Part 11 (1/2)

Al Smith biography and anecdotes: Confidential source, confirmed by Smith.

”It was really a race against the clock”: Author interview with Edward Felten.

”It ended up dying a grisly, painful death”: Author interview with Rob Glaser.

Apple Computer employees watching SDMI carefully: Author interview with Talal Shamoon, who theorizes, ”A lot of the plumbing in iTunes is definitely contemplated in SDMI. The iPod itself is very, very close to something that would comply with the [SDMI] portable device specifications.” Apple didn't attend: Author interview with Cary Sherman, then general counsel of the RIAA. Sony Digital Clip: From Mossberg, Walter S., ”Sony Digital Music Clip Is Cool, But Treats Users Like Potential Criminals,” Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal, March 2, 2000, p. B1. They could do a far better job: Paraphrasing from Levy, Stephen, The Perfect Thing: How the iPod Shuffles Commerce, Culture, and Coolness The Perfect Thing: How the iPod Shuffles Commerce, Culture, and Coolness (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006), p. 53, as well as author interview with Jonathan Rubinstein. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006), p. 53, as well as author interview with Jonathan Rubinstein.

Chapter 5 20022003: How Steve Jobs Built the iPod, Revived His Company, and Took Over the Music Business Much detail about the Gulfstream IV jet incident comes from a 2,150-word, unpublished memoir by Paul Vidich, a prolific fiction writer and member of the Poets & Writers Poets & Writers board. ”Do military jets fly that close to normal airplanes?”: Author interview with Kevin Gage. board. ”Do military jets fly that close to normal airplanes?”: Author interview with Kevin Gage.

Detail about Brandon, the airport, and the police forces, as well as photo of police cars: From Pritchard, Dean, and Rod Nickel, ”Hijack Scare Grounds Jet,” Brandon Sun Brandon Sun, October 27, 2001, p. A1. Confirmation Gage is the figure in the photo with his hands up: Author interview with Gage.

”It was a trip” and ”We're an old crowd”: Author interview with Al Smith.

The talks were code-named ”Digital Media X”: Author interviews with Kevin Gage, Paul Vidich, Al Smith, and William J. Rad.u.c.h.el. Talks breaking down due to Sony Corp. problems with AAC format: Author interview with Gage.

There were other problems, too, Jobs-Idei tension, and ”You know Steve, he has his own agenda”: MacWorld MacWorld staff, ”Apple 'a nightmare'-Sony CEO,” staff, ”Apple 'a nightmare'-Sony CEO,” MacWorld U.K. MacWorld U.K.,, March 11, 2003.

Al Smith...was caught in the middle: Author interview with Smith. ”There was a certain sense that we have done 99 percent of this work”: Author interview with Gage.

Barry SchulerSteve Jobs talks: Author interview with Schuler. Jobs's remarks to Paul Vidich on the phone: Author interview with Vidich.

Steve Jobs biography: From Young, Jeffrey S., and William L. Simon, Icon: Steve Jobs, The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business Icon: Steve Jobs, The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business (New York: Wiley, 2005), pp. 957. (New York: Wiley, 2005), pp. 957.

”f.u.c.k NIXON” detail: From Butcher, Lee, Accidental Millionaire: The Rise and Fall of Steve Jobs at Apple Computer Accidental Millionaire: The Rise and Fall of Steve Jobs at Apple Computer (Paragon House, 1988), p. 37. (Paragon House, 1988), p. 37.

”We didn't build the computer in a garage”: Steve Wozniak quoted in Goodell, Jeff, ”The Rise and Fall of Apple Inc.,” Rolling Stone Rolling Stone, April 4, 1996, p. 51.

”Apple stopped creating”: Steve Jobs quoted in Goodell, Jeff, ”The Rise and Fall of Apple Inc., Part Two: The Techno Dreamers vs. the Marketing Pods,” Rolling Stone Rolling Stone, April 18, 1996, p. 59. Jobs refused interview requests for this book.

Background on Saehan and MP3Man: From Levy, The Perfect Thing The Perfect Thing, p. 49. Depiction of Rio's attorneys: From author interview with Ron Moore, then general counsel for Diamond Multimedia. ”We were a small company”: Author interview with David Watkins.

”They were just shocked when they lost”: Watkins interview.

”where the Mac was the center of your lifestyle” and early digital-music discussions at Apple: Author interview with Jonathan Rubinstein.

Background on Bill Kincaid: From Levy, The Perfect Thing The Perfect Thing, pp. 4849. Background on SoundJam: Ibid., pp. 4952.

”We got that to pretty much be the premiere MP3 player on the Mac”: Author interview with Robin Casady.

Background on Nomad Jukebox: From Kahney, Leander, ”Straight Dope on the iPod's Birth,”, October 17, 2006. ”just awful”: Author interview with Jonathan Rubinstein. Background on Tony Fadell: Author interview with Fadell.

”I basically stalled for a while”: Author interview with Jonathan Rubinstein.

”We had a very s.e.xy player”: Sim Wong Hoo quoted in Sloan, Paul, ”What's Next for Apple: Steve Jobs Won't Ever Tell You-But We Will. Here's What a Trail of Intriguing Evidence Reveals About Where the World's Hottest Company Is Going,” Business 2.0 Business 2.0, April 1, 2005, p. 68. Background on Tos.h.i.+ba drive and FireWire: From Levy, The Perfect Thing The Perfect Thing, pp. 56, 58. ”Once I saw all those technologies”: Author interview with Rubinstein.

