Part 2 (1/2)

”That was just skimming the surface of the problems. Already by then the government of the time had been infiltrated by self-serving factions. Factions concerned with money, religion, and power. It was never going to survive in this new world. The surviving population was devastated, and our facade of civility was long past worn. It was time for something new. Something that could rebuild our society. So, I was chosen by the people to lead.”

Chaz could smell something sweet as he listened. ”What is that smell?” he said. ”It smells like honey.”

”Mr Sheperd, please pay attention. My time here is short, and I'm trying to educate you. I do have a continent to get back to running when we're done here.”

”Hang on a sec. You ... just you run the continent? That's ridiculous. We don't have dictators here. This is America. We're a democracy.”

”Why yes, Mr. Sheperd, we have been a democracy, and we are still a democracy. Just a very simplified democracy. Let me explain. I was selected by the people to run things in a very simplistic manner with the help of some very sophisticated technology.

”The zombie population may have devastated our human population, but our technology flourished. Fort Knox wasn't the only secret facility working towards a solution. There were other centers developing solutions for all possible scenarios.”

”Scenarios. What's that supposed to mean? This isn't some sort of computer game you're playing. These are real people living in a real country.”

”Yes, Mr. Sheperd, of course it is. And it was those same people that picked me to run the country. It's very simple now. Computers and social networks monitor the country and figure out what the people want. Then, that same network makes suggestions, and I decide which suggestions to follow. We don't have computers running the place entirely you know. That's where I come in. I make all the final decisions. Actually, I was the result of one of those decisions. Once the last war was over and we had a solution to the zombie problem, the computers decided that a new leader was required.”

”And what, just like that you're the new queen of the Americas?”

”Don't be silly, Mr. Sheperd. The computer simply made some suggestions. It polled the population, measured the feelings of the population through the various social networks, and selected me as the best candidate for the job. No elections, no speeches, no corrupt balloting. It just picked me. Of course, I could have refused the nomination, but why would I? It's a great job, with lots of perks.” The regent couldn't hold back her smile. ”I was thrilled to be offered the position, and I must admit, I am quite good at it.”

”You're kidding, right? Is this some kind of a joke? Matt put you up to this. Right? You friends with Matt or something? I always suspected he was a bit of a joker. This is the kind of thing he'd pull.”

”Mr. Sheperd, I a.s.sure you, this is no joke. I'm quite serious, and to be honest I find your tone a little insulting. So, before you say something else to upset me, let's get down to why you're here.”

”Fine, I'll play along. Let's hear it. What did you fly me all the way here blind to hear?”

Chaz heard footsteps walking away and doors closing.

”Mr. Sheperd. The world is a much better place now than it was before your unfortunate coma. The zombie population is now under control. It's been years since anyone died from a zombie attack. They're actually quite useful to have around. Ever since the Pacize drug was perfected, the zombie population has become model citizens. They do their jobs, follow the rules, and most importantly they don't try to eat anyone. It's part of the reason why we've been able to rebuild and advance technology so fast in the last few years. They do all the menial tasks that no one else wants, which allows the human population to focus on the really important things.”

”Whoa, hang on. You're telling me that freaks are living among us? That they're actually doing work ... real work? Why haven't I seen any?”

”Well, of course you haven't seen any yet, Mr. Sheperd, but don't worry, you will. We don't allow them into sensitive areas like the Fort Knox facility. There's nothing they could really contribute to the work going on there.”

”I'm sensing there's another reason why they're not in the fort. They have menial low-level jobs like janitors in the fort. Why aren't the freaks doing that work?”

Clearing her throat, the regent replied, ”We don't call them that anymore. Freaks's not a word we use. I'd appreciate it if you didn't use it either. I still have some concerns over the zombie population, and yes, that's the reason why they don't work in the more sensitive areas. It's also why you're here. We have some reason to believe that there may be some weaknesses with the Pacize drug's effectiveness across the population. We think that there may be some of the population that don't respond to the drug the way we had hoped. It's a fairly new development, so we suspect that some of them may be changing again. The drug is supposed to prevent that, but we need more information.”

”I'm no scientist, Your Highness. I don't see where I'd be much help.”

”Don't call me that. I'm not royalty.” Neither spoke for a moment, and Chaz could sense some frustration coming from the regent. ”You're here because of your connection to the girl Christa. We never found her after all these years. To be honest, we had given up hope of ever recovering her. Things had been progressing so well that after a while she became a low priority. We hoped she had either fallen under the influence of the drug or died.” Chaz bristled at her last remark. ”Lately though, we have reason to suspect that she may still be around.”

