Part 12 (1/2)
”You killed the soldier?
”Of course. I slid over the wall when he was on the other side of the garden. I hid in the bushes;he heard me, or thought he heard something. When he came blundering over, it was no trick at all to get behind him and suddenly grip his neck and choke out his fool's life. He was like most men, half blind in the dark. A good thief should have eyes like a cat.”
”You made one mistake,” said Conan.
Taurus' eyes flashed angrily.
”I? I, a mistake? Impossible!
”You should have dragged the body into the bushes.
”Said the novice to the master of the art. They will not change the guard until past midnight.Should any come searching for him now, and find his body, they would flee at once to Yara, bellowing the news, and give us time to escape. Were they not to find it, they'd go beating up the bushes and catch us like rats in a trap.”
”You are right,” agreed Conan.
”So. Now attend. We waste time in this cursed discussion. There are no guards in the inner garden human guards, I mean, though there are sentinels even more deadly. It was their presence which baffled me for so long, but I finally discovered a way to circ.u.mvent them.
”What of the soldiers in the lower part of the tower?”
”Old Yara dwells in the chambers above. By that route we will come and go, I hope. Never mind asking me how. I have arranged a way. We'll steal down through the top of the tower and strangle old Yara before he can cast any of his accursed spells on us. At least we'll try; it's the chance of being turned into a spider or a toad, against the wealth and power of the world. All good thieves must know how to take risks.”
”I'll go as far as any man,” said Conan, slipping off his sandals.
”Then follow me.” And turning, Taurus leaped up, caught the wall and drew himself up. The man's suppleness was amazing, considering his bulk; he seemed almost to glide up over the edge of the coping. Conan followed him, and lying flat on the broad top, they spoke in wary whispers.
”I see no light,” Conan muttered. The lower part of the tower seemed much like that portion visible from outside the garden a perfect, gleaming cylinder, with no apparent openings.
”There are cleverly constructed doors and windows,” answered Taurus, ”but they are closed.
The soldiers breathe air that comes from above.”
The garden was a vague pool of shadows, where feathery bushes and low spreading trees waved darkly in the starlight. Conan's wary soul felt the aura of waiting menace that brooded over it. He felt the burning glare of unseen eyes, and he caught a subtle scent that made the short hairs on his neck instinctively bristle as a hunting dog bristles at the scent of an ancient enemy.
”Follow me,” whispered Taurus, ”keep behind me, as you value your life.”
Taking what looked like a copper tube from his girdle, the Nemedian dropped lightly to the sward inside the wall. Conan was close behind him, sword ready, but Taurus pushed him back, close to the wall, and showed no inclination to advance, himself. His whole att.i.tude was of tense expectancy, and his gaze, like Conan's, was fixed on the shadowy ma.s.s of shrubbery a few yards away. This shrubbery was shaken, although the breeze had died down. Then two great eyes blazed from the waving shadows, and behind them other sparks of fire glinted in the darkness.
”Lions!” muttered Conan.74.
”Aye. By day they are kept in subterranean caverns below the tower. That's why there are no guards in this garden.”
Conan counted the eyes rapidly.
”Five in sight; maybe more back in the bushes. They'll charge in a moment ”
”Be silent!” hissed Taurus, and he moved out from the wall, cautiously as if treading on razors, lifting the slender tube. Low rumblings rose from the shadows and the blazing eyes moved forward. Conan could sense the great slavering jaws, the tufted tails las.h.i.+ng tawny sides. The air grew tense the Cimmerian gripped his sword, expecting the charge and the irresistible hurtling of giant bodies. Then Taurus brought the mouth of the tube to his lips and blew powerfully. A long jet of yellowish powder shot from the other end of the tube and billowed out instantly in a thick green-yellow cloud that settled over the shrubbery, blotting out the glaring eyes.
Taurus ran back hastily to the wall. Conan glared without understanding. The thick cloud hid the shrubbery, and from it no sound came.
”What is that mist?” the Cimmerian asked uneasily.
”Death!” hissed the Nemedian. ”If a wind springs up and blows it back upon us, we must flee over the wall. But no, the wind is still, and now it is dissipating. Wait until it vanishes entirely.