Part 28 (2/2)
”Yes, dad,” Quran answered, looking at his father's eyes for approval.
Kayson tipped the cook and began to feed the baby. Quran waved his little hand over the smoke then fumbled around with the chopsticks.
Kayson had to laugh. ”You want me to do it?” he asked.
”Nah, I got it, dad. You know I can't let these sticks beat me,” he said as he fumbled some more, finally getting a piece of diced chicken in this mouth.
”See? Wells men never quit,” he said with pride as he went back at it.
”Indeed,” Kayson confirmed, full of pride.
He sat and talked and laughed with Quran. As he continued to say the things that tickled Kayson to the bone, all he could do was shake his head. They finished up and headed back to the car. Once they were fastened in, it was on to the Heavenly Rest cemetery. Kayson drove onto the grounds and pulled down the rows of tombstones. He pulled across from his uncle's spot. Kayson sat staring out at the patch of earth with the cold stone which read, Rabb Ali and his stomach became queasy. He looked in the mirror at the children and caught a slight bit of solace as he watched Malika kick her feet and slightly nod to the cartoon he had playing on the small screens in the headrests.
Kayson stepped out of his truck and gathered the little ones. Quran held his father's hand as his little eyes danced about the area. He kicked a few rocks as they approached Rabb's grave. Kayson held Malika firm in his grip; as he got closer, he squeezed down on Quran's hand. Quran looked up to see his father with teary eyes; his little brow wrinkled as he tried to understand this side of his father.
Kayson picked up on his gaze and looked down into his little soldier's concerned eyes; he quickly gave his son an a.s.suring smile.
”It's okay for a man to cry. This man right here who we stand before was like a father to me.”
Quran looked up to Kayson and then back at the tombstone with the picture of a man that his father obviously loved and respected.
”Was he brave dad?”
”Very brave,” he gripped Quran's hand.
They stood together not speaking a word but saying volumes. Malika picked up her head and smiled at Kayson rubbing her little hands on his face.
”Daddy's girl,” Kayson said as he kissed her caramel cheeks. Quran looked up at his dad and sister.
”You can kill a without blinking, but you can't stand at the feet of your fallen without tears in your eyes,” the female voice came from behind Kayson.
Kayson turned toward the voice and when his eyes settled on hers, he slid Malika down into Quran's arms and placed them behind his back.
Quran hugged his sister tightly as the blood in his little body began to stir.
”I knew I would find you here sooner or later. But don't be alarmed, I would never hurt children. It is only the parents I am after,” she said while keeping her hand firm on her gun.
”You got a lot of nerve coming this close to me,” Kayson said as he began to plot on how to get his hands on her.
”Kayson, I want you to call that woman off,” she said, then glanced down at Quran. ”Your children are beautiful,” she said as she tried to look past him.
”You need to get the f.u.c.k away from my family,” Kayson said as his patience began to wear thin.
”You don't know what you are up against.”
”b.i.t.c.h you gotta gun on me while I'm with my children. No. You don't know what the f.u.c.k you up against,” Kayson based.
Quran flinched as he felt his father's anger emit from his very pores. He thought about the .22 his father kept attached to his ankle strap then wondered how he could get to it. He slid him and Malika to the ground and rested his head against Kayson's calves.
”Walk away from this and walk away from her,” she warned as she began to back away.
”I suggest you do the same with my father. The fall out is going to be a,” Kayson spat back as his hand twitched to let that heat loose.
”Walk away, Kayson. If you value what is left of your family, walk away,” she said as she a dark green Infinity with dark tinted windows speed up and stopped in front of her.
Brenda s.n.a.t.c.hed the car door open and yelled out one last time. ”Walk away,” she jumped in the car and sped off.
Kayson took a few deep breaths and scanned the area. He reached behind him and picked up Malika and Quran and ran to his truck. He placed Malika in her seat, quickly fastened her in, and then jumped in the front. ”Get strapped in, Quran,” he ordered as he too sped off.
Kayson hit the Bluetooth, called Baseem, and put some things in motion. By the time Kayson pulled up to the mansion, the crew was in place and on high alert. Kayson pulled into the garage and jumped out.
Baseem moved to the truck, removing the children as Kayson moved toward the elevator. Six of the scariest dudes you ever want to come across followed close behind him; and four more followed Baseem to another truck.
”I need you to fly the children and Mariam out of the country. My people will be waiting for you at the airport,” Kayson said as he waited for the doors to open.
”On my life they will make it there safe,” Baseem said as he loaded the children into the truck.
”I'm betting on it,” Kayson said, staring at Baseem as the doors closed.
When Kayson exited the elevator, he headed for the bas.e.m.e.nt safe, unloaded some stacks into the duffle bag then headed upstairs to get Mariam.
”It's time,” he said, standing in the laundry room door.
”Yes, sir, Mr. Wells,” Mariam dropped the fluffy white towel on the pile of folded laundry then hurried to her room to grab the three bags from her closet that she kept packed for her and the children.
”Where is Mrs. KoKo?” she said as Kayson took the bags from her hands.
Kayson didn't answer, he just moved to the elevator.
Mariam didn't say a word; she just crossed her finger over her chest and kissed the cross that hung around her neck.
With Kayson's family tucked safely in the truck, his team loaded in the three identical trucks and everyone pulled out.
They met back up at the airport and pulled onto the black top. Kayson jumped out and moved swiftly up the stairs to the plane and gave the pilot the instructions. He placed the bags in the cabin then headed back to his family.