”All of a sudden now, after all these years, you think she's still around? And this new way of thinking just happens to coincide with my coming out of a coma? That's pretty coincidental don't you think? Pardon me for being skeptical, Your Regentness ... can I call you that? It seems to me like this is some sort of make-work project you've dreamed up to keep me busy. It sounds like something General Chambers would do just to get me out from under his roof.”

Chaz could hear the regent pacing the floor. ”I a.s.sure you, Mr. Sheperd, this has nothing to do with the general's wishes. If he had his way, you'd be standing in front of a firing squad the minute you were able to stand. There have been unverified reports back in the Louisiana swamps of wild zombies. It's all been from local citizens. None of our official police or military have spotted any. Normally, we'd just write it off as crazy locals. There is some precedent for people in that area being a little unstable.”

Chaz grinned. ”You must have something else to go on then? Some other reason for wanting me back there? This isn't some punishment for leaving my last command to fend for themselves back there, is it?”

”You're right, Colonel. There are other reasons. First of all, it helps that you're familiar with the area. The real reason we want you back there is that's the last place Christa was spotted. It's been over three years, but with the number of reports coming out of the area, it's worth a look. The fact that you've chosen this time to awaken from your coma seemed too fortunate to pa.s.s up. I'm not a believer in fate or kismet, Mr. Sheperd, but I do believe in taking advantage of circ.u.mstances. The fact that we may have a situation that needs a strong hand, that you know Christa, that you know the area, and you've chosen now to wake up was too good of an opportunity to let slip by.”

Snippets from Chaz's dream came to mind now. Something about being ready, and a purpose. Patzy seemed to believe that she woke me now at this time for a reason. That's probably not something the regent really needs to know. I'm not so sure it makes sense myself. Coincidence? Fate? Kismet? Christa?

”So, Mr. Sheperd, I take it you're up for the challenge? I understand you're not one to back down from a fight.”

”Do I really have a choice?”

”Not really. You either work for me or I could let the general have his way with you. Not really a good choice for either of us.”

”Yes, not my favorite choice either. I think the general and I have spent enough time together. I'm going to need some help though.”

”Yes, of course you will, and yes, you can take the boy with you. Don't look so surprised, Colonel. I told you I'm just the head of a very efficient government. And yes, I can see your face even though you can't see mine. That's a one-way visor on your helmet. I'm well aware of your attachment to the boy, and what he means to you. I'm also aware of the conversation you two had recently. I'm very well informed, Colonel. Take the boy with you, and rehabilitate him if you can. We can always use another experienced, strong soldier at our disposal. Rest a.s.sured, I'll be watching. If I believe he's impeding you for any reason I won't hesitate to have him removed. Any further questions, Mr. Sheperd?”

”Well, you haven't really given me a mission directive yet. What exactly is it you want me to do?”

”C'mon, Mr. Sheperd, that should be obvious.” There were a few moments of silence, and Chaz was sure the smell of honey grew stronger. ”Find the girl, Mr. Sheperd. Find the girl and bring her back to us. Any way you can.”

Chaz heard shoes walking away and a door opening and closing. He was alone again.

Water and Ash.

Even though the zombie wars were officially over, the hatred still remained. People still remembered what the freaks had done to their families, friends, homes and country. It wasn't that long ago. People died, entire families were displaced, and sections of the country were no longer inhabitable. It takes generations to get over hatred for an enemy, even when you've won the war.

The swamps of Louisiana were one of those uninhabitable areas. Not that there was ever a land rush to live there in the past. During the wars, the swamps had seemed a virtual breeding ground for the freaks. No one quite knew why, they just knew enough to stay away from the area. Even those that had eked a living from the swamps for generations had either left or died at the hands of the freaks.

Now, it had become a dumping ground for the truly dead undead. One of the side effects of the Pacize drug was a higher mortality rate amongst the zombie population. A side effect in name only. While the drug was meant to render the zombies docile and harmless, it also caused a higher than normal number of them to die. Not that it caused much concern amongst those administering it, or the human population in general. The lack of concern for the freaks was rarely discussed. What was a concern was what to do with the bodies of the undead. The answer was, of course, to send them back to the swamps they came from.

The south is full of superst.i.tion. Pacize kept the walking dead in check, but there were many that believed once the undead were buried in dirt they could rise once again and return to their horrific ways. None of it was substantiated of course. The other problem was where to bury them. No one wanted to live near a zombie graveyard, and no one wanted dead zombies buried next to dearly departed family members. Incinerating just spread zombie dust through the air, so no one wanted that either.

