Part 18 (1/2)
Even without a true link, she couldn't help but feel it. It made things more complicated somehow. ”I do believe you.”
”I've been thinking. Seeing as I haven't been sleeping, I've had plenty of time for it.” Absently he tapped a loosened pin back into her hair. ”The other night, I was rus.h.i.+ng you, probably scared you.”
”No.” Then she shrugged and turned back to filter one of her mixtures into a bottle, already labeled. ”Yes, actually, I guess you did.”
”If I'd known you were- If I'd realized you'd never-”
With a sigh, she capped the bottle. ”My virginity is by choice, Boone, and nothing I'm uncomfortable with.”
”I didn't mean-” He let out a hissing breath. ”I'm doing a great job with this.”
She chose another funnel, another bottle, and poured. ”You're nervous.”
With some chagrin, he noted that her hands were rock-steady when she capped the next bottle. ”I think terrified comes closer. I was rough with you, and I shouldn't have been. For a lot of reasons. The fact that you're inexperienced is only one of them.”
”You weren't rough.” She continued to work to hide her nerves, which were jumping every bit as much as his. As long as she had to concentrate on what she was doing, she could at least pretend to be calm and confident. ”You're a pa.s.sionate man. That's not something to apologize for.”
”I'm apologizing for pressuring you. And for coming over here today fully intending to keep things light and easy, and then pressuring you again.”
Her lips curved as she walked to the sink to soak her pans. ”Is that what you're doing?”
”I told myself I wasn't going to ask you to go to bed with me-even though I want you to. I was going to ask if you'd spend some time with me. Come to dinner, or go out, or whatever people do when they're trying to get to know each other.”
”I'd like to come to dinner, or go out, or whatever.”
”Good.” That hadn't been so hard, he decided. ”Maybe this weekend.
Friday night. I should be able to find a sitter.” His eyes clouded.
”Somebody I can trust.”
”I thought you were going to cook for me and Jessie.”
A weight lifted. ”You wouldn't mind?”
”I think I'd enjoy it.”
”Okay, then.” He framed her face in his hands. ”Okay.” The kiss was very sweet, and if it felt as if something inside were going to rip in two, he told himself, he could deal with it. ”Friday.”
It wasn't difficult to smile, even if her system felt as if it had been rocked by a small earthquake. ”I'll bring the wine.”
”Good.” He wanted to kiss her again, but he was afraid he'd scare her off. ”I'll see you then.”
”Boone.” She stopped him before he'd reached the door. ”Don't you want your sugar?”
He grinned. ”I lied.”
Her eyes narrowed. ”You're not homeroom mother, and you're not baking cookies?”
”No, that was true. But I have five pounds in the pantry. Hey, it worked.” He was whistling as he walked out the door.