Part 73 (1/2)

When he stood up, he saw Clara. She had been on her way back from the garden with a basket of vegetables. It was hot, and she had rolled the sleeves up on her dress. Her arms were thin and yet strong, as if they were all bone.

”Did she leave?” Clara asked.

July nodded. He didn't want to talk.

”Come help me shuck this corn,” Clara said. ”The roasting ears are about gone. I get so hungry for them during the winter, I could eat a dozen.”

She went on toward the house, carrying her heavy garden basket. When she didn't hear his footsteps, she looked back at him. July wiped his face and followed her to the house.


THE NEXT MORNING, when he managed to get up, July came into the kitchen to find Cholo sharpening a thin-bladed knife. The baby lay on the table, kicking his bare feet, and Clara, wearing a man's hat, was giving the two girls instructions.

”Don't feed him just because he hollers,” she said. ”Feed him when it's time.”

She looked at July, who felt embarra.s.sed. He was not sick, and yet he felt as weak as if he had had a long fever. A plate with some cold eggs on it and a bit of bacon sat on the table-his breakfast, no doubt. Being the last one up made him feel a burden.

Cholo stood up. It was clear he and Clara were contemplating some work. July knew he ought to offer to help, but his legs would barely carry him to the table. He couldn't understand it. He had long since been over his jaundice, and yet he had no strength.

”We've got to geld some horses,” Clara said. ”We've put it off too long, hoping Bob would get back on his feet.”

”I hate it when you do that,” Sally said.

”You'd hate it worse if we had a bunch of studs running around here,” Clara said. ”One of them might crack your head just like that mustang cracked your father's.”

She paused by the table a minute and tickled one of the baby's feet.

”I'd like to help,” July said.

”You don't look that vigorous,” she said.

”I'm not sick,” July said. ”I must have slept too hard.”

”I expect you did something too hard,” she said. ”Stay and make conversation with these girls. That's harder work than gelding horses.”

July liked the girls, though he had not said much to them. They seemed fine girls to him, always chattering. Mostly they fought over who got to tend the baby.

Clara and Cholo left and July slowly ate his breakfast, feeling guilty. Then he remembered what had happened-Ellie was gone, into Indian country. He had to go after her as soon as he ate. The baby, still on the table, gurgled at him. July had scarcely looked at it, though it seemed a good baby. Clara wanted it, the girls fought over it, and yet Ellie had left it. Thinking about it made him more confused.

After breakfast he got his rifle, but instead of leaving, he walked down to the lots. Every now and then he heard the squeal of a young horse. Walking, he didn't feel quite so weak, and it occurred to him that he ought to try and be some help-he could start after Ellie later.

It was hot, and the young horses were kicking up dust in the lots. To his surprise, he saw that Clara was doing the cutting, while the old man held the ropes. It was hard work-the horses were strong, and they badly needed another man. July quickly climbed into the lots and helped the old man anchor the hind legs of a quivering young bay.

Clara paused a moment, wiping the sweat off her forehead with her s.h.i.+rttail. Her hands were b.l.o.o.d.y.

”Shouldn't one of us do it?” July asked.

”No,” Cholo said. ”She is better.”

”Bob taught me,” Clara said. ”We didn't have any help when we first came here. I wasn't strong enough to hold the horses so I got stuck with the messier job.”

They gelded fifteen young horses and left them in the pen where they could be watched. July had stopped feeling weak, but even so it was a wonder to him how hard Clara and the old man worked. They didn't stop to rest until the job was done, by which time they were all soaked with sweat. Clara splashed water out of the horse trough to wash her hands and forearms, and immediately started for the house.

”I hope those worthless girls have been cooking,” she said. ”I've built an appet.i.te.”

”Do you know anything about the Indian situation?” July asked.

”I know Red Cloud,” Clara said. ”Bob was good to him. They lived on our horses that hard winter we had four years ago-they couldn't find buffalo.”

”I've heard they're dangerous,” July said.

”Yes,” Clara said. ”Red Cloud's fed up. Bob treated them fair and we've never had to fear them. I was more scared as a girl. The Comanches would come right into Austin and take children. I always dreamed they'd get me and I'd have red babies.”

July had never felt so irresolute. He ought to go, and yet he didn't. Though he had worked hard, he had little appet.i.te, and after the meal spent more time cleaning his gun than was really necessary.

When he finished, he sat the rifle against the porch railing, telling himself that he would get up and leave. But before he could get up, Clara walked out on the porch with no warning at all and put the baby into his hands. She practically dropped the child into his lap, an act July felt was very reckless. He had to catch him.

”That's a good sign,” Clara said. ”At least you'd catch him if somebody threw him off a roof.”

The baby stared at July with wide eyes, as surprised, evidently, as he was. July looked at Clara, who seemed angry.

”I think it's time you took a look at him,” she said. ”He's your boy. He might come to like you, in which case he'll bring you more happiness than that woman ever will. He needs you a sight more than she does, too.”

July felt scared he would do something wrong with the baby. He also was a little scared of Clara.

”I don't know anything about babies,” he said.

”No, and you've never lived any place but Arkansas,” Clara said. ”But you ain't stupid and you ain't nailed down. You can live other places and you can learn about children-people dumber than you learn about them.”

Again, July felt belabored by the tireless thing in Clara. Ellie might not look at him, but she didn't pursue him relentlessly with words, as Clara did.

”Stay here,” she said. ”Do you hear me? Stay here! Martin needs a pa and I could use a good hand. If you go trailing after that woman, either the Indians will kill you or that buffalo hunter will, or you'll just get lost and starve. It's a miracle you made it this far. You don't know the plains and I don't believe you know your wife, either. How long did you know her before you married?”

July tried to remember. The trial in Missouri had lasted three days, but he had met Ellie nearly a week before that.

”Two weeks, I guess,” he said.

”That's short acquaintance,” Clara said. ”The smartest man alive can't learn much about a woman in two weeks.”

”Well, she wanted to marry,” July said. It was all he could remember about it. Ellie had made it clear she wanted to marry.

”That could have been another way of saying she wanted a change of scene,” Clara said. ”People get a hankering to quit what they're doing. They think they want to try something else. I do it myself. Half the time I think I'd like to pack up these girls and go live with my aunt in Richmond, Virginia.”

”What would you do there?” July asked.