Part 28 (1/2)

”Oh, and one day, one certain day some internal computer chip will make all our machines fail as the s.h.i.+p rains death-rays down on us and the humans pour off the island to ruin us - have you heard that one, nand' paidhi?”

”No, aiji-ma, I have not.”

”More rational ones say that the s.h.i.+p itself is meant to fail, to bring down the government by that failure, and that the means will be a technical fault introduced through the designs themselves.”

He had heard that argued soberly in the council rooms of the legislature. ”There are numerous reasons that's not the case, nand' dowager.”

”One has confidence in your confidence, nand' paidhi. But you are so so persuasive. - What do persuasive. - What do you you say, young man?” say, young man?”

”About -”

The cane banged the pavement. ”Your wits, boy! What were were we talking about?” we talking about?”

”About the aiji turning us over to humans, nand' dowager.”

Ilisidi leaned forward, her hands clasped on the cane. ”Do you you believe it?” believe it?”

”No, nand' dowager.”

”Does your father the lord of Dur-wajran believe it?”

”No, nand' dowager. We are -”

”- in the man'chi of the Barjidi.”

”And to all who support the aiji, nand' dowager.”

”Does birthing the ingrate's father father settle me in the Barjidi man'chi?” settle me in the Barjidi man'chi?”

”If you will it to, nand' dowager.”

Clearly the boy was losing his composure but not necessarily his wits. But a game of wits with the dowager was not one any boy could win.

”Say that my ingrate grandson and I should have the same interest,” Ilisidi said, leaning back, carefully skirting the question of whether she had an overlord, which was private and privileged information, but she admitted, for the first time he had ever heard, to a.s.sociation a.s.sociation with Tabini. After years living among atevi a human could begin to hope he had the straight of it. ”And say that your father, within the man'chi of the Barjidi, has sent his son to Shejidan -” with Tabini. After years living among atevi a human could begin to hope he had the straight of it. ”And say that your father, within the man'chi of the Barjidi, has sent his son to Shejidan -”

”My father never sent me -”

Bang! went the cane. ”The h.e.l.l, boy! Your father sent you when the of lord Saigimi shook the inattentive out of bed from here to Malguri! You flew immediately to Shejidan, accidentally arriving in in the flight path of the aiji's plane, and were involved with the tightened security so you could by no means deliver your message, which you have regularly attempted to inflict upon the paidhi! Am I correct!” the flight path of the aiji's plane, and were involved with the tightened security so you could by no means deliver your message, which you have regularly attempted to inflict upon the paidhi! Am I correct!”

There was a small silence, a chastened demeanor. ”Yes, nand' dowager.”

”Why now? Why not earlier?”

”Because we didn't know the aiji might not know. Because if it was was important, the aiji should know, nand' dowager.” important, the aiji should know, nand' dowager.”

”Going quickly and by stealth through the skies.”

”Yes, nand' dowager.” The boy bowed his head. ”I broke the law. I knew I broke it.”

”And broke it again coming here!”

”No, nand' dowager. I took the train.”

Rarely did anyone get a reaction from the dowager when she was in this this mood. The brows went up and crashed down, hard. ”I mean coming through the barriers, young man! How did you know to come here!” mood. The brows went up and crashed down, hard. ”I mean coming through the barriers, young man! How did you know to come here!”

”It's all over -” The boy took a breath. ”All over the province, all over the country, I think, nand' dowager.”

”You, young man, will go with my security, you will stay in your room, and in the stead of your father, who is in the man'chi of my ungrateful grandson, you will take orders from me from me, do you hear, or I will shoot you with my own hand.”

”Yes, nand' dowager.”

”Take him elsewhere!” Ilisidi said, and members of her staff collected the young man. ”See he gets supper.”

The boy put up no argument about it. And Ilisidi, leaning on her cane, rose with a frown on her face.

”By train, indeed. Before we took off this morning, the boy left the capital. And changed trains. - Nand' paidhi.”


”Radios. Radios Radios, do you understand?”

”I have heard the rumor.”

A wave of Ilisidi's hand. ”To bed, to bed. Don't concern yourself with tomorrow. We'll go riding. Perhaps we'll have a look at the sea and satisfy this intemperate young man you've brought me. He's beginning to be interesting.”

He hesitated, then thought better of questioning Ilisidi.

”Aiji-ma,” he said, and turned and went for the steps, thinking that he had to get a few minutes alone with his security.

He heard someone behind him. He didn't want to look and find out until he reached the privacy of the floor above.

Then he turned.


”Nand' paidhi.”

”Nand' paidhi,” he echoed, in not-quite-mock despair. ”Talk to me, Jago-ji.” to me, Jago-ji.”

”My room,” Jago said.

He wasn't wasn't eager, now, to get himself into interpersonal maneuverings. But eager, now, to get himself into interpersonal maneuverings. But he he had a roommate. So did she, but Banichi was downstairs. Jase was in bed, and not, besides, the person he wanted to overhear a frank talk between himself and the aiji's security about the aiji's grandmother - besides, twice, his room was probably bugged. had a roommate. So did she, but Banichi was downstairs. Jase was in bed, and not, besides, the person he wanted to overhear a frank talk between himself and the aiji's security about the aiji's grandmother - besides, twice, his room was probably bugged.

He walked in that direction. She did, and opened the door and let him in.

He stood while she lit a match, and a candle. It was a room no different from his, except for the stack of baggage in the corner, a stack of mostly black objects.

He shut the door. And Jago looked at him, her eyes reflecting a disconcerting s.h.i.+mmer of gold.

”Are we safe with the dowager?” he whispered.