Part 38 (1/2)

”Yes,” he said, ”I walked the floor, thinking it all over. I knew it would happen, and it has. The winters are hard, and the sight of you--it was too much. The excitement, the talk--it did for me, did for my oath.

So I'm going back to her--back to Brooklyn for Christmas.”

”A merry one to you,” growled Cargan.

”Maybe,” replied Mr. Peters. ”Very likely, if she's feeling that way. I hope so. I ain't giving up the hermit job altogether--I'll come back in the summers, to my post-card business. There's money in it, if it's handled right. But I've spent my last winter on that lonesome hill.”

”As author to author,” asked Magee, ”how about your book?”

”There won't be any mention of that,” the hermit predicted, ”in Brooklyn. I've packed it away. Maybe I can work on it summers, if she doesn't come up here with me and insist on running my hermit business for me. I hope she won't, it would sort of put a crimp in it--but if she wants to I won't refuse. And maybe that book'll never get done.

Sometimes as I've sat in my shack at night and read, it's come to me that all the greatest works since the world began have been those that never got finished.”

The Reuton train roared up to them through the gray morning, and paused impatiently at Upper Asquewan Falls. Aboard it clambered the hermits, amateur and professional. Mr. Magee, from the platform, waved good-by to the agent standing forlorn in the station door. He watched the building until it was only a blur in the dawn. A kindly feeling for it was in his heart. After all, it had been in the waiting-room--



The village of Upper Asquewan Falls gave a correct imitation of snow upon the desert's dusty face, and was no more. Bidding a reluctant good-by to up-state romance, Mr. Magee entered the solitary day coach which, with a smoker, made up the local to Reuton. He spent a few moments adjusting Mrs. Norton to her new environment, and listened to her voluble expressions of joy in the fact that her boarding-house loomed ahead. Then he started for the smoker. On his way he paused at the seat occupied by the ex-hermit of Baldpate, and fixed his eyes on the pale blue necktie Mr. Peters had resurrected for his return to the world of men.

”Pretty, ain't it?” remarked the hermit, seeing whither Mr. Magee's gaze drifted. ”She picked it. I didn't exactly like it when she first gave it to me, but I see my mistake now. I'm wearing it home as a sort of a white flag of truce. Or almost white. Do you know, Mr. Magee, I'm somewhat nervous about what I'll say when I come into her presence again--about my inaugural address, you might put it. What would be your conversation on such an occasion? If you'd been away from a wife for five years, what would you say when you drifted back?”

”That would depend,” replied Magee, ”on the amount of time she allowed me for my speech.”

”You've hit the nail on the head,” replied Mr. Peters admiringly. ”She's quick. She's like lightning. She won't give me any time if she can help it. That's why I'd like to have a wonderful speech all ready--something that would hold her spellbound and tongue-tied until I finished. It would take a literary cla.s.sic to do that.”

”What you want,” laughed Magee, ”is a speech with the punch.”

”Exactly,” agreed Mr. Peters. ”I guess I won't go over to Brooklyn the minute I hit New York. I guess I'll study the lights along the big street, and brush elbows with the world a bit, before I reveal myself to her. Maybe if I took in a few shows--but don't think I won't go to her.

My mind is made up. And I guess she'll be glad to see me, too. In her way. I got to fix it with her, though, to come back to my post-card trade in the summers. I wonder what she'll say to that. Maybe she could stay at the inn under an a.s.sumed name while I was hermiting up at the shack.”

He laughed softly.

”It'd be funny, wouldn't it,” he said. ”Her sitting on the veranda watching me sell post-cards to the ladies, and listening to the various stories of how a lost love has blighted my life, and so forth. Yes, it'd be real funny--only Ellen never had much sense of humor. That was always her great trouble. If you ever marry, Mr. Magee, and I suppose you will, take my advice. Marry a sense of humor first, and a woman incidental-like.”

Mr. Magee promised to bear this counsel in mind, and went forward into the smoking-car. Long rows of red plush seats, unoccupied save for the mayor and Max, greeted his eye. He strolled to where they sat, about half-way down the car, and lighted an after-breakfast cigar.

Max slouched in the unresponsive company of a cigarette on one side of the car; across the aisle the mayor of Reuton leaned heavily above a card-table placed between two seats. He was playing solitaire. Mr. Magee wondered whether this was merely a display of bravado against scheming reformers, or whether Mr. Cargan found in it real diversion. Curious, he slid into the place across the table from the mayor.

”Napoleon,” he remarked lightly, ”whiled away many a dull hour with cards, I believe.”

Clumsily the mayor shuffled the cards. He flung them down one by one on the polished surface of the table rudely, as though they were reform votes he was counting. His thick lips were tightly closed, his big hands hovered with unaccustomed uncertainty over the pasteboards.

”Quit your kidding,” he replied. ”I don't believe cards was invented in Nap's day. Was they? It's a shame a fellow can't have a little admiration for a great leader like Nap without all you funny boys jollying him about it. That boy sure knew how to handle the voters. I've read a lot about him, and I like his style.”

”You let history alone,” snarled Mr. Max, across the aisle, ”or it'll repeat itself and another guy I know'll go to the island.”

”If you mean me,” returned Cargan, ”forget it. There ain't no St. Helena in my future.” He winked at Magee. ”Lou's a little peevish this morning,” he said. ”Had a bad night.”

He busied himself with the cards. Mr. Magee looked on, only half interested. Then, suddenly, his interest grew. He watched the mayor build, in two piles; he saw that the deck from which he built was thick.