Volume Iii Part 11 (1/2)
The report of such magnanimous sentiments attracted many more to the Gothic flag.
Besides this, Totila's army was reinforced from hour to hour, during the march, by the arrival of Gothic warriors, who, singly, or in small bands, had come out of prison or left their hiding-places when they heard of the treachery practised on King Witichis, the accession of a new King, and the renewal of the war.
The haste with which Totila pressed forward, in order to avail himself of the enthusiasm of his troops before it had time to cool, and the zeal with which Demetrius flew to meet him, soon brought the two armies in sight of each other.
It was at the bridge across the Padus, named Pons Padi.
The Byzantines stood in the plain; they had the river, which they had crossed with half their foot, at their backs.
The Goths appeared upon the gently-sloping hills towards the north-west.
The rays of the setting sun dazzled the eyes of the Byzantines.
Totila, from the hill, observed the position of the enemy.
”The victory is mine!” he cried to his troops, and, drawing his sword, he swooped upon his enemies like a falcon on his prey.
Cethegus and his followers had reached the last deserted camp of the Byzantines shortly after sunset.
They were met by the first fugitives.
”Turn, Prefect,” cried the foremost horseman, who recognised him, ”turn and save yourself! Totila is upon us! He cleaved the helm and head of Artabazes, the best captain of the Armenians, with his own hand!” And the man continued his flight.
”A G.o.d led the barbarians!” cried a second. ”All is lost--the commander-in-chief is taken!”
”This King Totila is irresistible!” cried a third, trying to pa.s.s the Prefect, who blocked his way.
”Tell that in h.e.l.l!” cried Cethegus, and struck him to the earth.
But he had scarcely given the command when he recalled it.
For already whole battalions of vanquished Byzantines came flying through the wood towards him. He saw that it would be impossible to stem the flight of these ma.s.ses with his small troop.
For some time he watched the movement irresolutely.
The Gothic pursuers were already visible in the distance, when Vitalius, one of Demetrius's captains, came wounded up to Cethegus.
”Oh, friend,” he cried, ”there is no stopping them! They will now go on till they reach Ravenna.”
”I verily believe it,” said Cethegus. ”They will more likely carry my men away with them than stand and fight.”
”And yet only the half of the victors, under Teja and Hildebrand, follow us. The King turned back already on the field of battle. I saw him withdraw his troops. He wheeled to the south-west.”
”_Whither?_” cried Cethegus, becoming attentive. ”Tell me again. In _what_ direction?”
”He marched towards the south-west.”