Volume I Part 5 (1/2)
For by knowledge of their motives one can govern men. Well, I am sorry, reverend friend, but I cannot help you. I really do not know myself what my motive is. I am so curious about it, that I would gladly tell it to you--and allow myself to be governed--if I could only find it out. Only one thing I feel--that these Goths are my antipathy. I hate these full-blooded fellows, with their broad flaxen beards. I cannot bear their brutal good humour, their ingenuous youthfulness, their stupid heroism, their unbroken natures. It is the impudence of chance, which governs the world, that this country, after such a history, possessing men like--like you and me--should be ruled by these Northern bears!”
He tossed his head indignantly, closed his eyes, and sipped a small quant.i.ty of wine.
”That the barbarians must go, we are agreed,” said Silverius, ”and with this, all is gained as far as I am concerned. For I only await the deliverance of the Church from these heretical barbarians, who deny the divinity of Christ, and make Him a demi-G.o.d. I hope that the primacy of all Christendom will, as is fitting, incontestably fall to the share of the Roman Church. But as long as Rome is in the power of the heretics, while the Bishop of Byzantium is supported by the only orthodox and legitimate Emperor----”
”The Bishop of Rome cannot be the first Bishop of Christendom, nor the master of Italy; and therefore the Roman Apostolic See, even when occupied by a Silverius, cannot be what it ought to be--the highest.
And yet that is what Silverius wishes.”
The priest looked up in surprise.
”Do not be uneasy, reverend friend. I knew this long ago, and have kept your secret, although you did not confide it to me. But further----” He again filled his cup. ”Your Falernian has been well stored, but it is too sweet.--Properly speaking, you can but wish that these Goths may evacuate the throne of the Caesars, and not that the Byzantines should take their place; for in that case the Bishop of Rome would have again a superior bishop and an emperor in Byzantium. You must therefore, instead of the Goths, wish--not for an Emperor--Justinian--but--what else?”
”Either,” eagerly interrupted Silverius, ”a special Emperor of the Western Empire----”
”Who, however,” said Cethegus, completing the sentence, ”would be only a puppet in the hands of the holy Petrus----”
”Or a Roman republic, a State of the Church----”
”In which the Bishop of Rome is master, Italy the princ.i.p.al country, and the barbarian kings in Gaul, Germany, and Spain the obedient sons of the Church. All very fine, my friend. But first the enemy must be annihilated, whose spoils you already divide. Therefore let us drink an old Roman toast: 'Woe to the barbarians!'”
He rose and drank to the priest.
”But,” he added, ”the last night-watch creeps on, and my slaves must find me in the morning in my bedchamber. Farewell!”
With this he drew the _cucullus_ (hood) of his mantle over his head and departed.
His host looked after him. ”A very important tool!” he said to himself.
”It is a good thing that he is only a tool. May he always remain so!”
Cethegus walked away from the Via Appia in a north-westerly direction, towards the Capitol, beneath which, at the northern end of the Via Sacra, his house was situated, to the north-east of the Forum Romanum.
The cool morning air played refres.h.i.+ngly over his brow. He threw open his mantle and deeply inflated his strong broad chest.
”Yes, I am a riddle,” he said to himself. ”I join in a conspiracy and go about by night, like a republican or a lover at twenty. And wherefore? Who knows why he breathes? Because he must. And so I do what I must. But one thing is certain, this priest may--perhaps must--become Pope; but he must not remain so long, else farewell my scarcely-avowed thoughts, which are yet but dreams and cloud-mists. Perhaps it may be that from them will arise a storm that will decide my fate. See, it lightens in the east! 'Tis well; I accept the omen!”
With these words he entered his house.
In his bed-chamber he found a letter on the cedar table before his bed, tied with a silken string, and sealed with the royal seal. He cut the string with his dagger, opened the double waxen tablets, and read:
”To Cethegus Caesarius, the Princeps Senatus, Marcus Aurelius Ca.s.siodorus, Senator.
”Our lord and king lies on his death-bed. His daughter and heiress, Amalaswintha, wishes to speak with you before his end.
”You are to undertake the most important office in the kingdom.
”Hasten at once to Ravenna.”