it, he was still reeling from losing her last week. Seeing Cain broken had only added to the surreal quality of his torment. All his life, he had wanted to see his older brother humbled by something. Anything. Yet he'd discovered that losing Eve to accomplish that aim was too high a price to pay.

He had handled countless female Marks over the centuries, sharing a connection with them as deep as the one he shared with Eve, yet she was the only one with whom he'd ever felt so conflicted. She blamed his fascination on the animosity between him and Cain. She said he was only interested in her because she represented an opportunity to hurt his brother. But they both knew that wasn't true. Reed wished it was. Everything would be so much easier that way.

Rounding a bend in the road, he slowed as he came upon the duplex with the unmarked white van in the driveway. The license frame read Gadara Enterprises. Reed pulled into the vacant spot beside it. He didn't need to knock on the door to know that no one was home. He felt the yawning vacancy before he turned off the engine.

Reed exited the car and set off on foot, walking in Eve's wake. As he pa.s.sed the house, he noted the shattered part.i.tion by the entrance of the far side of the duplex. The mess looked fresh and gave him pause. The first wave of terror hit Reed with enough force to hinder his stride. The second rolled over him like thunder, building in tension until it exploded with such force that he began to run. The leather soles of his Gucci moccasins gained little purchase. He s.h.i.+fted in midsprint and materialized beside Eve. She was screaming. A quick glance at the building she faced told him why. Reed s.n.a.t.c.hed her close, snapped open his wings, and surged into the air. Airborne, he held her tightly, containing her struggles.

”Shh.” His arms wrapped completely around her slim body. ”I'm here.”

”Reed.” She clutched at him, her face buried in his neck, her tears sliding across his skin. He alighted onto the neighboring rooftop and retracted his wings, but didn't release her. Her fear, grief, and horror pulsed through him in rhythmic beats that left him unable to erect the barriers he used with his other Marks.

And the feel of her . . . the smell of her . . . It had been weeks since he'd touched her. He had been forbidden to touch her.

”D-did you s-see?” She pulled back to stare up at him with tear-filled eyes.

”Yes.” He didn't tell her that she would inevitably see much worse.

”I can't do this.”

And in that moment, Reed didn't want her to, which screwed up everything-his ambitions, goals, and dreams. They all hinged on keeping her around. And he wanted her again, d.a.m.n it. His entire body was hard for her.

Along with every-f.u.c.king-thing else, he was obsessed. How the h.e.l.l was he supposed to get over that, if even a dead Mark and her terror couldn't diminish it?

”Help me get out,” she begged.

His forehead dropped to rest against hers, which was hot and damp.

s.h.i.+t. Deep s.h.i.+t.

Her fingertips dug into the muscles framing his spine. ”Say something, d.a.m.n you!”

Inhaling sharply, he slipped into the tried and true lines he always used to calm skittish Marks. ”I know this is tough for you. But think of the good works you will do, the people you will save-”

”Like him?” Eve gestured viciously at the alleyway below. ”Isn't that what he was told, too? What about his good works? What about the people he was supposed to save? Are they just as f.u.c.ked as he is now?”

”Eve . . .”

She shoved him away. ”Tough for me? That's all you've got to say? Some propaganda bulls.h.i.+t? There is a dead man down there. Without . . . his . . . head!”

”Give me a break, Eve,” he snapped, angrier with himself than with her. ”I'm trying to help.”

”Try harder.”

Her lithe form vibrated with her inner turmoil. She was covered in jeans, s.h.i.+rt, and sweater jacket. Her hair was in a simple ponytail that accentuated the exotic tilt of her eyes. Her face was devoid of makeup, allowing the porcelain perfection of her Asian skin to take the stage.

Reed struggled with his attraction to her, a magnetism that started in his gut and worked its way out. Having been surrounded by brunettes for centuries, his first exposure to blondes had spurred a fascination with fair-haired beauties like Sara. Yet here he was, fighting an itch that wouldn't quit over a woman who looked nothing like his ”type.”

”What kind of training is this?” Eve rubbed her eyes with her fists. ”No one said anyone was going to die!”

”Accidents happen, rarely. Overzealous and frightened Marks are unpredictable. But never like this. Never murder.”

The sky darkened as clouds rolled in so fast they appeared to be on fast-forward. The breeze turned chilly, whipping the long strands of Eve's hair across her face. Reed watched her frame stiffen and her fists clench. He s.h.i.+fted to the edge of the roof and looked down at the scene unfolding beneath them. Raguel hovered several feet above the ground, his arms and wings spread wide. His head was back, his eyes glowing gold and trained heavenward. His mouth was open in a silent scream. It was a riveting sight, both eerie and beautiful.

As Eve drew abreast of Reed, her hand pushed into his. She leaned over cautiously, her balance maintained by her death grip on him.

”What is he doing?” she asked, her voice ripped away by the furious wind.

”Lamenting. Sharing his grief with the Lord.”

”I have something to share with the Lord,” she muttered. ”A piece of my mind.”

Thunder cracked, booming through the dark gray sky.

”Watch it,” Reed admonished, squeezing her hand in warning.

”Did the faery do this?”


Eve pulled wind-whipped strands of hair out of her mouth. ”The Infernal we were hunting in this exercise.”

”You always blame us first.”

Reed turned to face the speaker. So did Eve.