Part 12 (1/2)
Chapter 16.
Even Strategy Kayson and Baseem moved in sync toward the restaurant where they were to meet Mr. Raja. There had been a call for peace between Kayson and Mr. Odoo, and knowing that the blood had gotten way past bad, they decided to send in a neutral party Mr. Odoo's most trusted friend.
Kayson's eyes moved around the room pinpointing his men before he proceeded toward the table. With everyone in place if s.h.i.+t got bad, he settled into his mood of negotiation. He walked over to the table and took a seat across from the small-framed, well-dressed man. Baseem took a seat on the left, facing the door, and focused his eyes forward; showing he was basically there as a witness.
”Thank you for meeting with me, Mr. Wells,” Mr. Raja's course accent past smoothly through his lips.
”The pleasure is mine. I have heard many good things about you,” Kayson responded, sitting back in his chair.
”And I have also heard very good things about you too,” he responded then took a sip of his water. Bringing the gla.s.s back to the crisp white cloth he continued. ”The thing I like most about all that I have heard about you is that you are a very intelligent man; and loyalty is not a word of tongue, but of heart and character,” He locked gazes with Kayson, feeling him out.
Kayson was also searching Mr. Raja's soul for any deceit. ”I am a very good judge of character and it is my belief that you are not only here for Mr. Odoo but also for yourself. Would I be wrong in my thinking?” Kayson sat forward, folding his hands and awaiting the response.
Mr. Raja gave a small chuckle at Kayson's forwardness; but he had to respect Kayson for getting straight to the point. ”Your question seems to be is this about money. Well, I say this. My money is old money. So that is not what I am after. I need to have friends.h.i.+p,” he paused, taking another sip and gaging the temperature of the room.
”Continue,” Kayson encouraged.
”May I speak freely?”
”Please do.”
”I am very loyal to my a.s.sociate. I would never cross him; but I believe he had a rare diamond in his hand and treated it like broken gla.s.s. I believe that diamond goes by the name of KoKo,” he said very calmly, being careful not to awaken the beast inside of Kayson.
”Chose your next words wisely,” Kayson warned.
”I mean no disrespect. Your wife is a brilliant woman. In a very short period of time she made you a fortune and a solid confidant. I would love to have her settle a few scores and make me some new friends,” he put his offer on the table.
Kayson took in a little air and processed the words that left Mr. Raja's lips. It was clear that he was not here to make peace for his friend, but to try and recruit his wife like she was for sale.
”Let me get this called a meeting so you can exchange goods and services for my wife?” Kayson's head t.i.tled slightly and his eyes squinted into a creased brow.
”Listen, there is a very large offer from our j.a.panese a.s.sociates. They are sorry about the misfortune between you and Mr. Odoo, but they want to call it even and get back to the business. They want to deal in very large amounts of currency; they are ready to go, but they want to work with your wife,” Mr. Raja sat back rubbing his fingers together as if he could feel the money flowing through them.
”Is that all?” Kayson spoke slow as he tried to silence his gut feeling that said kill everything in the room.
Baseem looked over at Kayson, then back forward.
Mr. Raja extended his hand out as a jester for Kayson to continue.
”I am going to warn you and all these that I'm not afraid to die. Therefore, I am definitely not afraid to kill a Never attempt to bargain with my wife. If they want to do business, then they do it with me as they have been doing it or they can suck my d.i.c.k; either way, I'm good,” Kayson rose to his feet. ”Tell Mr. Odoo s.h.i.+t between us is settled; but he has to do business with someone else, he can never eat off my work again. Tell the j.a.panese if they want me, find me and we will talk figures,” he nodded at Baseem and when he rose to his feet, they rolled out.
Mr. Raja sat looking at the door to the hotel room as it closed. He knew that he just had a man in his presence that was unbreakable and if he could win that kind of loyalty from him, he could flip the whole game on every player involved. A smile formed on his face as he thought of the perfect weapon.
”Kayson, can I see you?” Yuri's voice serenaded his ear drum; but even with s.e.xy dripping from her vocals, she warranted no respect from him.
”Why are you on my phone?” Kayson asked as calmly as he could.
”My words left my mouth as a question, but they are more like a demand,” she moved about her hotel room holding different dress up to herself in the mirror.
Kayson had to chuckle. He knew she was well aware that he was not to be played with yet she still tried. ”Is there anything else?”
”Yes. Be at my favorite hotel in an hour and I will let him go unharmed. Be late, and I will deliver a body part every hour that I am kept waiting.”
”And who is it that you want me to believe you have?”
”You're going to have to count your sheep. See you in an hour,” she hung up, not waiting for his response.
”Who was that?” Baseem sat forward.
”Ain't nothing. Let me make a run right quick.”
”You need me to roll with you?”
”Nah, I got this. Check on the men, have everybody lock in at the safe houses and call in on the emergency lines only, and be brief. Hit me so I'll know the count is cleared and make everybody stay put until you hear from me. If you don't, you know what to do.” Kayson pulled his drawer open and grabbed his nine, then he stood and put it in place.
Baseem hopped up and went into general mode; hitting their territory securing the team.
Kayson made his way to the parking garage, jumped in his truck and headed uptown. Thirty minutes into his drive, Baseem called and just as Kayson had suspected, she had someone on the lower end; a p.a.w.n. Yuri knew him well enough not to touch his best; nevertheless, she had touched one of his family. He didn't know what she had planned, but with the new deal that was put on the table, he needed some eyes on the other side. Miss. Yuri Odoo had just put herself in the line of fire.
As he headed inside, his phone rang with instructions on where to meet her. He pulled up to the Valet and handed him a few hundred dollars on his way out of the truck. ”Keep my s.h.i.+t right there,” he pointed at a spot a few feet from the entrance.
Kayson stepped with caution, watching every movement and every hand. He made it to the elevator and rode to the top floor. When he arrived at her suite door, he took his nine into his hand and tapped lightly on the door with the handle. Seconds later, he saw a shadow in the peephole. The door came open and there Yuri stood with all her curves on full display. Her peach, off-the-shoulder body dress hugged every inch of her tightly.
”Thank you for coming, this shouldn't take long,” she said as her eyes roamed over his frame. She settled her sight on the Enforcer for a few seconds longer, then connected gazes with him.
”Please, come in,” she moved back so he could enter.
”After you.”
Yuri's smile lit up her face as she turned. ”Follow me,” she said over her shoulder as she headed to the sitting area.
Kayson's eyes moved over her body. Her soft, brown calves tightened with every step causing her a.s.s to bounce and sway. Yuri's long, curly black hair hung past her bare shoulders and down her back. He just shook his head and followed behind her, enjoying the view.
”Would you like something to drink?” she asked, heading to the bar.
”No, thank you. State your business so I can roll out,” he positioned himself in the middle of the room and then looked over each door.
”You won't need a gun, Kayson. This is going to be a very friendly meeting,” Yuri a.s.sured him as she walked over to the couch, took a seat, and crossed her legs.
”What do you want?” he stated, giving her a hard, cold stare.
”Always right to the point, Mr. Wells; well, let's get to it. I want in on the j.a.panese deal; and for you extending that to me, I will in turn give you anything you want,” she stretched her arms out along the couch.
”Where is my people?”