Part 17 (2/2)
”Thank you for coming out. You know these exchanges are to strengthen from the core out. Please mix among one another and enjoy our home; dinner will be served in an hour,” Kayson said to the room then gave Baseem the nod. Kayson and KoKo turned toward the elevator and exited the room.
Goldie moved next; then Baseem stepped forward and turned his finger in a circle, catching the attention of the heads of each state. Then they followed the other bosses. The men moved almost in sync until the last one was no longer visible, leaving behind the crew, staff and all of the girlfriends and wives.
Simone stared at the other women who just went back to their conversations as if nothing had ever happened. She sat her gla.s.s down and grabbed another one; sitting back against the couch, she forced a smile and tried to engage in conversation with the other women. While talking to them, she knew that this was something she was not planning on dealing with. She was growing to love Baseem, but she was not sure this was for her.
Simone got up and moved around the room as she periodically looked at her watch. She had drunk four of wine and was feeling her limit. As she moved for one more gla.s.s, she saw a few of the men returning. They came back in groups of two or three until everyone was in the room again. Baseem, Goldie and KoKo emerged then Kayson took up the rear. She watched as KoKo went in one direction and Kayson moved in the other; each stopping in different sections of the room. They spoke to who they needed to, and then they headed to a set of gla.s.s doors again. The music went down and Kayson announced that dinner was served.
Baseem took Simone by the hand, lifting her to her feet; then he led her to the dining area. Simone's eyes lit up as the crystal and gold sparkled on the crisp white tablecloth and s.h.i.+mmered under the light. Each place was set, awaiting the guests; two spoons, two folks, two knives and a triangle shaped napkin that lay perfectly on the ivory white plate set with gold trim. Once they were seated, the staff dressed in their all-white with gold ap.r.o.ns began to serve the courses. Kayson and KoKo sat at the front of the room at a table alone, across from an ivory white piano. After Kayson took his first bite, every one dug in.
Simone enjoyed the royal treatment they received. Each dish was served with care. She admired he chemistry between KoKo and Kayson as she placed different items in his mouth in between him whispering in her ear and kissing her neck. She couldn't deny that they shared a bond that made everyone else in the room invisible when they were wrapped in their love. She also noticed how Baseem would steal moments to stare at Goldie as she flirted and joked with different men in the room. Simone didn't know the relations.h.i.+p between them, but it was something she was not prepared to be a compet.i.tor to. She ate her food in silence, taking it all in and waiting for the time to go. KoKo and Kayson stood by the entrance saying good night to the guests as they exited the room. Simone stood in the back of the line with Baseem, awaiting their turn. When she got close to them, she watched as Kayson's hand moved lovingly along KoKo's side and she smiled at his attentiveness.
”So this is Simone. I have heard a lot about you,” Kayson took her hand into his and kissed it.
”Pleased to meet you,” she said, removing her hand from his. ”I hope you heard all good things,” she looked up at Baseem.
”Yes, everything was good. I hope we meet again soon,” his facial expressions became firm as he turned his attention to Baseem. ”See you in a few minutes,” Kayson kissed KoKo's lips and winked as he walked off.
”Absolutely,” Baseem responded.
”If you will excuse me, I have to attend to the boss. Please enjoy the rest of your evening,” KoKo said, then headed to the elevator.
Baseem put his hand on the lower part of Simone's back leading her out the doors. When they got into the car, Simone dropped her smile and just stared silently out the window. She crossed her arms over her chest as she began formulating the words she would use to end her trisk with Baseem. Little did she know, Baseem had a plan of his own and letting her go was not a part of it.
”Thank you for seeing me home. Travel safe,” Simone said as she held the k.n.o.b holding the door half open.
”Can I come in and talk to you for a minute?”
”I don't think that is a good idea. I have had some very good days with you, but I don't think we need to continue this,” she paused, looking into his eyes. Then she took in some air and continued. ”We are not in the same place in life and I do not fit into your choice of occupation. So, let's just end this here.”
”Look, I am not going to lie about who I am. That would mean I can't stand by the man I am.”
”I'm afraid of who I think you are and I don't want to get caught up in anything, nor do I want to be forced to sit in the faces of the women you sleep or have slept with.”
”It's not like that. Each person in this is an essential part of our business.”
