Part 1 (1/2)
Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars? Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple and such an extraordinary part of the lives we live.
There are those who have been given more, who have been chosen to carry on a legacy handed down through endless ages. Their forebears were Merlin the enchanter, Ninian the sorceress, the faerie princess Rhiannon, the Wegewarte of Germany and the jinns of Arabia. Through their blood ran the power of Finn of the Celts, the ambitious Morgan le Fay, and others whose names were whispered only in shadows and in secret.
When the world was young and magic as common as a raindrop, faeries danced in the deep forests, and-sometimes for mischief, sometimes for love-mixed with mortals.
And they do still.
Her bloodline was old. Her power was ancient. Even as a child she had understood, had been taught, that such gifts were not without price. The loving parents who treasured her could not lower the cost, or pay it themselves, but could only love, instruct and watch the young girl grow to womanhood. They could only stand and hope as she experienced the pains and the joys of that most fascinating of journeys.
And, because she felt more than others, because her gift demanded that she feel more, she learned to court peace.
As a woman, she preferred a quiet life, and was often alone without the pain of loneliness.
As a witch, she accepted her gift, and never forgot the responsibility it entailed.
Perhaps she yearned, as mortals and others have yearned since the beginning, for a true and abiding love. For she knew better than most that there was no power, no enchantment, no sorcery, greater than the gift of an open and accepting heart.
When she saw the little girl peek through the fairy roses, Anastasia had no idea the child would change her life. She'd been humming to herself, as she often did when she gardened, enjoying the scent and the feel of earth. The warm September sun was golden, and the gentle whoosh of the sea on the rocks below her sloping yard was a lovely background to the buzzing of bees and the piping of birdsong. Her long gray cat was stretched out beside her, his tail twitching in time with some feline dream.
A b.u.t.terfly landed soundlessly on her hand, and she stroked the edge of its pale blue wings with a fingertip. As it fluttered off, she heard the rustling. Glancing over, she saw a small face peeping through the hedge of fairy roses.
Ana's smile came quickly, naturally. The face was charming, with its little pointed chin and its pert nose, its big blue eyes mirroring the color of the sky. A pixie cap of glossy brown hair completed the picture.
The girl smiled back, those summer-sky eyes full of curiosity and mischief.
h.e.l.lo,” Ana said, as if she always found little girls in her rosebushes.
The girl's voice was bright, and a little breathless.
Can you catch b.u.t.terflies? I never got to pet one like that before.”
”I suppose. But it seems rude to try unless one invites you.”
She brushed the hair from her brow with her forearm and sat back on her heels. Ana had noticed a moving van unloading the day before, and she concluded she was meeting one of her new neighbors. ”Have you moved into the house next door?”
”Uh-huh. We're going to live here now. I like it, 'cause I get to look right out my bedroom window and see the water. I saw a seal, too. In Indiana you only see them in the zoo. Can I come over?”
”Of course you can.” Ana set her garden spade aside as the girl stepped through the rosebushes. In her arms was a wriggling puppy. ”And who do we have here?”
”This is Daisy.” The child pressed a loving kiss to the top of the puppy's head. ”She's a golden retriever. I got to pick her out myself right before we left Indiana. She got to fly in the plane with us, and we were hardly scared at all. I have to take good care of her and give her food and water and brush her and everything, 'cause she's my responsibility.”
”She's very beautiful,” Ana said soberly. And very heavy, she imagined, for a little girl of five or six. She held out her arms. ”May I?”
”Do you like dogs?” The little girl kept chattering as she pa.s.sed Daisy over. ”I do. I like dogs and cats and everything. Even the hamsters Billy Walker has. Someday I'm going to have a horse, too. We'll have to see about that. That's what my daddy says. We'll have to see about that.”
Utterly charmed, Ana stroked the puppy as she sniffed and licked at her.