The boat was nearing the end of its regular northern run from Key Largo to New Orleans. It would have been quicker if the route had been straight across the Gulf of Mexico to New Orleans, but this boat had other stops all along the coast. It stopped at every major port along the gulf side of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. It stopped to pick up the bodies no one wanted to bury, and certainly not next to humans.

Captain Willie Molinere was a shrimper before the second big oil spill killed off most of the wildlife in the Gulf, and after that spent time as a gator hunter in the Louisiana Swamps. That was till the zombies took over and the military kicked everyone out of the swamps. The zombie wars weren't a good time for anyone, but for Willie they were worse. He had nowhere to go and nothing to do. He spent his time either drunk or bitter. Most of the time he was bitter, as he didn't have the cash for booze. He found the best remedy for bitterness was killing freaks. He did a stint with the military for a while, but even they didn't want him. He wasn't so good at following orders when he was drunk, which was as often as he could get his hands on a bottle of liquor. .

Captaining a boat of real zombie corpses was a wet dream for Willie. He got to spend time on the water delivering boatloads of freaks to their true and final resting place, the very freaks that made his life a living h.e.l.l. To top it off, he got two crew members, doped up on Pacize, to abuse. As long as the freaks were doped up they'd do anything he told them. He could yell at them, call them names, and give them a good kick in the a.s.s if they weren't moving fast enough. Which was most of the time. The boat wasn't just a transport, it was also a zombie crematorium. As it picked up bodies along the coast, it cremated them and stored their ashes till it got to New Orleans. The ashes were then trucked to the swamps and buried in the Bayou Corne Sinkhole.

What Willie didn't know this time around was that he had an extra, live pa.s.senger on board.

Christa moved about the boat freely now. Initially she had been concerned about being spotted by the captain. As her ability to send mental suggestions directly to Willie's mind got stronger, she worried less. He wasn't the first human she had exerted control over in this manner, but everyone was different and it took practice. He almost caught her the first day on the boat. Willie's mind wasn't an easy one to control. The dense ones never were. They were so set in their thinking it was almost impossible to plant a new suggestion.

Hiding in plain sight wasn't difficult now that she understood Willie's brain patterns. When he moved towards her, she simply implanted in his mind that she was one of the zombie crew. He'd either ignore her or try to beat her. In the case of the latter, she'd just suggest to him that he'd already beaten her and he had better things to do.

Now that evading Captain Willie was simple, Christa could devote her time to what was really important. She focused on the two zombie crew members. This was an ideal situation, as there were only two of them. She didn't have to be concerned about others trying to speak to her mind. The Pacize drug rendered every zombie it touched physically docile, like the family dog. What it didn't do though, was change anything going on in the zombie's brain. Their minds still raced and hungered and wanted more than anything to rip apart every human they saw. But, they couldn't. The drug prevented their bodies from acting on their violent thoughts. Their bodies would only react to the most benign of thoughts. When they had violent thoughts, their bodies became paralyzed. The only way they could survive was to control their violent thoughts.

They could control their thoughts, but they never went away and Christa heard every one of them in her head. They all cried out to her. She thought every zombie recognized her for what she was. The mother of the last great mutation. They thought she could save them. . They thought she could release them from their prison. I can't release them any more then I can release myself from the guilt. It's because of me that every zombie mind is imprisoned. It's what they learned from me that allowed Pacize to exist at all. The years of listening to their anguish took a toll on Christa. At first she was bitter with them, then mostly with herself. All my brothers and sisters, I am so sorry. If only I could talk to you. Let you know that I'm trying to find a better way. I just need for one of you to hear me. If I can learn how to fix one of you, I'm sure I can fix the others.

Christa tried once again to speak with Andreas, one of the two zombie crew members. C'mon, Andreas, let me in. I know you want to. I heard you calling from miles away. You're by far the strongest one I've come across. That is except for Patzy, and she's too far gone to be of any help. You need to respond.

Andreas continued working, paying no heed to Christa. He was working the old winch that hauled corpses from the holds and into the crematorium on deck. At one time the winch was used to haul in the shrimp nets, but that was long ago. No one had fished shrimp in these waters for years.

Christa tried again. Andreas, look at me. Stop what you're doing for just a minute and at least look at me. Surely you can do at least that much. I've come so far and taken so many chances to talk with you. You're our best chance. If I can help you come around, I know I can help the others. Please respond. I've been at this for almost six years. I'm tired of it. Don't you realize the risks I'm taking by being here? Keeping that idiot captain distracted is like teaching a wall to play guitar.