Part 6 (1/2)

”What's going on?” He knocks on the stall door and I can picture him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. ”Carla, open the door and talk to me. Please.”

Resigned to talking to Ramon, I slowly stand and unlock the door before walking out and meeting Ramon's worried eyes. ”Ramon, I'm okay, just a bit, wella”

”Jealous,” he finishes for me. ”I'm not sure just what's going on with him and Jacky, but the way he was looking at you as you fled tells me it's nothing. Jacky noticed as well.” He grins. ”She wasn't impressed as he's supposed to be her date so he's dancing with her to try and calm her down.”

My face must have shown my emotion at them dancing together because Ramon stands up straight and takes hold of my face between his hands. ”Don't for one minute think my brother is going to sleep with her. No matter what he said to you when you were alone together, he hasn't kept it zipped all this time to get it unzipped with her. We all know what Jacky's like and that she's looking for a husband who has plenty of cash and personally I don't think she's too choosy.”

The door to the bathroom opens and I hear a sharp, ”Okay, what thea” Ruben trails off.

I glance over Ramon's shoulder and see Sebastian watching me, hurt reflecting in his eyes. I wince at the image Ramon and I are portraying, two lovers having a secret hookup in a restroom. G.o.d, this goes from bad to worse.

A muscle in Sebastian's jaw tightens and with one last, withering glare, he turns on his heel and walks out from the restroom door.

”Hey, bro,” Ruben shouts to Sebastian. ”Watch yourself. A bachelorette party is back there.”

Ruben turns back to us, standing in a fighter's stance looking between the two of us.

”We had a complaint that a guy was making out with someone in here...I had no idea it would be you two.”

”We're not making out,” Ramon tells his brother, before looking back at me. ”Will you be okay?”

”Yeah, I think so.”

Ramon steps back from me, which puts me in Ruben's line of sight and when he glances at me his eyes widen before he looks back at his brother and asks, ”What's going on?”

Ramon runs his hands through his hair and looks at me. ”Sebastian,” he whispers.

Ruben starts to laugh. ”You mean because he's here with Jacky?” Seeing Ramon nod his head, he continues, ”He's here with her because of me.”

We both freeze hearing Ruben's words.

”Look, I was in the office earlier today while she was there so I told him to bring her down to the club tonight before my mouth hooked up with my brain.”

He slams his hand on the door to stop whoever just tried to enter from coming in. ”Not now.”

Leaning against the door, he looks back at us. ”He couldn't really say anything else after that, but yes. So here they are and it appears I've screwed up, but I'm not sure how, other than to get him out of his dry spell,” he smirks.

Well, at least I know how he came to be here with Jacky, but what's he going to do about later?

Urgh! I've had enough of thinking tonight and I either need to get drunk or leave. With the mood I'm in, the latter will be preferable otherwise if I get drunk I'll probably end up crying on Ramon's shoulder. Literally.

”Look, let's just leave it and get out of here otherwise Ruben's going to have a lot of unhappy customers,” I say pulling away from Ramon and walking out the door with both guys following me.

”ROSIE.” Ruben's roar frightening the life out of me. ”What the f.u.c.k you doing back here?”

Wow, no love lost between those two, but looking more closely Rosie looks upset.

”Um, boss,” the bouncer from the door says coming up behind us, ”someone grabbed her out on the floor. Sebastian got her free, but I think she's a bit shaken.”

Ruben opens and closes his mouth without anything coming out as I spot a tear start to trail down Rosie's face.

Pus.h.i.+ng the men aside, I walk over to her. ”Rosie, will you let me help you?”

Seeing her nod, probably seconds before a meltdown, I turn to Ruben. ”Is there somewhere private I can take her?”

Without moving his eyes from Rosie, he points behind him.

Chapter 14.

Sebastian What a f.u.c.k up. A f.u.c.k up, which I blame my brother for. Him and his f.u.c.kin' mouth. I admit Jacky gave me the perfect opportunity to tell her no, but not wanting to be a d.i.c.k and wanting Carla out of my head, I agreed.

Now she's gone off dancing with someone else while I came to Rosie's rescue. Some jerk grabbed her by the t.i.ts and pulled her back against him while she struggled to get free. The f.u.c.ker should be grateful Ruben hadn't been the one to catch him in the act or he'd have planted his fist in the b.a.s.t.a.r.d's face. As it was, Keith, the bouncer from the door, came and intervened and practically dragged him out of the club by his ear.

Ruben might not realize it yet, but he has an itch where little Rosie is concerned.

Smiling, I turn to leave the dance floor while the band look to be taking a break, only to get accosted by a woman, who sounds Scottish, and her f.u.c.kin' feather boa. ”Hi handsome,” she says, s.h.i.+mmering her body around me. ”We're looking for someone to do a strip for us because the one we'd booked for Emma's bachelorette party can't make it.” She starts making eyes at me while trying to get the feather thing around my neck. ”You'd look good without your clothes.”

Oh G.o.d, could tonight get any worse?

”Sorrya” Did she just squeeze my a.s.s?

”Catherine, have you found anyone to replacea” a British woman says before stopping midsentence to have a good look at me, while little Miss. Scottish, or rather Catherine is rubbing up against my a.s.s with her hands moving from my stomach slowly down south.

Trying to stop her from grabbing my junk, I look up and the other woman is standing in front of me licking her lips with a bright green feather boa before moving in and practically falling against my chest.

”Um, ladies, I think you've both had a little too much to drink,” I say, trying to untangle myself, praying this whole act isn't being caught on camera and wondering where the f.u.c.k the bouncers are.

”I'm no lady. I'm know after Cat Woman because I'm good with a whip. You know what I'm saying?”

Oh f.u.c.k!

”And I'm Poison Ivy and wouldn't mind sliding up and down your pole,” says little Miss. Britain, while I try and bat her hands away from the b.u.t.tons on my s.h.i.+rt that she's trying to slip open.

Hearing a roar of laughter behind her, I glance up and watch my brother's eyes dance with mirth behind Poison Ivy at my expense.

”You know what ladies, let me introduce you to my brother,” I say grinning at the look on Ruben's face when he catches on to what I'm up to.

”You mean there's two of you?” Poison Ivy mutters, spinning around and stumbling into Ruben. ”Oh, wow, you're cute, big guy. Look at them muscles,” she says squeezing Ruben's arms. ”Tell me...are you big all over,” she hiccups.

Now it's my turn to roar with laughter as I notice Carla talking to Rosie near the hall to the restrooms and Ruben's office.

I need to talk to her and explain about Jacky. I know she's with my brother, but I feel like a b.a.s.t.a.r.d coming on to her one minute then going out on a date with someone else the next. Yeah, mixed signals or what.