Part 16 (1/2)

Simone looked into his eyes as his thickness parted her lips, she inhaled his every breath as he moved her back and forth on him.

”Ssss...” Baseem hissed as her juices began to cover him; her tightness squeezed around his rod. Her body tried to force itself away from him as he hurt and pleased her on every in and out stroke.

”Baseem, go slow, baby,” she moaned.

”Relax and enjoy this d.i.c.k. You feeling these inches, baby?” he repeated as he pulled her into his him and grinded deep.

”Yesss...” Simone wrapped her legs around his waist and held on tightly as he bounced her effortlessly. The sounds of bird's chirping and the sight of pretty b.u.t.terflies dancing on flowers enhanced her mood. She closed her eyes tight each time he pulled her in and she opened them on his way out. A slightly warm breeze tickled her skin as she panted and chanted his name. The echo of her cries and his grunts filled the wooded area as he pumped her p.u.s.s.y just right. Simone put her head back and watched the clouds move in the sky as he stirred the center of her being.

”You gotta be all mine,” Baseem whispered as he bit into her neck.

Heated pa.s.sion filed their bodies as they kissed and sucked each other's lips and tongue. Simone began to jump a little as she felt her o.r.g.a.s.m coming on strong.

”d.a.m.n it, Baseem,” she tisked, gripping the back of his neck tight. She again threw her head back and let the sun cover her face as she closed her eyes and released. Baseem continued to pump in her slippery nectar as she moved against him to keep the waves going.

”I wanna love you, Bas,” she moaned as the sensations got stronger and more intense.

”You wanna love me, baby?” he asked, attending to her spot.

”Yes, with everything I have,” she said as the sensations took over her thoughts. Simone held on to him and released again.

Baseem was in his glory; he continued to work her spot and in return, she gave him her soul. When they could no longer stand it, Baseem headed back to the house sliding in and out of her every step of the way. Simone crumbled to his power and bowed to his d.i.c.ks greatness as he showed her G-spot; he was in charge. Baseem let her enjoy wetting him up, then he tasted his p.u.s.s.y and put it to sleep with a deep nut of his own. After a hot shower and light lunch, they fell into the bed and were out. Simone looked up from her pillow and the darkness stole her vision. She grabbed her cell phone to check the time and saw all the missed calls, text and voice messages. She eased off the bed put on her robe. She kissed Baseem's cheek then headed to the living room.

Simone opened her laptop and called her a.s.sistant. She had missed the phone conference and her part of the project. She got filled in and immediately went to work. Baseem surfaced four hours later wanting all her attention. Simone looked up from her phone and mouthed, Be good, as she typed the corrections into the doc.u.ment that was being dictated to her.

Baseem kissed her lips then headed to the kitchen to start their dinner. He fried some chicken and made rice and corn. Simone finished her project and joined him at the table for dinner.

”Thank you so much, Bas. I needed this weekend,” she said as she placed the hot tender chicken in her mouth. Simone did a little dance as the flavors danced on her tongue. ”I love you,” she said, taking another bit.

”Was that for me or the chicken?” he joked.

”Both,” she laughed.

”Let me find out,” he chuckled.

Baseem and Simone ate and talked, then topped off their evening with his pipe, Harlem Nights, and Coming to America. Baseem held her in his arms and laughed at how high she was. Simone laughed and cried, holding her stomach as Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor cut up. Before Baseem allowed her to rest her head on the pillow, he climbed back between her silky thighs and sealed their weekend with several mind-blowing As they packed up the car the next afternoon, Simone stared off into the distance wondering where he would take her from here. She took in the whole area and said a little prayer that all that he was showing her wasn't the lull before a big a.s.s storm.

Simone hit the alarm clock about five times before she finally convinced herself to get out of bed. She could barely lift her legs to stand and the thought of leaving the house was almost sickening. Simone wanted to pull the covers over her head and sleep for at least ten hours. She struggled into the bathroom, showered, pulled on a pants suit and made the biggest cup of coffee she could find. As she drove, her mind continuously played the many positions Baseem twisted and bent her body into. Then she thought about how many times she yelled out she was about to c.u.m. Slight embarra.s.sment crept into her fantasy as she stepped outside herself to see her naked body against Baseem's in the woods. Simone shook her head and covered her mouth. When Simone got out of her car, she put some stride in her step; thinking of getting to her desk and calling Baseem to hear his s.e.xy voice.

Simone almost skipped off the elevator and to her office. She threw her bag under the desk, turned on her computer, and then retrieved her cell phone. Her heart raced as she listened to each ring, then it dropped when his machine came on.

”s.h.i.+t,” she mumbled then hung up. She sat the phone down and stared at it as her mind began to play tricks on her. ”Nope, not going to go there,” she said aloud then hit the intercom b.u.t.ton.

”Do have any messages?” her voice rang out at her a.s.sistant's desk.

”No, Mr. did not call,” her a.s.sistant shot back.

”Can you say, 'Mandatory overtime and every other'” Simone responded joking, but yet very serious.

”Uh, negative. Your Mandingo Warrior has not summoned you yet, my queen.”

Simone busted out laughing. ”Shut up,” she said then disconnected. She sat at her desk in a trance thinking about why he didn't answer his phone. A haunting thought of her girl saying, ”You know how those types of are,” and ”Watch your back” kept fighting for a place in her heart. She quickly snapped out of it and dove into her work. By twelve o'clock, she was well into her day and back to the old Simone. Just as she was preparing to leave for lunch, her cell phone vibrated on the desk. She looked down and saw it was Baseem and decided to send him to voicemail. She stood with nervous energy then waited to see if he left a message. When the icon popped up, she s.n.a.t.c.hed the phone off the desk and hit visual voicemail.

”Hey, baby. Sorry I missed your call; you had a brother knocked out up in here. I'm going back to sleep. Hit me when you get home.”

Simone's eyes got big and she tried to dial him back.

”h.e.l.lo,” he answered groggily ”Hey, baby,” she responded.

”Sorry, I missed your call; you good?”

”Yes, I am now,” she flirted like a school girl.

”You sound like you need to be lying next to me,” Baseem said with his eyes closed, half awake.

”I do, baby,” she cooed into the receiver.

”Then bring me that a.s.s,” Baseem said firmly.

”I'm on my way,” she stood up, gathering her things and shutting down her system.

”You ain't getting no d.i.c.k, you going to sleep,” Baseem stated.

”Whatever, just open the door when I get there,” she said, hanging up and grabbing her briefcase.

When she pa.s.sed the desk with her bag, her a.s.sistant looked up. ”Where the h.e.l.l you going,” she whispered looking at her watch.

”Please cover for me, I gotta go.”

”b.i.t.c.h, you just got here,” she said then busted out laughing.

”I know, but that n.i.g.g.a right there,” she shook her head.

” are in trouble. You better stay back from that d.i.c.k,” she warned.

”Girl, I can't,” she said with all sincerity.

”Well then get prayed up, because he got a spell on that a.s.s. b.i.t.c.h leaving work mid-day like its half-day in kindergarten. I got you, get away from my desk.”

”Shut up,” Simone laughed as she headed to the elevator. On her way down, she thought about what she said as she fidgeted with the smooth leather on her Celine bag, but her tunnel vision would not allow her to care.

Chapter 20.

Dinner is Served...