Part 13 (1/2)
Time had been in the gay days in Paris when La Marmotte could have counted her lovers by the score. At last fate had thrown her across the path of the Italian, and she, although knowing him evil, loved him none the less, and followed his uncertain fortune like a faithful dog; but years were going, and beauty was fading, and her heart was fearful lest she should be cast adrift.
”Trotto,” she said, and her voice was husky, ”I--I do not like this.
Let them go.”
Torquato Trotto cursed under his breath; but time was short, and he could not afford to waste it. He bent down and kissed the woman's hand.
”_Carissima_! have no fear. And now let me go and see to our guest's wounds.” With this he freed himself, and went back.
La Marmotte stood for a pace watching the dim figure as it slipped through the gloom of the corridor, the candle in her hand casting its light on her red lips, her white neck and arms, and on the silken black hair that hung to her waist. Then with a half-stifled sigh she followed mademoiselle, and stepped into the room. It was empty. La Marmotte's heart almost stood still, and the candlestick she held all but fell from her trembling hand, as the poor wretch thought of the wrath that would overtake her if her charge escaped. But it was impossible! It could not be! And La Marmotte made another step forward, and as she looked she saw a white-robed figure kneeling at a _prie-dieu_, half concealed by the valence of the bed.
”It is her,” murmured La Marmotte with a sudden relief; and then she almost spoke the words aloud, ”she prays.” And after a moment of hesitation, she crept up softly, step by step, and stood behind mademoiselle, a tumult of strange thoughts in her soul. La Marmotte quivered from head to foot. Near her was a small table. With a shaking hand she placed the light thereon, and made yet another step forward.
Prayer! Years had pa.s.sed since she had prayed. It was years since she had learned to laugh at the soul's communion with its G.o.d; to laugh, and yet to know, in her heart of hearts, that she lied to herself.
After all, life had gone gaily with her. She was as a sleep-walker in some garden of dreamland until this girl had come, and with her coming startled her into wakefulness. And, standing there, La Marmotte was for the moment innocent and pure in heart. ”I will pray too,” she thought. What she was going to say, what she was going to ask from her Creator, never struck her. All that she felt in her impulsive and emotional heart was an overpowering desire to pray. She half sank on her knees, and then sprang up, flushed and trembling, for at the moment mademoiselle arose, and, turning, saw her.
”Mademoiselle was praying?” stammered the woman.
”Yes, madame. I was thanking G.o.d for our escape, and for the friends He has given us here.”
La Marmotte thought of Simon lurking in his chamber. She thought of Torquato Trotto, and she s.h.i.+vered at the thought. Mademoiselle came up to her, and placing a hand on her shoulder, said: ”I will never forget the kindness I have had here.”
It was too much for La Marmotte. She shrank from the gentle touch.
”Don't,” she said; ”I am not worthy.”
But mademoiselle simply leaned forward and kissed her forehead, and the caress broke the woman down.
Falling on her knees she sobbed out: ”Forgive! forgive! Mademoiselle, there is danger here! They are going to kill here! Go back to monsieur, and leave this place whilst there is time. Better trust to the mercy of the forest wolves than the mercy of Le Jaquemart.”
”Is this true?”
”True as I kneel before you.” And, springing to her feet, La Marmotte went on: ”But there is no time to waste; come--come at once. A--h!”
For the loud report of the arquebus, and Pierrebon's angry shout, rang out; then followed the rasping of swords, and the two stood speechless, staring at each other.
But mademoiselle was brave, and she came to herself.
”Oh! they are killing him.” And she flew to the door, but La Marmotte clung to her. ”Not that way! There is dreadful work there!
Here!--come here with me!”
So saying she strove to drag mademoiselle back; but the latter, with a strength surprising in one so slight, freed herself, and slipping past La Marmotte made for the corridor. Down this she ran, almost brus.h.i.+ng against a figure crouching behind the arras--a figure skulking there like the evil thing it was. It was Simon, who had heard the shot too, and overcome by his fierce impatience had come forth from his chamber, poniard in hand. As the girl pa.s.sed he made a half movement towards her, like the spider about to pounce upon his prey. But La Marmotte was following, and he drew back, and watched the two figures speeding down the gallery, and then they halted suddenly, for the clas.h.i.+ng ceased, and there was the thud of a heavy body falling. Through the partly-open door of the supper-room a banner of light fell crosswise on the corridor, throwing into relief the figures of the two women standing side by side with blanched faces, and for the moment there was an awful stillness.
”Well thrust, Trotto!” shouted Simon from his lurking-place, too sure of the issue, and then he started back with a sickening chill.
He had heard my voice as I stepped out and called to mademoiselle. And she, who was but an arm's length away, sprang forward.
”Here! here! Oh! what has happened?”
”It has happened that we have come into the house of murder,” I replied; and then, my eyes falling on La Marmotte, I said, as I pointed to the room within: ”He needs all your care; go to him.”
La Marmotte shrank back at my look and tone, and then cried out: ”I am innocent--I swear it.”