Rubinstein, Fadell, and their teams building the iPod prototype and presenting it to Jobs: From Levy, The Perfect Thing The Perfect Thing, pp. 5862.

”These suppliers were like, 'Apple is calling, that's great'”: Author interview with Tony Fadell.

Background on PortalPlayer: From Levy, The Perfect Thing The Perfect Thing, pp. 6468. ”Apple wouldn't even show us what it looked like”: Author interview with Paul Mercer.

Jobs was vague: From Levy, The Perfect Thing The Perfect Thing, pp. 6869. Vinnie Chieco's version of the iPod story: Author interview with Chieco.

Texas Instruments engineers and ”It just looked cool cool”: Author interview with Randy Cole.

Paul Vidich and Kevin Gage at Apple headquarters detail: Author interview with Gage.

”It was almost as if for the first time he was given an audience”: Author interview with Vidich. Jobs's tirade and ”It was kind of awkward”: Author interview with Gage. ”Steve, that's why we're here”: Vidich quoted in Sloan, Business 2.0 Business 2.0, April 1, 2005, p. 68.

$399 and ”Idiots Price Our Devices”: From Burrows, Peter, ”Show Time!: Just as the Mac Revolutionized Computing, Apple Is Changing the World of Online Music,” Business Week Business Week, February 2, 2004, p. 56.

Paul Vidich and Roger Ames: Author interviews with Vidich and Ames.

”Sort of a mogul-to-mogul thing”: Author interview with Jonathan Rubinstein. ”He never reacted to Roger”: Author interview with Kevin Gage.

”That's a great piece of software”: Author interview with Roger Ames.

99-cents-per-song and ”We were looking at a hook”: Author interview with Paul Vidich.

Jim Caparro's opposition, breakdown of iTunes wholesale price, and ”Ultimately, we could have constructed a far different deal”: Author interview with Caparro. 172 Roger AmesDoug Morris conversation and ”I don't think we're going to make a lot of money”: Author interview with Ames.

”Of course, we have to rely on Steve Jobs”: Author interview with Albhy Galuten. we have to rely on Steve Jobs”: Author interview with Albhy Galuten.

Galuten went to Cupertino, negotiation detail: Ibid.

”We had all the leverage in the world” and ”Doug called and said, 'Just close'”: Ibid. ”We just hit it off”: Jimmy Iovine quoted in Levy, The Perfect Thing, The Perfect Thing, p. 151. p. 151.

Phil Wiser's Apple negotiations: Author interview with Wiser. ”I don't think it was more than a fifteen-second decision in my mind”: Andy Lack quoted in Leonard, Devin, ”Songs in the Key of Steve,” Fortune Fortune, May 12, 2003, p. 54. 174 Sony Corp.Sony Music politics and ”We do not have any plans for such a product”: From Rose, Frank, ”The Civil War Inside Sony,” Wired Wired, November 2003, p. 100.

”Now Sony Music was going and empowering Steve Jobs”: Author interview with Phil Wiser.

”Our smaller market share turned out to be an a.s.set!”: Steve Jobs quoted in Levy, The Perfect Thing The Perfect Thing, p. 150. Jobs told Albhy Galuten about $15 million to $30 million marketing budget: Author interview with Galuten. ”A lot of people at Microsoft”: Author interview with Hadi Partovi.

”I've said 'no' to all of them”: Irving Azoff quoted in Tam, Pui-Wing, Bruce Orwall, and Anna Wilde Mathews, ”Going Hollywood: As Apple Stalls, Steve Jobs Looks to Digital Entertainment-His New Online Music Service Faces Tough Compet.i.tion; Pixar's p.r.i.c.kly Disney Ties-Courting the Eagles, No Doubt,” Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal, April 25, 2003, p. A1. ”The black iPod is something I coveted”: Bono quoted in Levy, The Perfect Thing The Perfect Thing, p. 106. ”Somebody finally got it right”: Dr. Dre quoted in Leonard, Fortune Fortune, p. 54.

Ted Cohen and Apple battles: Author interview with Cohen. s.e.x Pistols details: From Monk, Noel, 12 Days on the Road: The s.e.x Pistols in America 12 Days on the Road: The s.e.x Pistols in America (Harper Paperbacks, 2002), pp. 132133. (Harper Paperbacks, 2002), pp. 132133.

”This industry has been in such a funk”: Sheryl Crow quoted in Leonard, Fortune Fortune, May 12, 2003, p. 54.

In 2003, total iTunes sales and Apple revenue: From Wingfield, Nick, and Smith, Ethan, ”Apple Sells Over 25 Million Songs on the Internet,” Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal, December 16, 2003, p. D5.

”People think we knew the iPod was just going to be a success”: Author interview with Tony Fadell.

Vince Carter, d.i.c.k Cheney, Aaron Brown, George W. Bush using iPods: From Levy, The Perfect Thing The Perfect Thing, pp. 26, 2829, 31, 33.

Bob Dylan and David Bendeth quotes: From Levine, Robert, ”The Death of High Fidelity,” Rolling Stone, Rolling Stone, December 27, 2007, pp. 1518. December 27, 2007, pp. 1518.

sold more than 4 billion songs: NPD Group retail study, from

Record executives privately started likening Apple to MTV: Confidential source.