Chapter 12 (1/2)
I’m back! You don’t know how sorry I am for being late… *cries a river*
But good news Mines!
Pilosopotasya, the author of 23:11 and 11/23, has given me permission to translate her novels! She read all the comments and feedbacks too! Pilosopotasya is glad that the readers from other countries are enjoying her stories… and of course, she’s thankful for my hard work I feel honored! We love you Pilosopotasya! And thank you for writing these beautiful novels of yours!
“An unlikely situation can make an unlikely person have unlikely feelings.”
The reason why Jhing didn’t like physical activities started when she was in grade 6. p.u.b.erty meant changes, emotionally and physically. One physical education time, when they were pa.s.sing the ball to each other in cla.s.s, the guy who was bullying her… f.u.c.k that, Junko! pa.s.sed the ball to her with so much force.
It was so f.u.c.king hateful because the ball hit her directly in the chest. The feeling was h.e.l.l, Jhing thought she will get a breast cancer at the age of 11.
It didn’t stop— first the ball, second was in third-year high school: cheering. She doesn't like to dance, but it was required for the cla.s.s to join the compet.i.tion. Jhing wasn’t the lightest girl in cla.s.s so she was one of the people who lift their cla.s.smates.
When they threw the girl up in the air, seriously what the f.u.c.k because that girl's feet stepped on her face before they both fell to the ground. And because that girl was pretty, everyone swarmed to help her and ask her if she was okay. On the other hand, Jhing went to the clinic by herself.
She was absent for a week: 2 days for her aching ankle and the other 3 for her damaged ego. Her ego hasn't even recovered yet but she needed to attend cla.s.s. G.o.d, the black eye didn’t make her look bada.s.s, instead, Jhing turned into a panda.
A very sad panda.
Fortunately, PE in college was calm—General PE, folk dance, chess, and even darts which saved herself from ego damage and aching soul.
Going back to the present, Jhing never expected to wake up with a heavy body that felt like she was dragged to h.e.l.l. Every inch of her body hurts as if she fought in world war 3. Just one single movement of her fingers felt like she was carrying a vehicle.
“f.u.c.k…” she whispered as she tried to move her stiff body.
It hurts ah.
“Good morning to you too, Jhing.”
The eyes that were firmly close flew open the second Jhing heard that voice. She looked at the side, her neck f.u.c.king hurts! and saw Miko sitting on the mon.o.bloc. It's so early in the morning and there he is, full of smile. And what the h.e.l.l was he doing—oh.
Oh, right.
She let Miko sleep in her apartment.
Jhing struggled to sit up, even taking the phone from her bedside table was so difficult for her.
“Does your body hurt?” Miko asked.
Jhing stopped herself from grunting in pain because Miko was watching her. After 100 years, she finally got her phone and saw her texts. One from July asking if she was going to work and another text from an unknown number.
Good Morning, Riona Jayne!
Jhing looked at Miko whose smile was widening. “You finally saw my message.”
Why is she greeted by Miko's foolishness first thing in the morning? Jhing mentally noted that she’ll block his number so he won't be able to bother her next time—not that there will be a next time.
When she put her phone down on the side, which made her winced in shoulder pain, Miko frowned. “You're not giving me a reply?”
Jhing wants to go back to sleep! But Miko sitting on the side, staring at her like she was kind of an amusing TV program, irritated her so she tried to get out of her bed. But f.u.c.k, NEVER AGAIN, that Caliraya adventure.
“Jhing,” called Miko.
Still not talking, she looked at Miko with her forehead creased. f.u.c.k! Even doing such simple thing hurts!
While Jhing was still cursing a million times in her mind, Miko slowly lifted his finger and pointed to the corner of his lips. For a moment, Jhing thought it was something that made her heart beat faster but realized at the next second that it wasn’t what she thought it was—not that she was thinking of something, okay?!
Jhing panicked. She hurriedly wiped the corner of her lips, trying to get what Miko saw, but stopped her movements when she heard him laughed. Jhing turned her eyes to Miko whose face is contorted as he held his stomach.
Jhing's frowned deepens.
“I was kidding, there's no drool,” Miko said, still forcing to stop himself from laughing. “I didn't know you can blush in a blink.”
Jhing's eyes widened as she felt her blood heat up. She wanted to throw a pillow at Miko, or even a book so it will hurt him more, but f.u.c.k, her body aches. Jhing suddenly had the urge to cry.
But she couldn’t cry.
Not in front of that Miko. Never.
That's why even if the pain kills her, Jhing forced herself to stand. Her legs felt like she was being stabbed by a knife every movement so her gait became slow and wobbly as she heads towards the washroom. On the way, she noticed Miko who was staring in a daze, breathing deeply, as he sat on the chair by the bedside.
She sighed.
After was.h.i.+ng her face, Jhing thought Miko will go inside the washroom after her but, he was still there. She finally couldn't help herself and throw a pillow at him. Even though it was light, Miko winced and almost shouted in pain.
“Jhing, come on,” he complained.
“That was just a pillow,” she defended. “And I threw it weakly ah.”
That's when Jhing realize how Miko was very slowly turning his head to her as if he was too scared to move. He was also wobbly when he walked which almost made Jhing smile— almost, but not quite.
“Your body hurts?” she asked, her heartbeat getting slower.
“It felt like forever when I stood up from the floor and sat on that chair,” Miko said, doing little steps at a time, like an old guy. “It hurts so bad the second I wake up.”
Jhing’s forehead creased. “Since when were you awake? And since when were you sitting there?”
Miko nodded. “Early.”
So….. he had been staring at her for a long time?
What the f.u.c.k!
Jhing had no choice but to listen Miko singing inside the washroom with remixed of Aw, Ouch, Agh. While doing so, she saw the blanket that was properly folded on the side which made her felt guilty. She knew how hard the floor felt on her back even if there's a blanket laid on it. Jhing's whole body hurts after laying down on the soft bed, what more for Miko who slept on the floor?
d.a.m.n, she's even feeling hungry now…. And there's no food in the fridge.
After Miko went out of the washroom, they both turned to the door when someone knocked on it.
“It's here…” Miko said while wincing which made Jhing feel sorry for the guy for a millisecond.
“What's here?”
“Excuse me? Ms. Krus?”
What the h.e.l.l?!
Jhing didn't know which one she should do first: smack Miko on his head or open the door. The decision ended up with a glare at Miko before she walked towards the door as fast as she could.
And she couldn’t make it any faster.
Jhing became even more annoyed because the hateful person on the other side of the door kept knocking. When she opened it, a delivery guy from KFC greeted her.
“Jhing Krus?”
Jhing wanted to look at Miko, make him explain what the f.u.c.k was happening, but her neck hurts! s.h.i.+t.