Part 11 (1/2)

Paxton told Singer his concerns. ”I don't understand why it foresees the total destruction of this neighborhood,” he said. ”I think there's a real possibility that a social injustice is going to be committed.”

Singer agreed to accompany Paxton on a visit to the Fort Trumbull neighborhood a few days later. They parked a block from Susette's house and started walking. They found Matt Dery making repairs on his house. Paxton introduced himself and told Dery that Singer was affiliated with the NLDC.

”What's your perspective on this redevelopment idea?” Paxton asked.

Dery didn't mince words. ”We're getting bulldozed,” he said, explaining that his mother had been born in the family house and had hoped to die there. But the anxiety created by Claire and the NLDC was sending Dery's mother to an early grave, he said.

Paxton's blood began to boil. He asked what the residents were doing to oppose the NLDC. Dery pointed out that many of the residents were elderly and lacked the energy and resources to fight.

As soon as they left Dery's place, Paxton unloaded on Singer. The fact that Connecticut College had direct involvement in an effort to displace lifetime residents of a historic neighborhood was an outrage, he argued. Singer didn't disagree. His committee had a meeting coming up. He invited Paxton to make a presentation.

To prepare, Paxton read through press accounts of what had transpired during his sabbatical. He decided to pay one more visit to the neighborhood. This time he brought his wife, Sylvia Malizia, along. An Italian artist, she immediately recognized some of the architecture in the area. Italians from the Adriatic coast had settled some of the neighborhood, and Sylvia's ancestors had come from there as well.

”They are going to take all these properties by eminent domain,” Paxton told her as he drove her up and down the streets.

”Oh, Fred, they can't do that,” she said, dismissing his anger as an exaggeration. ”This is not for public good. They can only do that for schools or roads or a hospital or something.”

”I'm telling you the NLDC plans to demolish all of this.”

”This is an intact piece of urban neighborhood,” she said.

”I know it.”

While at the stop sign in front of Susette's cottage, they spotted her on the front porch. Paxton recognized her from newspaper accounts. He parked the car and got out.

”Are you Susette Kelo?”


”Hi, I'm Fred Paxton. This is my wife, Sylvia. I teach at Connecticut College.”

Unimpressed, Susette nodded.

”We've been away on sabbatical. We've been reading about what has happened while we've been away.”

Unsure what ”sabbatical” meant, Susette started talking about the NLDC's pressure tactics to drive out homeowners.

Paxton immediately sensed her combative demeanor. ”We are going to help you, Susette,” Paxton said. ”We are going to do everything in our power to not let this happen.”

Susette didn't know what to think. Paxton and his wife sounded smart. They looked fas.h.i.+onable. Why would people like that care about people like us? Why would people like that care about people like us? she wondered. Appreciative, she told them about Kathleen Mitch.e.l.l and provided her contact information. she wondered. Appreciative, she told them about Kathleen Mitch.e.l.l and provided her contact information.

As soon as the Paxtons drove off, Susette called Mitch.e.l.l and told her that a professor from Connecticut College had agreed to help.

Paxton figured that Claire had told the NLDC's Social Justice Committee all about the good side of the redevelopment plan. He went to the committee meeting ready to tell them the dark side. He appealed to their liberal way of thinking and got them to reconsider displacing modest-income residents for the sake of a big corporation.

”So we are going to throw people out of their homes and demolish their homes to create a brownfield?” he asked. ”For what? People don't develop like that anymore.”

The committee broke up with an uneasy feeling. Word of Paxton's presentation quickly reached Claire. Then she found out he had contacted one of the project managers at the NLDC and got him to concede that it wasn't too late to modify the plan to preserve the neighborhood. Claire immediately went to work to defuse Paxton.

Kathleen Mitch.e.l.l wasted no time in bringing Paxton on board. She arranged a strategy meeting for the two of them with Mayor Beachy. Together they determined the importance of getting Landmarks and the New London Historical Society involved. The mayor agreed. He belonged to both organizations. He explained the problem: the board of directors at Landmarks was split on the question of whether to get in the fight. Many of its members figured it was too late to stop the process.

A preservationist, Paxton knew some of the board members. He asked Beachy which ones were inclined to oppose the NLDC. Beachy said the most outspoken board member in favor of opposing the plan was a fellow named John Steffian, an architect from the neighboring town of Waterford.

