Part 1 (1/2)

Best Friends and Drama Queens.

Meg Cabot.

Allie Finkle's Rules.

Rule #1.

It's the Thought That Counts.

The best part about the holidays is showing all the cool stuff you got for Christmas to your friends.

This is a rule.

But when your friends all leave for Winter Vacation to go visit the beaches in Hawaii or their grandparents or their mom in Maine or whatever, it's really hard to show them that your grandma got your family the new PlayStation with Dance Party America, which you have played so many times (by yourself) that you are already up to level eleven.

It's especially hard when your parents and your brothers and your uncle are quite tired of playing Dance Party America and of hearing about it too. They wish that your friends would come home from Winter Vacation to play it with you almost as much as you do.

I did have one friend who was home from Winter Vacation: Sophie. But she broke her toe when we when we were playing Olympic figure skater on her hardwood floor in our socks. So she couldn't do Dance Party America with me. Plus she was kind of crabby about her sore toe and not having seen her true love, Prince Peter, in so long.

So by the time Winter Vacation was over I was so excited for school to be starting again to see everyone, such as Erica and Caroline, and also my friend Rosemary, whose family had gone to Hawaii for the break, that I could barely fall asleep the night before. Even Mewsie's gentle purring on the pillow beside my head couldn't make me doze off, and usually that does the trick. I had called Erica three times before bed, knowing her plane had gotten in, even though Erica lives right next door and Mom kept telling me to leave the Harringtons alone and let them Settle In From Their Vacation.

But Erica told me she'd seen Caroline at the baggage carousel at the airport, and that she had some big news, but that Caroline's dad had dragged her away before she could tell Erica what it was.

Big news! What could it be?

I hoped it wasn't anything bad. What if Caroline was moving permanently to Maine, where her mom lived? This would be terrible! Pine Heights Elementary would be losing its champion speller!

I was really surprised when I woke up on Monday morning. Surprised that I ever fell asleep at all, I mean, because I was so excited to get to school and find out Caroline's big news.

As usual when I woke up though, Mewsie was ma.s.saging my hair. This is a morning ritual he performs daily. No one is quite sure why, and though I'd consulted all my cat-care books, there'd been nothing in them about kittens kneading their owner's hair every morning. Mewsie takes his hair kneading very seriously, and if I try to get up before he's done, he cries. But sometimes his tiny claws sink into my scalp and it really hurts. Also, his hair combing can make me late.

*Ow ow ow ow ow,' I said to Mewsie.

*Mew?' he said sleepily back to me. Seriously, he is the cutest kitten in the whole wide world. But he is also the weirdest. The hair combing is the least of it. When I try to make the bed, he gets mad, and jumps around with his back arched, making hissing noises.

I said he was weird. Although if you think about it in this way he fits perfectly into my family.

I untangled my hair from Mewsie's claws and hurried to get my face washed and my teeth brushed and undo the mess Mewsie had made of my hair. I am not the kind of person who cares a whole lot about how she looks.

I mean, I care, in that I do not want to smell or go to school with sleep in my eyes like Joey Fields.

But at the same time, I am not going to wear blue eyeshadow to school like Leanne Perkins does, even though she is only in the fifth grade. Because that would just be insane.

Still, I tried to Make An Effort since it was the first day of the new semester. I put on all the new hairclips that my brother Mark had gotten me, and some of the cherry ChapStick Kevin gave me, and I even wore my new wrap-around ballet sweater (even though I didn't have ballet lessons until and I was wearing jeans with my snow boots since it was snowing, so it didn't exactly match). I also packed up my new fringed suede tote bag with some of the Boxcar Children books I got, which happens to be a very old-timey series I started reading because my teacher, Mrs Hunter, keeps her old copies from when she was a girl in our cla.s.sroom. But I can never read them in order, because someone else in our cla.s.s keeps taking them out and reading them. Only I don't know who it is, so I can't ask her to please return them so I can read them too.

Now I won't have that problem, because I have my own.

Then, after a nutritious breakfast of hot oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar that Dad made for us kids, because Dad is in charge of breakfast, I rushed outside to meet Erica when she knocked on the front door.

*Let's go find out Caroline's Big News,' I yelled as I hugged her h.e.l.lo.

*How are you?' Erica yelled back. *I missed you so much! Did you have a good vacation? Oooooh, I like your new bag. We had the best time at my grandma's house, I saw a dolphinaā€¯'

*That's great,' I said. *Let's go find out Caroline's Big News!'

I grabbed Erica by the front of her puffa jacket and pulled her from the porch and towards the street so we could hurry up and meet Caroline and Sophie by the stop sign, from where we always walked to school together.

*Hold on,' Erica said. *Shouldn't we wait for your little brother?'

*Wait for me,' yelled Kevin, who is only in kindergarten and has to be walked by us to and from school every day because he's too young to walk by himself. He was still being put into his snowsuit by Mom.

*He'll catch up,' I said.

I couldn't understand why Erica wasn't as excited as I was to find out what Caroline's Big News was. It could be anything. It could be that she had found out her family had won the lottery and that they were moving to a castle in Switzerland.

It could be that it turned out she was adopted and her real parents were famous movie stars and that she was going to be starring in her own reality television show about what it was like to be adopted and then find out that your real parents were movie stars.

It could be that she'd gotten a horse for Christmas.

It could be anything.

*Come on!' I said.

It was kind of hard to run on the icy sidewalk all the way to the stop sign, but I managed to do it somehow, dragging Erica behind me and having to listen to Kevin yell, *Hey, wait! Allie, wait for me!' the whole way.

And of course when we got to the stop sign we had to wait because I'd forgotten about Sophie's broken toe and that Caroline and Sophie always walked the whole way to school together and of course that meant Caroline would be walking slow because Sophie could only walk slow and Caroline would be polite and wait for her to catch up.

So we had to wait for them for what seemed like a really long time with our toes and noses freezing. Kevin finally caught up with us, and Mark had had to walk him, so Mark was mad because that meant he couldn't ride his new BMX dirt bike to school on the first day back, in order to show it off to all his friends. He'd had to walk with it.

Apparently I was supposed to feel sorry for him about this, even though it was the only day in like a million days where Mark had had to walk Kevin to school, instead of me.

But even so, when he got to the stop sign, where Erica and I were waiting, Mark went straight up to me and punched me in the arm.

It didn't hurt, because I was wearing my winter coat, my ballet sweater, a turtleneck, a T-s.h.i.+rt, and an unders.h.i.+rt under that.

But of course I had to punch him back, only harder. Because I'm older, and I had to teach him that violence is never the answer.

This made Erica yell, *You guys! Stop it! Can't we all just get along?' because she's a peacemaker and is always trying to make everyone in her own family, like her big sister, Missy, and big brother, John, stop fighting (not that this ever works).

It didn't work in my family either. My hitting Mark back made him drop his bike in the snow and then it got wet and so he started crying, because he was so mad.

And of course right then some of his friends rode by and saw him crying, which just made him even angrier.