Part 9 (1/2)
Aglaia. _Lambert_, 1896. Trusses of canary yellow.
Bar le Duc. _Soupert et Notting_, 1907. Clear brick-red, reverse of petals bright copper.
Blush Rambler. _B. R. Cant_, 1903. Large cl.u.s.ters of soft blush flowers.
Bordeaux. _Soupert et Notting_, 1908. Claret colour, very fine.
Claire Jacquier. _Bernaix_, 1888. Nankeen yellow.
Crimson Rambler. _Turner_, 1893. Bright crimson.
Crimson Rambler ne plus ultra. _Weigand_, 1905.
Bright, deep crimson.
Daniel Lacombe. _Allard_, 1886. Chamois yellow, turning to white.
Electra. _Veitch_, 1900. Lemon, shaded orange and white.
Euphrosyne. _Lambert_, 1896. Pinkish rose, small double flowers.
Frau Lina Stra.s.sheim. _Stra.s.sheim_, 1907. Salmon red and flesh, very large cl.u.s.ters.
Goldfinch. _Paul & Son_, 1907. Deep golden buds, opening pale yellow, shaded violet and white.
Gruss an Zabern. _Lambert_, 1904. Large trusses, snow white.
Helene. _Lambert_, 1897. Pale mauve with yellow base.
Kathleen. _Wm. Paul & Son_, 1907. Single, soft carmine-rose, white eye.
Leuchstern. _Schmidt_, 1899. Bright rose, large white eye.
Mrs. F. W. Flight. _Cutbush_, 1905. Bright pink.
Philadelphia Rambler. _Walsh_, 1903. Much like Crimson Rambler; said to be mildew proof.
Psyche. _Paul & Son_, 1899. Pale rosy pink, salmon yellow base.
Queen Alexandra. _Veitch_, 1901. Rich rose colour.
Rubin. _Schmidt_, 1900. Deep crimson, fine reddish foliage.
Stella. _Soupert et Notting._ Vivid carmine, stamens forming a golden star on white centre.
Tausendschon. _Schmidt_, 1906. Pink turning to bright rose, sweet-scented.
Taunusblumchen. _Weigand_, 1906. Pink fragrant flowers like Crimson Rambler.
Thalia. _Lambert_, 1896. Small double white flowers in cl.u.s.ter.