Part 27 (1/2)
Kayson didn't speak, he just held a firm eye with the well-dressed stranger as he approached the table.
”Can I help you?” Kayson broke the silence.
”No, but I can help you,” Tyquan returned as he unb.u.t.toned his suit jacket and pulled out a chair.
”What makes you think you will be here that long to need a seat?” Kayson asked with a wrinkle in his brow.
”A Wells man does his best negotiating seated; because when he stands, things can get deadly,” Tyquan returned. He looked around for the waitress, then flagged her over. ”Let me get two shots of Bourbon,” he said, giving the young woman a slight grin.
”Will that be all?” she asked, gazing into his dark hazel eyes.
Tyquan motioned her to bring her head to his mouth then poured something s.e.xy in her ear; something that filled her panties with wetness.
She pulled back slow and looked at her watch. ”Twenty minutes.”
”Fifth teen,” he said firmly, dropping his smile and turning his attention back to Kayson.
”Now that we have all the formalities out the way, let me get to the point. I know you know I am your father.”
”You ain't s.h.i.+t to me. You gave me a ride into this and for that, I thank you. But we don't have anything past that.”
”We have more in common than you know,” Tyquan looked over the features in Kayson's face and he filled with pride seeing the exact replica of himself with the heart of a lion.
”This is the last time I plan to ask. What do you want?” Kayson folded his hands on the table and tilted his head.
”It's time for you to come work for the family,” Tyquan threw his proposition on the table as if he and Kayson were on any terms.
Kayson chuckled looking over at Aldeen. ”Is this n.i.g.g.a serious?” he chuckled again. ”Look, I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to hand deliver a f.u.c.ked up proposal. But I must disrespectfully decline. I got my own s.h.i.+t. What the f.u.c.k can you give me that I can't get for myself?”
”Son, I'm not your enemy. I'm just a man on a mission; either you see a spot or you don't. Either way, the sleep I was planning on getting won't get lost on your decision.”
”You got some real b.a.l.l.s coming here. I don't need anything you have. You can keep all your s.h.i.+t,” Kayson said, sitting back with his hands on his chest.
”b.a.l.l.s? f.u.c.k I need b.a.l.l.s for to come see you?” he too sat back and crossed his legs.
Kayson's eyes lowered as his jawbone tightened. ”You got one minute to get the f.u.c.k outta my face and then...”
”And then what?” Tyquan raised his voice. ”That hate, that fearlessness that runs through your veins is because of me; you are who you are because of me!” he hit his chest. ”Remember, I kill too,” he too lowered his eyes and rested his hands in his lap.
”I am who I am because of me! I didn't learn s.h.i.+t from you but how to walk away. I don't hate you and I don't love you; so either way, I will put you on your a.s.s, n.i.g.g.a,” Kayson barked sitting forward.
Tyquan chuckled as he looked at his watch; the diamonds sparkled in his eye reminding him this was not the time. He quickly took those few seconds to talk himself out of killing his only son. ”I only came to you to invite you into the fold. But, I can see you're not ready,” he adjusted his cuff links.
”I'll never be ready for anything you got going. I don't give a f.u.c.k if the offer came with a lifetime supply of free p.u.s.s.y. I'm good.”
Tyquan rose to his feet fastening his suit jacket. ”I remember when I used to run my mouth and kill on a humble. But today, I exercise patience. An angry man will destroy himself and die blaming his enemy. But me, I out think the angry man and when I come for him, he knows I am his enemy,” he stopped to stare his son in the eyes.
”Then we both better watch our backs,” Kayson spat.
The young honey brown skin woman came up to the table with the drink in her hand. Tyquan turned to her, taking his eyes from her toes to her head. ”Sit it down, they might get thirsty before I do,” he smoothly directed giving her his intense stare. ”I'm ready to go,” he commanded her attention.
”Me too,” she seductively returned.
”Meet me at the door,” he excused her, then watched the jiggle of her a.s.s with every stride.
”You think it's that easy, you can just say no? You're a Wells man; you inherited the same evil as the rest of us,” he brought his attention back to Kayson. ”And just like every other Wells man, you will take your seat at the table either by will, or by force.”
”Then I choose force.”
”I knew you would,” Tyquan smiled.
”Your time is up,” Kayson spat, losing patience with the whole situation.
”Is that right?”
”Without a doubt,” Kayson responded with full confidence.
”I'ma love watching you break.”
”You better raise up before I break my foot off in yo a.s.s,” Kayson's trigger finger twitched and so did Tyquan's.
”My young bull. You have Boss in those veins. I gotta go stroke a cat, but I'll see you again soon,” he walked off with a sinister grin. He had succeeded at his task, he needed to get in Kayson's mind.
Kayson had opened one of his old wounds; he sat for a minute staring off at the wall, caught up in that moment in time. KoKo looked up into his blank stare and could now connect with his pain. He too was chasing demons and trying to come to terms with the deceit in his past.
”Baby, it's time for you to let go too,” she gently stated. ”There is nothing either of us will gain by holding onto the past.”
”I have already buried the past; and the present has a toe tag waiting. There's a few things in our world that cannot be settled with just letting go. They need to be handled aggressively and with malicious intent.”
Chapter 33.
The Black Out KoKo struggled into the house with several bags; Kayson had called her for an emergency meeting while she was out preparing for her trip to see the children. She threw the bags down on the couch and walked to the kitchen. As she looked at her watch, she caught an immediate att.i.tude when she realized she was going to be later than she thought.
KoKo poured herself a gla.s.s of water, drank it down and then sat the cup in the sink. She then hurried to her room to change clothes. On the elevator, KoKo thought about how things had gotten so off course; and more importantly, how was she going to get things back on track. The doors came open and she dashed out heading quickly down the hall. When she approached the door, Kayson was standing there in a thick black towel; skin creamy brown and glistening with tiny beads of water on his chest and shoulders.
”Why you not dressed?” she asked, giving him the side-eye.
”Because tonight I gotta take care of my wife,” his deep s.e.xy baritone caressed her eardrum as he reached out and took her hand.
”So, I take it there is no emergency meeting?” she asked, following close behind him.
”Is needing to see the quiver in your thighs when I slide in that spot an emergency? Not to every n.i.g.g.a; but to a Boss, h.e.l.l yeah,” he said, stopping right before the entrance to their bedroom.
KoKo smiled when she saw the display that Kayson had prepared for the evening. Her eyes moved around the dimly lit room, adoring the various different sized black gla.s.s candles. The fire sparkled and danced on the wood as to the tune of pa.s.sion. The thick black mink comforter was laid out perfectly between the two couches in the sitting area. There was a small silver tray of Kayson's tricks covered with a black silk scarf sitting in front of the fireplace.
”I know you're scared; and you should be,” he stared intensely into her eyes.