”Well, I don't want to be a part of that; so if you will please excuse me, I am going to get some rest. Good night,” she pushed the door forward in an attempt to get rid of him before her heart took over.
Baseem placed his hand on the door and opened it back; forcing her to step back a few feet. ”It's not happening like that,” he moved toward her then took her into his arms and pushed the door closed with his foot.
Simone grabbed at Baseem's wrist as he placed his mouth on hers and kissed her deeply.
”Don't,” Simone pulled her face back while tugging at his hands. ”I need you to stop.”
”I sure will in a about an hour,” Baseem said as he tugged at her dress, pulling it toward her waist.
”No, Baseem; let go,” her mouth replied, but her body sent him a totally different signal.
Baseem answered the craving inside her as he pushed Simone against the wall and pulled at her panties. He opened his pants and let them fall to his ankles. Simone wrapped her hands around his neck as she felt him rise against her opening. Baseem pressed his body against hers as he nibbled on her neck and the crease between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He then stepped out of his suit pants and boxers and walked her slowly down the hallway, biting at her nipples through her sheer white blouse.
”You have to be kind to my heart,” she moaned as he set her on fire.
When Baseem laid her back and climbed between her legs, her thighs quivered to feel him. Simone pressed her legs against him as he penetrated her heated limits.
”Bas, please be gentle,” she whined as he slid in an inch at a time.
Simone laid powerless beneath him as he broke down her tightness with every stroke. She filled the room with loud grunts and moans as Baseem took her, pleasured her fears and erased her pain. Baseem looked down into her semi-closed eyes as he pushed her knees back to the mattress. He took in all her innocence as he slipped and slid in her juices. Simone knew that after that night, there was no turning back. Baseem stroked effortlessly; separating her walls and opening up her heart. He carefully positioned her in every way he could and she gave in to his power, letting down her defenses. She could only pray that he would know what to do with her heart.
Chapter 21.
Art of Deception KoKo walked into the funeral home and took a seat in the corner at the back of the room. She crossed her legs and scanned the almost empty room to see if she recognized anyone in attendance and only one face was familiar. KoKo watched as the woman, who she was told by her aunt was her sister, rock back and forth as she stared at her mother in a cheap, wooden coffin. KoKo shook her head at the view.
”Friend or family?” the tall slender man in the brown, loose-fitting suit asked as he held a small book and pen out in front of her face.
”Neither,” KoKo said, looking him up and down.
”Oh, okay,” the man stuttered as he drew his hands back to his side and moved away from her.
KoKo's stomach began to turn when the keys of the organ were slowly stroked. She thought about the many men she watched go down and the many she had laid down. Her heart sank as memories of Night came to the front of her mind and his last words rang loud in her head, Take care of family if anything happens to me. KoKo shook her head as she thought about Goldie and Jarod and guilt set in as she realized she had put them in a position where her promise may be broken by her quest for revenge.
KoKo's memory got ready to take another journey until she looked over and caught the eye of the young woman who was rocking and crying on the front row. KoKo held eye contact as the woman rose to her feet and headed in her direction.
”Hi, KoKo, thanks for coming,” the woman said with a slight smile on her face.
”I'm not here for to pay my respect. I had to make sure she was dead,” KoKo stated coldly.
A lump formed in Shadirah's throat as KoKo's words stabbed her heart. She took a deep breath and tried not to cry as she responded to KoKo's coldness.
”I don't expect for you to feel love for me or my mother. But I won't take this from you. I am as much a victim to their bulls.h.i.+t as you are,” she a.s.serted.
”You done?” KoKo asked, unaffected by the small cry for sympathy.
”You need to heal that hole in your heart and move on. I can see the pain all over your pretty face. But you will die in that rage unless you let go,” she said as tears ran down her face.
”It seems like to me your mother caught that karma for me,” KoKo looked past her at the coffin holding her aunt Pat's dead body.
”They crossed us all, KoKo. They crossed us all,” she said as she turned to walk back to the front of the room.
KoKo heard what the woman said, but again, her hate cancelled the validity of her words. KoKo stood to leave and b.u.mped into a well-dressed older woman with pretty coco brown skin.
”I see she has the family trade mark in that sharp a.s.s tongue,” the woman said and giggled at the heat that was shot in KoKo's direction.
”Do I know you?” KoKo asked, looking the woman over.