Part 19 (1/2)
”Mystery,” he said. And again, ”Well.”
That was a word that I used to hear fairly often, said in that same tone of voice, when I was a child. A bridge between one thing and another, or a conclusion, or a way of saying something that couldn't be any more fully said, or thought.
”A well is a hole in the ground.” That was the joking answer.
The storm had brought an end to the swimming-pool party. Too many people had been there for everybody to crowd into the house, and those with children had mostly chosen to go home.
While we were driving back, Mike and I had both noticed, and spoken about, a p.r.i.c.kling, an itch or burning, on our bare forearms, the backs of our hands, and around our ankles. Places that had not been protected by our clothing when we crouched in the weeds. I remembered the nettles.
Sitting in Sunny's farmhouse kitchen, wearing dry clothes, we told about our adventure and revealed our rashes.
Sunny knew what to do for us. Yesterday's trip with Claire, to the emergency room of the local hospital, had not been this family's first visit. On an earlier weekend the boys had gone down into the weedy mud-bottomed field behind the barn and come back covered with welts and blotches. The doctor said they must have got into some nettles. Must have been rolling in them, was what he said. Cold compresses were prescribed, an antihistamine lotion, and pills. There was still part of a bottle of lotion unused, and there were some pills too, because Mark and Gregory had recovered quickly.
We said no to the pills-our case seemed not serious enough.
Sunny said that she had talked to the woman out on the highway, who put gas in her car, and this woman had said there was a plant whose leaves made the best poultice you could have, for nettle rash. You don't need all them pills and junk, the woman said. The name of the plant was something like calf 's - 184*
foot. Coldfoot? The woman had told her she could find it in a certain road cut, by a bridge.
”I could go and ask her to tell me again, exactly. I could go and get some.”
She was eager to do that, she liked the idea of a folklore remedy. We had to point out that the lotion was already there, and paid for.
Sunny enjoyed ministering to us. In fact, our plight put the whole family into a good humor, brought them out of the doldrums of the drenched day and cancelled plans. The fact that we had chosen to go off together and that we had this adventure-an adventure that left its evidence on our bodies- seemed to rouse in Sunny and Johnston a teasing excitement.
Droll looks from him, a bright solicitousness from her. If we had brought back evidence of real misdoing-welts on the b.u.t.tocks, red splashes on the thighs and belly-they would not of course have been so charmed and forgiving.
The children thought it was funny to see us sitting there with our feet in basins, our arms and hands clumsy with their wrappings of thick cloths. Claire especially was delighted with the sight of our naked, foolish, adult feet. Mike wriggled his long toes for her, and she broke into fits of alarmed giggles.
Well. It would be the same old thing, if we ever met again. Or if we didn't. Love that was not usable, that knew its place. (Some would say not real, because it would never risk getting its neck wrung, or turning into a bad joke, or sadly wearing out.) Not risking a thing yet staying alive as a sweet trickle, an underground resource. With the weight of this new stillness on it, this seal.
I never asked Sunny for news of him, or got any, during all the years of our dwindling friends.h.i.+p.
Those plants with the big pinkish-purple flowers are not nettles.
I have discovered that they are called joe-pye weed. The stinging - 185*
nettles that we must have got into are more insignificant plants, with a paler purple flower, and stalks wickedly outfitted with fine, fierce, skin-piercing and inflaming spines. Those would be present too, unnoticed, in all the flouris.h.i.+ng of the waste meadow.
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Post and Beam Lionel told them how his mother had died.
She had asked for her makeup. Lionel held the mirror.
”This will take about an hour,” she said.
Foundation cream, face powder, eyebrow pencil, mascara, lip-liner, lipstick, blusher. She was slow and shaky, but it wasn't a bad job.
”That didn't take you an hour,” Lionel said.
She said, no, she hadn't meant that.
She had meant, to die.
He had asked her if she wanted him to call his father. His father, her husband, her minister.
She said, What for.
She was only about five minutes out, in her prediction.
They were sitting behind the house-Lorna and Brendan's house-on a little terrace that looked across at Burrard Inlet and the lights of Point Grey. Brendan got up to move the sprinkler to another patch of gra.s.s.
Lorna had met Lionel's mother just a few months ago. A pretty little white-haired woman with a valiant charm, who had - 187*
come down to Vancouver from a town in the Rocky Mountains, to see the touring Comedie Francaise. Lionel had asked Lorna to go with them. After the performance, while Lionel was holding open her blue velvet cloak, the mother had said to Lorna, ”I am so happy to meet my son's belle-amie. ”
”Let us not overdo it with the French,” said Lionel.
Lorna was not even sure what that meant. Belle-amie.
Beautiful friend? Mistress?
Lionel had raised his eyebrows at her, over his mother's head.
As if to say, whatever she 's come up with, it's no fault of mine.
Lionel had once been Brendan's student at the university. A raw prodigy, sixteen years old. The brightest mathematical mind Brendan had ever seen. Lorna wondered if Brendan was dramatizing this, in hindsight, because of his unusual generosity towards gifted students. Also because of the way things had turned out. Brendan had turned his back on the whole Irish package-his family and his Church and the sentimental songs-but he had a weakness for a tragic tale. And sure enough, after his blazing start, Lionel had suffered some sort of breakdown, had to be hospitalized, dropped out of sight. Until Brendan had met him in the supermarket and discovered that he was living within a mile of their house, here in North Vancouver.
He had given up mathematics entirely and worked in the publis.h.i.+ng office of the Anglican Church.
”Come and see us,” Brendan had said. Lionel looked a bit seedy to him, and lonely. ”Come and meet my wife.”
He was glad to have a home now, to ask people to.
”So I didn't know what you'd be like,” Lionel said when he reported this to Lorna. ”I considered you might be awful.”
”Oh,” said Lorna. ”Why?”
”I don't know. Wives.”
He came to see them in the evenings, when the children were in bed. The slight intrusions of domestic life-the cry of the baby reaching them through an open window, the scolding Brendan sometimes had to give Lorna about toys left lying about - 188*
on the gra.s.s, instead of being put back in the sandbox, the call from the kitchen asking if she had remembered to buy limes for the gin and tonic-all seemed to cause a s.h.i.+ver, a tightening of Lionel's tall, narrow body and intent, distrustful face. There had to be a pause then, a s.h.i.+fting back to the level of worthwhile human contact. Once he sang very softly, to the tune of ”O Tannenbaum,” ”O married life, o married life. ” He smiled slightly, or Lorna thought he did, in the dark. This smile seemed to her like the smile of her four-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, when she whispered some mildly outrageous observation to her mother in a public place. A secret little smile, gratified, somewhat alarmed.
Lionel rode up the hill on his high, old-fas.h.i.+oned bicycle- this at a time when hardly anybody but children rode bicycles.
He would not have changed out of his workday outfit. Dark trousers, a white s.h.i.+rt that always looked grubby and worn around the cuffs and collar, a nondescript tie. When they had gone to see the Comedie Francaise he had added to this a tweed jacket that was too wide across the shoulders and too short in the sleeves. Perhaps he did not own any other clothes.
”I labor for a pittance,” he said. ”And not even in the vineyards of the Lord. In the Diocese of the Archbishop.”