Part 6 (1/2)

”We'll have to clean it up.” He saw there was more blood trickling down her legs, and he reacted exactly as he would if it were Jessie. He panicked. ”Oh, Lord.” He scooped an amazed Ana into his arms and hurried toward the closest door. ”Honestly, there's absolutely no need-”

”It's going to be fine, baby. We'll take care of it.” Half amused, half annoyed, Ana huffed out a breath as he pushed his way into the kitchen.

”In that case, I'll cancel the ambulance. If you'd just put me-” He dropped her into one of the padded ice-cream chairs at her kitchen table.

”Down.” Nerves jittering, Boone raced to the sink for a cloth. Efficiency, speed and cheer were the watchwords in such cases, he knew. As he dampened the cloth and squirted it with soap, he took several long breaths to calm himself.

”It won't look so bad when we get it cleaned up. You'll see.” After pasting a smile on his face, he walked back to kneel in front of her. ”I'm not going to hurt you.” Gently he began to dab at the thin line of blood that had dripped down her calf. ”We're going to fix it right up. Just close your eyes and relax.” He took another long breath. ”I knew this man once,” he began, improvising a story as he always did for his daughter.

”He lived in a place called Briarwood, where there was an enchanted castle behind a high stone wall.”

Ana, who had been on the point of firmly telling him she could tend to herself, stopped and did indeed relax.

”Growing over the wall were thick vines with big, razor-sharp thorns.

No one had been to the castle in more than a hundred years, because no one was brave enough to climb that wall and risk being sc.r.a.ped and p.r.i.c.ked. But the man, who was very poor and lived alone, was curious, and day after day he would walk from his house to the wall and stand on the tips of his toes to see the sun gleam on the topmost towers and turrets of the castle.”

Boone turned the cloth over and dabbed at the cuts. ”He couldn't explain to anyone what he felt inside his heart whenever he stood there. He wanted desperately to climb over. Sometimes at night in his bed he would imagine it. Fear of those thick, sharp thorns stopped him, until one day in high summer, when the scent of flowers was so strong you couldn't take a breath without drinking it in, that glimpse of the topmost towers wasn't enough. Something in his heart told him that what he wanted most in the world lay just beyond that thorn-covered wall. So he began to climb it. Again and again he fell to the ground, with his hands and arms p.r.i.c.ked and bleeding. And again and again he pushed himself up.”

His voice was soothing, and his touch-his touch was anything but. As gentle as he was with the cool cloth, an ache began to spread, slow and warm, from the center of her body outward. He was stroking her thighs now, where the sharp edge of a shard had nicked the flesh. Ana closed her hand into a fist, the twin of which clenched in her stomach.

She needed him to stop. She wanted him to go on. And on.

”It took all of that day,” Boone continued in that rich, mesmerizing storyteller's voice. ”And the heat mixed sweat with the blood, but he didn't give up. Couldn't give up, because he knew, as he'd never known anything before, that his heart's desire, his future and his destiny, lay on the other side. So, with his hands raw and bleeding, he used those th.o.r.n.y vines and dragged himself to the top. Exhausted, filled with pain, he stumbled and fell down and down, to the thick, soft gra.s.s that flowed from the wall to the enchanted castle.

”The moon was up when he awoke, dazed and disoriented. With the last of his strength, he limped across the lawn, over the drawbridge and into the great hall of the castle that had haunted his dreams since childhood.

When he crossed the threshold, the lights of a thousand torches flared. In that same instant, all his cuts and sc.r.a.pes and bruises vanished. In that circle of flame that cast shadow and light up the white marble walls stood the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her hair was like sunlight, and her eyes like smoke. Even before she spoke, even before her lovely mouth curved in a welcoming smile, he knew that it was she he had risked his life to find. She stepped forward, offered her hand to him, and said only, 'I have been waiting for you.'”

As he spoke the last words, Boone lifted his gaze to Ana's. He was as dazed and disoriented as the man in the story he had conjured up. When had his heart begun to pound like this? he wondered. How could he think when the blood was swimming in his head and throbbing in his loins? While he struggled for balance, he stared at her.

Hair like sunlight. Eyes like smoke.

And he realized he was kneeling between her legs, one hand resting intimately high on her thigh, and the other on the verge of reaching out to touch that sunlight hair.

Boone rose so quickly that he nearly overbalanced the table. ”I beg your pardon,” he said, for lack of anything better. When she only continued to stare at him, the pulse in her throat beating visibly, he tried again. ”I got carried away when I saw you were bleeding. I've never been able to take Jessie's cuts and sc.r.a.pes in stride.” Struggling not to babble, he thrust the cloth at her. ”I imagine you'd rather handle it yourself.”

She accepted the cloth. She needed a moment before she dared speak.

How was it possible that a man could stir her so desperately with doctoring and a fairy tale, then leave her fighting to find a slippery hold on her composure when he apologized?

Her own fault, Ana thought as she scrubbed-with more force than was really necessary-at the on her arm. It was her gift and her curse that she would feel too much.

”You look like you should be the one sitting down,” she told him briskly, then rose to go to the cupboard for one of her own medications.

”Would you like something cold to drink?”

”No- Yes, actually.” Though he doubted that a gallon of ice water would dampen the fire in his gut. ”Blood always makes me panic.”

”Panicked or not, you were certainly efficient.” She poured him a gla.s.s of lemonade from the fat pitcher she fetched from the refrigerator. ”And it was a very nice story.” She was smiling now, more at ease.

”A story usually serves to calm both Jessie and me during a session with iodine and bandages.”

”Iodine stings.” She expertly dabbed a tobacco-brown liquid from a small apothecary jar onto her cleaned cuts. ”I can give you something that won't, if you like. For your next emergency.”

”What is it?” Suspicious, he sniffed at the jar. ”Smells like flowers.”

And so did she.