Part 59 (1/2)

The woman either couldn't or wouldn't. She didn't utter a word in any language. She was tall and skinny, and she just stood there by her husband, crying. It was plain all three of them expected to be killed.

Dan repeated his request for money, and only the boy looked as if he understood it. He stopped crying for a minute.

”That's it, sonny, it's only cash we want,” Dan said. ”Tell your pa to pay us and we'll help him guard his crops.”

Jake hardly expected a scared boy to believe that, but the boy did stop crying. He spoke to his father in the old tongue, and the man, whose face ran with tears, composed himself a little and jabbered at the boy.

The boy turned and ran lickety-split for the sod house.

”Go with him and see what you can find, boys,” Dan said. ”Me and Jake can ride herd on the family, I guess. They don't look too violent.”

Ten minutes later the boy came racing back, crying again, and Frog Lip and the two younger Suggses followed. They had an old leather wallet with them, which Roy Suggs threw to Dan. It had two small gold pieces in it.

”Why, this ain't but four dollars,” Dan said. ”Did you look good?”

”Yeah, we tore up the chimney and opened all the trunks,” Roy said. ”That purse was under the pallet they sleep on. They don't have a dern thing worth taking besides that.”

”Four dollars to see 'em through,” Dan said. ”That won't help 'em much, we might as well take it.” He took the two gold pieces and tossed the worn leather purse back at the man's feet.

”Let's go,” he said.

Jake was glad to see it come to no worse than that, but as they were riding away Frog Lip turned and loped over to the milk cows.

”What's he aim to do, shoot the milk cows?” little Eddie asked; for Frog Lip had his pistol in his hand.

”I didn't ask him and he didn't say,” Dan replied.

Frog Lip rode up beside the cows and fired a couple of shots into the air. When the cows started a lumbering run, he skillfully turned them up the slope and chased them right onto the roof of the sod house. The sod on the roof had gra.s.s still on it and looked not unlike the prairie. The cows took a few steps onto the roof and then their forequarters disappeared, as if they had fallen into a hole. Then their hindquarters disappeared too. Frog Lip reined in his horse and watched as both cows fell through the roof of the sod house. A minute later one came squeezing out the small door, and the other followed. Both cows trotted back to where they had been grazing.

”That Frog,” Dan Suggs said. ”I guess he just wanted to ventilate the house a little.”

”All we got was four dollars,” little Eddie said.

”Well, it was your idea,” Dan said. ”You wanted the practice, and you got it.”

”He's mad because he didn't get to shoot n.o.body,” Roy said. ”He thinks he's a shooter.”

”Well, this is a gun outfit, ain't it?” little Eddie said. ”We ain't cowboys, so what are we then?”

”Travelers,” Dan said. ”Right now we're traveling to Kansas, looking for what we can find.”

Frog Lip rejoined them as silently as he had left. Despite himself Jake could not conquer his fear of the man. Frog Lip had never said anything hostile to him, or even looked his way on the whole trip, and yet Jake felt a sort of apprehension whenever he even rode close to the man. In all his travels in the west he had met few men who gave off such a sense of danger. Even Indians didn't-although of course there had been few occasions when he had ridden close to an Indian.

”I wonder if them soddies will get that roof fixed before the next rain?” Dan Suggs said. ”If they had had a little more cash, Frog might have left them alone.”

Frog Lip didn't comment.


IT TOOK JULY only a day or two to determine that Elmira was not in Dodge City. The town was a shock to him, for almost every woman in it seemed to be a wh.o.r.e and almost every business a saloon. He kept trying to tell himself he shouldn't be surprised, for he had heard for years that Kansas towns were wild. In Missouri, where he had gone to testify at the trial, there was much talk of Kansas. People in Missouri seemed to consider that they had gotten rid of all their riffraff to the cow towns. July quickly concluded that they were right. There might be rough elements in Missouri, but what struck him in Kansas was the absence of any elements that weren't rough. Of course there were a few stores and a livery stable or two in Dodge-even a hotel of sorts, though the were in and out of the hotel so much that it seemed more like a wh.o.r.ehouse. Gamblers were thick in the saloons and he had never seen a place where as many people went armed.

