Part 30 (1/2)
”Honest. Daddy made me a fairy princess for Halloween.”
”You certainly sound like Jessie.” Ana crouched down. ”Give me a kiss and let's see.”
Jessie pressed her painted lips to Ana's, flus.h.i.+ng with pleasure at her costume's success. ”Didn't you know me? Really?”
”You fooled me completely. I was certain you were a real fairy princess.”
”Your daddy said you were his fairy princess 'cause your mama was a queen.”
Maureen let out another peal of laughter, and winked at her husband.
”My little frog.”
”I'm sorry I can't stay and talk,” Ana told Jessie.
”I know. You're helping get Morgana's babies out. Do they come out together or one at a time?”
”One at a time, I hope.” She laughed, tousling Jessie's hair, and looked over at Boone. ”You know you're welcome to stay as long as you like.
There's plenty of food.”
”Don't worry about us. How's Morgana?”
”Very well. Actually, I came down to get some brandy for Nash. His nerves are about shot.”
With an understanding nod, Matthew picked up a decanter and a snifter.
”He has my sympathy.” When he pa.s.sed them to her, she felt a jolt of his power and knew that, however calm his exterior, his mind and his heart were upstairs with his daughter.
”Don't worry. I'll take care of her, Uncle Matthew.”
”No one better. You are the best I've known, Anastasia.” His eyes held hers as he flicked a finger over the bloodstone she wore around her neck.
”And I've known many.” Then a smile touched his lips. ”Boone, perhaps you'd walk Anastasia back up.”
”Be glad to.” Boone took the decanter from Ana before they started out.
”Your family,” Boone began, shaking his head at the foot of the stairs, unaware that she'd stiffened.
”Incredible. Absolutely incredible. It isn't every day I find myself plopped into the center of a group of strangers, with a woman about to give birth to twins upstairs, a wolf-because I swear that dog is no dog- gnawing what looks like a mastodon bone under the kitchen table, and mechanical bats flying overhead. Oh, I forgot the ghosts in the foyer.”
”Well, it is Halloween.”
”I don't think that has much to do with it.” He stopped at the top of the stairs. ”I can't remember ever being more entertained. They're fabulous, Ana. Your father does these magic tricks-terrific magic tricks. For the life of me I couldn't figure out how he pulled it off.”
”No, you wouldn't. He's, ah- very accomplished.”
”He could make a living at it. I've got to tell you, I wouldn't have missed this party for the world.” He cupped his free hand around her neck. ”The only thing missing is you.”
”I was worried you'd feel awkward.”