Part 14 (1/2)
”She's asleep.” He moved closer, as if the hair he'd twined around his finger were a rope and she were drawing him to her. He was within the circle now, within the magic she'd cast. ”The windows are open, so I'd hear her if she called for me.”
”It's late.” Ana gripped the basket so tightly that the wicker dug into her skin. ”I need to-”
Gently he took the basket and set it on the ground. ”So do
I.” His other hand moved into her hair, combing it back from her face.
”Very much.”
As he lowered his mouth toward hers, she s.h.i.+vered and tried one last time to take control. ”Boone, starting something like this could complicate things for all of us.”
”Maybe I'm tired of things being simple.” But he turned his head, just a fraction, so that his lips cruised up her cheek, over her temple. ”I'm surprised you don't know that when a man finds a woman picking flowers in the moonlight he has no choice but to kiss her.”
She felt her bones melting. Her body was pliant when she slipped into his arms. ”And she has no choice but to want him to.”
Her head fell back, and she offered. He thought he would take gently.
The night seemed to call for it, with its perfumed breezes and the dreamy music of sea against rock. The woman in his arms was wand- slender, and the thin silk of her robe was cool over the warmth of satin skin.
But as he felt himself sink into that soft, lush mouth, as her fragrance whispered seductively around him, he dragged her hard against him and plundered.
Instantly desperate, instantly greedy. No rational thought could fight its way through the maze of sensations she brought to him. A sharp arrow of hunger pierced him, bringing on a groan that was only part pleasure.
Pain. He felt the aches of a thousand p.r.i.c.ks of pain. Yet he couldn't pull himself away from her, couldn't stop his mouth from seeking more of hers. He was afraid, afraid that if he released her she would disappear like smoke-and he would never, never feel this way again.
She couldn't soothe him. Part of her wanted to stroke him and ease him and promise him that it would be all right, for both of them. But she couldn't. He devastated her. Whether it was her own grinding needs, the echo of his need seeping into her, or a mix of both, the result was a complete loss of will.
She had known, yes, she had known that this first meeting would be wild and strong. She'd craved it even as she'd feared it. Now she was beyond fear. Like him, she found the mixture of pain and pleasure irresistible.
Her trembling hands skimmed over his face, into his hair and locked there. Her body, shuddering from the onslaught, pressed urgently to his.
When she murmured his name, she was breathless.
But he heard her, heard her through the blood pounding in his head, heard that soft, shaky sound. She was trembling-or he was. The uncertainty about who was more dazed had him slowly, carefully drawing away.
He held her still, his hands on her shoulders, his gaze on her face. In the moonlight, she could see herself there, trapped in that sea of blue.
Trapped in him.
”Not yet.” He needed a moment to steady himself. By G.o.d, he'd nearly swallowed her whole. ”Not just yet.” Holding himself back, he touched his lips to hers, lightly, in a long, quiet kiss that wrecked whatever was left of her defenses. ”I didn't mean to hurt you.”
”You didn't.” She pressed her lips together and tried to bring her voice over a whisper. ”You didn't hurt me. You staggered me.”
”I thought I was ready for this.” He ran his hands down her arms before he released her. ”I don't know if anyone could be.'' Because he wasn't sure what would happen if he touched her again, he slipped his hands into his pockets. ”Maybe it's the moonlight, maybe it's just you. I have to be straight with you, Anastasia, I don't know quite how to handle this.”
”Well.” She wrapped her arms tight and cupped her elbows. ”That makes two of us.”
”If it wasn't for Jessie, you wouldn't go into that house alone tonight.
And I don't take intimacy lightly.”
Steadier now, she nodded. ”If it wasn't for Jessie, I might ask you to stay with me tonight.” She took a long breath. She knew it was important to be honest, at least in this. ”You would be my first.”
”Your-” His hands went limp. Now he felt both a lick of fear and an incredible excitement at the thought of her innocence. ”Oh, G.o.d.”