Part 22 (1/2)
Six men had landed from the boat, convinced that they had come to the island from which the sound of hammering had proceeded. Their guide was somewhat perplexed at the absence of huts, but concluded that he had come to another part of the island, and led his companions through a tangle of shrubs and brushwood, expecting to come upon the huts from the rear. But ten minutes' search over the ground proved him to be mistaken, and the party retraced their steps, intending to proceed farther in their boat.
They stood rooted in consternation when, reaching the spot where they had left the boat, they discovered its disappearance. But it did not occur to them at first that any stealthy hand had been concerned. One reviled another for not having drawn the boat high enough up the sh.o.r.e, supposing that it had slipped down by its own weight. The strange thing was that, there being little or no current, it had so completely disappeared. They ran up and down the banks peering into the rushes, becoming more and more angry and perplexed as the suspicion dawned upon them that the boat had been stolen.
Meanwhile Errington had explained to Burroughs what had happened. They were congratulating themselves on having at least won a respite, during which the repairing of the stay might be finished, when they heard a loud shout from the men who had thus been marooned.
”There were two boats last night,” said Errington. ”They're calling to the other.”
The shout was repeated, several men calling together. And then came a faint call in answer.
”My tinkee 'nother boat come this side chop-chop,” said Lo San.
Again the shout was raised, and an answer came, a little less faintly, from somewhere in the distance.
”We shall have the others on us in no time,” said Burroughs. ”How long will the job take now?”
”Ten minutes to get the fire up again and finish welding, five to fix it,” replied Errington.
”There's just a chance then, if you hurry up,” said Burroughs. ”They may be some time finding the fellows you have marooned. When they do find them, they'll search the whole neighbourhood, and there isn't the ghost of a chance of their not finding us, especially with the hammering going on again.”
”I tell you what,” said Errington. ”D'you think you could manage to lend a hand while Chin Tai finishes the job? He can't do it alone, or Lo San either; but with you to keep an eye on it I think he could.”
”I could do that. Why?”
”Because I could then lead the beggars off the scent. Lo San and I can use this boat. My idea is to row out a little way and hide in the reeds until the second boat has come up and taken off the men; then to show ourselves and make them chase us into the main channel. We both know the swamp pretty well, and we could lead them such a dance that you'd have plenty of time to get things finished here. You may be sure that when they see it's their boat they'll be keen enough to overtake us.”
”But they know there are more than two of us,” Burroughs objected; ”and when they hear the hammering again, they will very likely drop you for the bigger game.”
”Don't begin the hammering at once. Wait till you hear me coo-ee, which won't be until I've drawn them pretty far away. All we want is a quarter of an hour's grace, and it'll be strange if I can't play them so long.”
”And what about us? Are we to fly out and pick you up?”
”Better wait for me. I'll get back here. When the repairs are finished it won't take a minute to get the boat afloat, and as you can't possibly get up enough speed among these rushes to fly, I'd better be here: I know the place, you don't.”
”All right, then. And the sooner you start the better; the second boat is coming up pretty fast, judging by the shouts.”
Errington got into the boat with Lo San, and pulled off quietly. He was in something of a quandary. He wished the Chinamen to see him as soon as they had taken off their stranded companions, but until then to remain undiscovered by both parties. This was difficult to manage, because the only point from which he would be visible from the sh.o.r.e where he had found the boat was the entrance of the narrow cross pa.s.sage from the wider waterway leading to the island. If he took up his position there, he would be seen first by the crew of the second boat.
To overcome the difficulty both he and Lo San had to get into the water and lug the boat through a ma.s.s of reeds, behind which they could see without being seen. They had hardly concealed themselves when the second boat came round a bend in the winding waterway, and, guided by the shouts of the marooned crew, swung round to the right. The moment they were out of sight, Errington and Lo San dragged their boat back through the reeds, and lay to, waiting until they should hear that the men had been taken off.
There was a tremendous hubbub of explanations when the two parties of Chinamen met.
”What are they saying?” asked Errington, as he paddled gently towards the entrance of the pa.s.sage up which the boat had disappeared.
”My no can tell,” said Lo San. ”He piecee fella makee plenty too muchee bobbely.”
At a slight diminution in the uproar Errington guessed that the explanations, whatever they were, were over, and that the men were being taken into the boat. With a stroke of the paddle he brought the nose of his boat to the edge of the reed-bed, where, by stretching forward, he could see what was going on. There were eight men in the boat; two were still on the bank, waiting until room was made for them. Errington smiled: the boat thus overloaded would not be difficult to outdistance.