Part 31 (1/2)
”Who are you?” she asked. ”Shah Amurath called you a kozak ; were you of that band?”
”I am Conan, of Cimmeria,” he grunted. ”I was with the kozaki, as the Hyrkanian dogs called us.”
She knew vaguely that the land he named lay far to the northwest, beyond the farthest boundaries of the different kingdoms of her race.
”I am a daughter of the king of Ophir,” she said. ”My father sold me to a Shemite chief, because I would not marry a prince of Koth.”
The Cimmerian grunted in surprize.
Her lips twisted in a bitter smile. ”Aye, civilized men sell their children as slaves to savages, sometimes. They call your race barbaric, Conan of Cimmeria.”
”We do not sell our children,” he growled, his chin jutting truculently.
”Well I was sold. But the desert man did not misuse me. He wished to buy the good will of
181.Shah Amurath, and I was among the gifts he brought to Akif of the purple gardens. Then ”
She shuddered and hid her face in her hands.
”I should be lost to all shame,” she said presently. ”Yet each memory stings me like a slaver's whip. I abode in Shah Amurath's palace, until some weeks agone he rode out with his hosts to do battle with a band of invaders who were ravaging the borders of Turan. Yesterday he returned in triumph, and a great fete was made to honor him. In the drunkenness and rejoicing, I found an opportunity to steal out of the city on a stolen horse. I had thought to escape but he followed, and about midday came up with me. I outran his va.s.sals, but him I could not escape.
Then you came.”
”I was lying hid in the reeds,” grunted the barbarian. ”I was one of those dissolute rogues, the Free Companions, who burned and looted along the borders. There were five thousand of us, from a score of races and tribes. We had been serving as mercenaries for a rebel prince in eastern Koth, most of us, and when he made peace with his cursed sovereign, we were out of employment; so we took to plundering the outlying dominions of Koth, Zamora and Turan impartially. A week ago Shah Amurath trapped us near the banks of Ilbars with fifteen thousand men. Mitra! The skies were black with vultures. When the lines broke, after a whole day of fighting, some tried to break through to the north, some to the west. I doubt if any escaped. The steppes were covered with hors.e.m.e.n riding down the fugitives. I broke for the east, and finally reached the edge of the marshes that border this part of Vilayet.
”I've been hiding in the ever since. Only the day before yesterday the riders ceased beating up the reed-brakes, searching for just such fugitives as I. I've squirmed and burrowed and hidden like a snake, feasting on musk-rats I caught and ate raw, for lack of fire to cook them. This dawn I found this boat hidden among the reeds. I hadn't intended going out on the sea until night, but after I killed Shah Amurath, I knew his mailed dogs would be close at hand.”
”And what now?”
”We shall doubtless be pursued. If they fail to see the marks left by the boat, which I covered as well as I could, they'll guess anyway that we took to sea, after they fail to find us among the marshes. But we have a start, and I'm going to haul at these oars until we reach a safe place.”
”Where shall we find that?” she asked hopelessly. ”Vilayet is an Hyrkanian pond.”
”Some folk don't think so,” grinned Conan grimly; ”notably the slaves that have escaped from galleys and become pirates.”
”But what are your plans?”
”The southwestern sh.o.r.e is held by the Hyrkanians for hundreds of miles. We still have a long way to go before we pa.s.s beyond their northern boundaries. I intend to go northward, until I think we have pa.s.sed them. Then we'll turn westward, and try to land on the sh.o.r.e bordered by the uninhabited steppes.”
”Suppose we meet pirates, or a storm?” she asked. ”And we shall starve on the steppes.”
”Well,” he reminded her, ”I didn't ask you to come with me.”
”I am sorry.” She bowed her shapely dark head. ”Pirates, storms, starvation they are all kinder than the people of Turan.”
”Aye.” His dark face grew somber. ”I haven't done with them yet. Be at ease, girl. Storms are rare on Vilayet at this time of the year. If we make the steppes, we shall not starve. I was reared in a naked land. It was those cursed marshes, with their stench and stinging flies, that nigh unmanned me. I am at home in the high lands. As for pirates ” He grinned enigmatically, and bent to the oars.
The sun sank like a dull-glowing copper ball into a lake of fire. The blue of the sea merged with the blue of the sky, and both turned to soft dark velvet, cl.u.s.tered with stars and the mirrors of stars. Olivia reclined in the bows of the gently rocking boat, in a state dreamy and unreal.
She experienced an illusion that she was floating in midair, stars beneath her as well as above.