Part 10 (1/2)
”Let's go and have a little lunch and a good drink to wash out that vile stuff.”
”Will you go with us?” said Girard.
”You must excuse me, gentlemen; I am a stranger. I cannot thrust myself upon you.”
”It's no thrusting; we would be glad to have you join us. Thatford and I are no strangers in New York. Really, I am glad to have met you. I know a good fellow when I meet him. I am a sort of mind reader in picking out thoroughbreds.”
”If you will excuse me, gentlemen, I will decline your invitation. I thought I'd drop around to the theater and see the closing act.”
”That ain't a bad scheme. We'll go with you and have a little cold snack afterward.”
As the men had invited our hero to accompany them he could not well refuse to permit them to accompany him, especially in view of the little plan he had settled to act in regard to them.
The three men did proceed to a theater, and our hero was surprised to see one of the men, Girard, bow to a very innocent-looking and beautiful girl who was in a private box in company with quite a stylish party.
Girard was a good-looking man and he dressed with faultless taste. No one would suspect him as a rogue on his appearance, and besides his manners were excellent--quite gentlemanly.
Oscar fixed his gaze on the fair girl between whom and Girard the nod of recognition had pa.s.sed, and as he stood there in the theater he revolved in his mind the singular facts. He wondered how a man of Girard's polished exterior should have been chosen to act the spy on a common confederate rogue.
Later he was destined to learn why Girard had been selected.
When the curtain went down on the last act Girard said:
”Thatford, you will have to excuse me to-night. I see a lady friend here. I may receive an invitation to dine with the party she accompanies.”
”I won't excuse you,” said Thatford.
”Our friend here will keep you company.”
”No, you must go with me.”
”Where will you go?”
”To the Brunswick.”
”I may join you later.”
Oscar discerned the fine play that was being worked on him. He fell to the whole business, and more keenly appreciated what an excellent actor the man Girard really was.
”I fear I will have to beg off,” said Oscar.
”No, no, gentleman, this will not do. I am as hungry as a bear, but do not propose to sit down to a solitary meal. Come, Mr. Dunne, you must certainly be my guest.”
”All right, sir, as you insist. I did intend to go home and retire early to-night, but recognizing how your friend here has deserted you I will go with you.”
”I am obliged to you, and we will have a meal that shall amply compensate you. Girard will lose it, and when we tell him of our good time to-morrow we will make him green with envy.”
”I may be with you. I am not sure yet I will receive an invitation from the other party.”