Part 9 (2/2)
I sigh, I have no desire to get out of bed or even move beyond the first stretch. I smile remembering the first night of pa.s.sion with Sebastian. It was more than anything I could have dreamed of. Every day after that was even more wonderful. Every early morning wakeup call from Sebastian was to find him hard as steel inside me, which made my body all relaxed and sated. He'd brought me to climax three times before taking his own pleasure. But, unfortunately he had to go into the office for a meeting he was unable to get out of or postpone like he'd done for the past three days. Three days of pure bliss.
Ramon, on seeing that Sebastian was planning on spending his time here with me at his apartment because it has better security, had decided to go ahead with a business trip to New York and wasn't due back until later today.
Stretching, I throw the quilt off and head for the bathroom where I'm finished with my morning regime within ten minutes, and sliding my legs into my black yoga pants and pink t-s.h.i.+rt followed by my sneakers.
Feeling happy, relaxed and looking forward to my day, I walk through to the kitchen for my second coffee of the day, the first one having been brought to me in bed as Sebastian kissed me good bye, which nearly had him climbing back into bed with me.
Smiling to myself, I take a sip of my coffee before placing it on the breakfast bar in order to get something to eat. Reaching below, I grab the box of fruit loops, which Sebastian keeps teasing me about, although it didn't stop him from eating two bowls for breakfast yesterday.
Pouring some into the bowl I retrieved from the dishwasher, I pour milk on and then sitting down to eat I spot my cell, which is flas.h.i.+ng with messages.
Unlocking it, they are all from Sebastian apart from one, which is from Lily. Deciding Lily's message is likely to be short and sweet, I read that one first.
'Carla, if you're free, do you fancy lunch at my house?'
That is one question I can answer without even having to think about it.
'I'd love to. See you in an hour or so.'
I continue munching on the fruit loops while I start to read through Sebastian's messages.
'At work.'
'I wish you were with me.'
'When I left, I just wanted to climb back into bed with you. You have no idea how hard it was for me to leave you...or how hard I was for you.'
I snicker.
'Carla, talk to me.'
'Are you asleep?'
'Carla you're frustrating the h.e.l.l out of me.'
'd.a.m.n it woman.'
Deciding to put him out of his misery, I come up with a reply.
'I'm awake now. Although, I woke up naked, wet and hungry for you and the hardness between your legs.'
I click send and smile. I know exactly what it will do to him and it makes me eager to think up another s.e.xy message. Quickly shoving the dish back into the dishwasher now that I've finished the loops, I collect my coffee and relax into the chair by the window to look out at the skyline while typing out another message.
'I'm thinking about last night when you let me suck you off. I'm thinking about how it felt to suck your b.a.l.l.s into my mouth. What it felt like to taste you when you leaked on the tip. And most of all, I'm thinking about how it felt knowing that my wet mouth on you could make you quiver and lose control so quickly.'
Okay, perhaps I shouldn't be too naughty considering he's at the office and maybe in a meeting or even worse giving his work instructions to Jacky, who he'd promised would be transferred to another department if she carried on touching him and trying to get into his pants.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
I can't keep the grin from my face when I unlock the phone again and find his reply waiting for me.
'You. Are. One. Wicked. Woman. My c.o.c.k is hard as f.u.c.k, dripping at the tip and wants inside your tight wet c.u.n.t.'
I'm startled reading the 'c' word at the end of Sebastian's message. Oh don't get me wrong I'm not a prude, but Seb hasn't used that one before and I can't decide whether or not I like it. My body certainly reacts to hearing it. I wonder how Sebastian's body will react to my next message if I try the 'c' word out?
'My c.u.n.t needs your c.o.c.k inside me. f.u.c.king me. Making me come.'
I feel myself blus.h.i.+ng after I click send. I've never spoken like I just have, but before my embarra.s.sment can get a proper hold of me my cell rings.
Blus.h.i.+ng like a virgin, I answer.
”Hey, how you doing?”
After a pause, he answers, ”Is that a serious question baby? Because after that last message I'm so close to locking myself in the bathroom and having phone s.e.x with you.”
Oh G.o.d!
”Baby, right now I'm joking. I have a meeting about to start, but my c.o.c.k is hard and throbbing, wanting to sink into that tight c.u.n.t of yours,” he says and starts to chuckle when he says the 'c' word out loud making me gasp. ”Carla, there's nothing wrong with a bit of dirty talk between lovers, and when I get my hands on you, I'm going to whisper a h.e.l.l of a lot more while I f.u.c.k you, making you come.”
”Seb,” I moan, ”you're lethal.”
Before we became one, three days ago, he'd have me wet, but now he has me soaked.
”I love how you call me Seb. My brothers call me that on occasion, but I love hearing it on your lips,” he tells me, but I can hear someone talking in the background, before Sebastian says, 'I'll be right there'. ”Carla, I'm sorry. I have to go, but I promise to be back as soon as I can.”
”Okay, but I'm heading over to Lily and Michael's place soon. Lily's invited me to lunch and before you say anything I will get security to escort me to my car and then I'm straight there and straight back with no stops in between.” I bite my lip knowing he isn't going to like this.
”Promise me. You'll ring security on approach to the building so they can meet you parking the car.”
I can imagine Sebastian running his hands through his hair in agitation because he's unable to be with me when I'm leaving the apartment.
”I promise. Now go to your meeting and don't worry about me.”
”I love you, Carla. Always. I'll see you later.”
”I love you, too.”