The first thing July did was buy a decent horse. He went to the post office, for he felt he owed Fort Smith an explanation as to why he had not come back. For some reason he felt a surge of optimism as he walked down the street to the post office. Now that he had survived the plains it seemed possible that he could find Ellie after all. He had lost all interest in catching Jake Spoon; he just wanted to find his wife and go home. If Peach didn't like it-and she wouldn't-she would just have to lump it. If Ellie wasn't in Dodge she would probably be in Abilene. He would soon catch up with her.

But to his surprise, the minute he stepped inside the door of the post office his optimism gave way in a flash to bitter depression. In trying to think of what he would say in his letter he remembered all that had happened. Roscoe was dead, Joe was dead, the girl was dead, and Ellie not found-maybe she too was dead. All he had to report was death and failure. At the thought of poor Roscoe, gutted and left under a little pile of rocks on the prairie, his eyes filled with tears and he had to turn and walk back out the door to keep from embarra.s.sing himself.

He walked along the dusty street for a few minutes, wiping the tears out of his eyes with his s.h.i.+rtsleeve. One or two men observed him curiously. It was obvious that he was upset, but no one said anything to him. He remembered walking into the post office in Fort Worth and getting the letter that told him about Ellie. Since then, it had all been puzzlement and pain. He felt that in most ways it would have been better if he had died on the plains with the rest of them. He was tired of wandering and looking.

But he hadn't died, and eventually he turned and went back to the post office, which was empty except for an elderly clerk with a white mustache.

”Well, you're back,” the clerk said. ”That was you a while ago, wasn't it?”

”That was me,” July admitted.

He bought an envelope, a stamp and a couple of sheets of writing paper, and the clerk, who seemed kindly, loaned him a pencil to write with.

”You can write it right here at the window,” the clerk said. ”We're not doing much business today.”

July started, and then, to his embarra.s.sment, began to cry again. His memories were too sad, his hopes too thin. To have to say things on paper seemed a terrible task, for it stirred the memories.

”I guess somebody died and you've got to write their folks, is that it?” the clerk said.

”Yes,” July said. ”Only two of them didn't have no folks.” He vaguely remembered that Roscoe had a few brothers, but none of them lived around Fort Smith or had been heard of in years. He wiped his eyes on his s.h.i.+rtsleeve again, reflecting that he had cried more in the last few weeks than he had in his whole life up to that point.

After standing there staring at the paper for a few minutes, he finally wrote a brief letter, addressed to Peach:

Dear Peach-Roscoe Brown was killed by a bad outlaw, so was Joe. A girl named Janey was also kilt, I don't know much about her, Roscoe said he met her in the woods. I don't know when I will be back-the folks can hire another sheriff if they want to, somebody has to look after the town.Your brother-in-lawJuly Johnson

He had already pretty well convinced himself that Elmira was not in Dodge City, for he had been in every public place in town and had not seen her. But since the old clerk seemed kindly, he thought he might as well ask. Maybe she had come in to mail a letter at some point.

”I'm looking for a woman named Elmira,” he said. ”She's got brown hair and she ain't very big.”

”Ellie?” the clerk said. ”Why, I ain't seen Ellie in two or three years. Seems like I heard she moved to Abilene.”

”That's her,” July said, encouraged again all of a sudden. Ellie had been living in Abilene before she moved to St. Jo, where he had found her. ”I thought she might have come back,” he added.

”No, ain't seen her,” the clerk said. ”But you might ask Jennie, up at the third saloon. She and Elmira used to be thick once. I think they even married the same man, if you want to call it married.”

”Oh, Mr. Boot?” July asked.

”Yes, Dee Boot, the scoundrel,” the clerk said.

”How could he be married to the two of them?” July asked, not sure he wanted the information but unable to stop talking to a man who could tell him something about Ellie.

”Why, Dee Boot would bed down with a possum, if the possum was female. He was a cutter with the ladies.”