Paxton still had the sc.r.a.p of paper with Steffian's home phone number. He decided to call him.

John and Sarah Steffian were among the wealthiest residents in southeastern Connecticut. Sarah's great-grandfather had founded Aetna, the insurance company. Sarah's grandfather had served as chairman of the Hartford National Bank and Trust Company. But her father had achieved the most success and had the most far-reaching impact on the world: Dr. John Enders was a professor of bacteriology and immunology at Harvard Medical School and the chief of the division of research of infectious diseases at the Children's Hospital medical center. His landmark research had led directly to the development of vaccines against polio, measles, rubella, and mumps. In 1954 he had received the n.o.bel Prize in Medicine, with two colleagues, after demonstrating how to grow the polio virus in tissue cultures instead of nerve tissues. Time Time magazine had named him and fourteen other scientists Men of the Year for 1960. magazine had named him and fourteen other scientists Men of the Year for 1960.

Dr. Enders had maintained a summer estate on Long Island Sound in Waterford, Connecticut, next door to New London. He had died there in 1985 while reading T. S. Eliot aloud to his wife. Sarah and her husband, John, had moved into one of the homes on the estate and had also owned various properties in New London. They were heavily involved in historic preservation in the city.

Paxton left a message on their answering machine. When John Steffian called him back, they hit it off immediately. Like Paxton, Steffian had spent his career in academia. He had served as Chairman of the Architecture and Planning Department at the University of Maryland's College of Engineering. He'd also been dean of the School of Architecture. Steffian gave Paxton a scathing critique of the NLDC's design plans for the Fort Trumbull peninsula. To him it was almost blasphemous to tear down every home and building to accomplish urban renewal. He and his wife, Sarah, he told Paxton, were determined to stop the NLDC from tearing down historic homes. Demolition, Steffian insisted, was completely unnecessary.

Steffian liked the fact that Paxton spoke his language and shared his philosophy about urban redevelopment. He also liked the fact that Paxton taught at Connecticut College, Claire's home base. The Steffians also had a close link to the top of the NLDC's power structure: Steve Percy, Claire's right-hand man in charge of real-estate acquisition, was Sarah Steffian's cousin, and he resided in the other home on the Enders estate. But despite being blood relatives and next-door neighbors, Sarah had no use for Steve. The Steffians despised what Percy had done with the NLDC.

Both Paxton and Steffian wanted to do their part to derail the plan. They agreed to work together and to do all they could to help Susette.

Susette opened her mailbox and pulled out a letter from her nursing school. In desperate need of some good news, she tore it open. It contained a letter informing her that she had successfully completed the nursing program.

She called Mitch.e.l.l to share the news. Mitch.e.l.l also had good news. Her meeting with the mayor and Professor Paxton had been very fruitful. ”We're starting to build some real momentum,” Mitch.e.l.l said.



Fred Paxton needed to be marginalized. Claire called a meeting for faculty and students on campus to promote the great things she had been doing in the city.

Paxton attended and listened to Claire explain that redeveloping a depressed part of New London would provide economic opportunity for the poor. ”Social justice and economic development are two sides of the same coin,” she said. Many in the audience nodded in agreement.

Paxton had heard enough. He raised his hand. ”This is all well and good,” he said. ”But I'm really concerned about what's happening to that neighborhood down there.”

The faculty and students turned to face Paxton.

”It doesn't seem to me,” he continued, ”that this fits into the goals of the NLDC, the idea that social justice and economic development are two sides of the same coin.”

Some faculty looked down at their feet. No one said a word. Claire's presentation ended awkwardly. When the meeting broke up, a few of Paxton's colleagues gave him the cold shoulder. Claire followed him outside.

Paxton remembers her saying, ”Look, Fred, this train has left the station. It's too late to do anything about this.”

”But this is a draft draft plan,” he said. ”There are still public hearings to be held. It can't be approved until you have all these public hearings.” plan,” he said. ”There are still public hearings to be held. It can't be approved until you have all these public hearings.”

”No, no,” she said.

”It's a draft,” he interrupted. ”Why not amend the plan?”

Paxton quickly realized Claire had heard enough. ”Fred, the state is a blunt instrument,” he recalled her saying. ”The plan has to be approved the way it is.”

It was clear the discussion was over.