Part 17 (1/2)
'Night jump?' asked Ethan. 'I'm guessing that's exactly what it sounds like, right?'
'Absolutely,' said Sam. 'These guys haven't done one for a while and it'll do them good to have a little refresher. You've not got enough experience yet so I'll take you tandem.'
'When are we doing it?' asked Ethan.
'At night,' said Johnny. 'That's why we call it a night jump.'
'And to think I once found you funny,' said Ethan, sighing theatrically.
'I'll arrange it for tomorrow evening,' said Sam. 'I've already checked with the pilot and he's free. Luke?'
Luke looked at him enquiringly.
'Can you sort out the LEDs and glow sticks?'
Luke nodded, and Ethan asked what an LED was.
'If you're flying a plane at night, spotting a skydiver is pretty impossible,' said Sam. 'LEDs light-emitting diodes are bright enough to make sure we stand out well enough to be avoided.' He turned back to Luke. 'Give Ethan an idea of what a night jump involves. The rest of you read up on it. I doubt any of you can remember much about the potential effects of hypoxia on your night vision, or anything about the dark zone.'
Natalya spoke up. 'Hypoxia is a restricting of oxygen to the brain that happens in most people above seven thousand feet. It can potentially make your vision cross-wire and slow your thinking, but this is usually not a problem unless you are doing a high-alt.i.tude jump. At night, however, it can make it difficult to focus or judge distance. This can be very dangerous, particularly when coming in to land.'
Sam nodded his approval, then said, 'See you tomorrow,' and left.
Ethan looked at Natalya. She was gazing at him intently, but as he returned her stare, she got up and followed Sam. He realized then that of all the team members, she was the one he knew the least about. She seemed incredibly loyal to the team, but apart from that...
'Natalya was introduced to the rest of the group through Sam,' Johnny said, almost as if he'd read Ethan's thoughts. 'No one knows anything about her. She's really private.'
'Gets on OK with Kat, though,' Ethan remarked.
'So did Jake,' said Johnny darkly. Then he grinned. 'Anyway, I'm taking bets on who she really really is.' is.'
Ethan raised an eyebrow.
'It's completely above board,' said Johnny, 'just so long as she doesn't find out.'
Ethan laughed. 'So who do you think she is?' he asked.
'Luke reckons she's the daughter of some eastern Euro politician bloke who's now in hiding,' said Johnny. 'He likes all that conspiracy theory b.o.l.l.o.c.ks. Kat's not joining in the fun. Says it would ruin their special relations.h.i.+p. Typical girl.'
'What about you?' asked Ethan.
'Oh, I'm odds-on favourite,' said Johnny. 'I think she's a vampire.'
'France?' said Jo.
Ethan nodded. 'It's a skydiving compet.i.tion. Sam's booked me a ticket and everything!' He had rushed back home with the news, excited and breathless. Now, sitting in the lounge with Jo and his mum, he was doing his best to make it all sound very normal.
'But it's such short notice,' said his mum. 'Why didn't Sam mention it sooner? And who's paying for it all? Is there something Sam's not telling you? Because I think you should find out if there is, just in case...'
Ethan knew it was a little odd that it should all be booked and paid for by a completely unknown well, unknown to him benefactor, sponsor, whatever. But to be honest, he didn't care. He was just grateful to be going. He shrugged. 'I think Sam just wanted to make sure I'd be good enough to go before he mentioned it and got my hopes up,' he said.
His mum looked a little worried at this. 'You're taking part?' she asked anxiously.
'No way!' said Ethan. 'I'm not ready for that! I'm just going out to watch, see how compet.i.tions run, that kind of thing. It'll be amazing.'
'No kidding,' said Jo. 'I'm well jealous.'
Ethan grinned. 'You're not telling me you're interested in skydiving, are you?'
Jo shook her head. 'Nah,' she said. 'But s.e.xy male skydivers particularly French ones? Those I'm interested in!'
They all laughed, and it sounded good. Laughter was something Ethan didn't hear too much of at home.
'Well, I'm sure it will be a wonderful experience, love,' said his mum. 'But do you think I should just speak to Sam about it? Find out a bit more.'
'There's not much more to find out,' said Ethan quickly, knowing that if his mum phoned Sam, he'd never live it down certainly not if Johnny found out. 'It'll be fine, Mum. It's all sorted.'
'Well, if you're sure,' said his mum, smiling. Then the front door of the flat slammed and Ethan saw the smile falter.
Heavy footsteps sounded in the hall and they all looked up to see Dad standing in the doorway.
'Ah, a lovely family gathering,' he said, lurching against the door. 'How sweet.'
Ethan got to his feet.
'Going somewhere?' asked his dad.
'France,' Ethan heard his mum say as she got up too. 'He's going to France! Isn't that exciting?'
Ethan looked at his mum. He knew it was a desperate attempt on her part to get Dad interested in something other than drink to maybe share a bit of what being a family was about. He loved her for it. He also knew it wouldn't work.
'You? In France?' said his dad, and laughed. 'And how are you affording that then, eh? Because I'm not b.l.o.o.d.y paying for it, that's for sure.'
'It's paid for,' said Ethan, determined to remain calm, if only for the sake of his mum and Jo. 'There's a skydiving compet.i.tion. Sam's organized the tickets.'
'Sam?' said his dad, pus.h.i.+ng himself away from the door and stumbling forward a little. 'You teacher's pet now, is that it?'
'The whole team's going,' Ethan said steadily. 'All expenses paid.' He watched as his dad just stood there, speechless. It was like he could actually see him trying to think of something to say.
'You couldn't pay me to go to that place,' his dad muttered eventually. 'All that foreign food and c.r.a.p. b.l.o.o.d.y awful. Never been abroad never want to.' He shuffled forward and dropped onto the sofa.
Ethan felt unbelievably calm. For once, even his dad couldn't rile him. He smiled. 'Yeah, right,' he said. 'Or is it that I'm doing something you've never had the b.a.l.l.s to do and you hate it.'
'Who'd want to jump out of a plane?' said his dad, laughing and switching on the TV. But Ethan could hear how forced his laughter was.
'You should try it,' he said. 'I'll get Sam to do a tandem with you.' Then he smiled again. 'Oh, actually that wouldn't work. You have to be fit and healthy to do a jump so that's you screwed, isn't it?'
His dad looked up at him. 'You've turned into a right little s.h.i.+t, you know that?' he snarled. 'And I can still knock it out of you.'