Part 23 (1/2)

The thick muscles in his neck worked overtime as he appeared to have momentary issues swallowing. I considered patting his back but held back. ”Uhh, Mads, I thought you and Vance were taking some time apart?”

Flas.h.i.+ng him a bad girl smile, I stood slowly. It felt good to stretch after sitting for so long. ”We are on, if you'll recall, what Vance likes to refer to as a break and I like to call broken up, because he did what...?” Tipping my head, I put my hand out to Brady, prompting him to take a guess.

Brady gave me the ”I really don't want to discuss this look” and grabbed a tissue out of my bag. ”Because he cheated on you.”

”With how many women?”

”Two,” he sighed before tapping a condom package, ”at the same time.”

”Ding, ding. We have a winner.” Taking my bag from him, I tossed it aside and put my hand out. A woman's touch was needed. Brady relinquished the tissue and stood still. I moved in close and went to work on cleaning him up. I thought about putting my mule heels back on. They gave me an additional two inches of height. Not that I normally needed any more but Brady was six-four and I was five-nine. Compared to many women I knew, I was tall. Compared to Brady, I wasn't.

Tilting his head to the side, I cleaned his cheek before going to work on his neck. I wrinkled my nose as I found something wet and slimy on him. ”Gawd, did she drool on you too? This is ridiculous.” Grinning, I added my own saliva to the mix by spitting on the tissue before going back to the task at hand. Surprisingly enough, Brady wasn't fazed.

”Tell me about it.” Brady s.h.i.+fted, not seeming pleased in the least. ”So far today, I've been pushed off a building so many times I lost count and pawed by a girl who barely looks legal.”

I laughed and finished wiping him. ”You noticed that too, huh?”

”Yeah.” The look on his face said he wasn't happy about the age thing. It was surprising because I'd have guessed most men in their late twenties would be all over a hot little redhead wanting them regardless of her age. Guess I was wrong. Though, Brady wasn't like most men I knew.

”Her file says she's nineteen. I don't see it.”

Brady grabbed my wrist and held it gently. ”Been peeking in Daddy's files again, I see.”

”Yep.” Bending over, I reached for my shoes and stilled as I felt Brady's hand on my a.s.s. ”Why, exactly, are you touching me?”

”Uhh, you had something on the back of your jeans. It's gone now.”

Right. So much for my theory on him not being like most men.

I slipped my shoes on and began the fun task of cleaning up my area. ”So, how long do you think we'll be here tonight?” I asked, tossing my books back in my bag. My Ancient Civilizations cla.s.s was killing my GPA and I was sick of staring at the text book.

He shrugged. ”A while yet. Do you want me to send for a car?”

”Nah, my movie star roommate isn't home yet and since the house is huge, I get lost often.” I'd have laughed but it was true. I still got a bit turned around and I'd lived there with Brady for two years now.

Brady smiled wide and nodded. ”This guy must be a real winner, leaving you alone to fend for yourself.”

Pus.h.i.+ng past him, I headed towards the sound system behind the backdrop. I turned it on and selected random play. The first MP3 kicked on and I laughed. Typical Brady music came blaring out-cla.s.sic rock. ”My roommate's not so bad. Though he does have the worst taste in music.”

Turning to look back at Brady, I gasped and backed up when I found him standing directly behind me. He had the uncanny ability to sneak up on me. As much as I trusted Brady, it was still a bit unnerving. Part of my life left me utilizing my skills and being on guard at all times. The fact I let it go, dropping my natural s.h.i.+elds for Brady, meant something. What, I wasn't sure quite yet.

He took hold of my waist and steadied me. ”I love catching you by surprise, Mads.”

I smacked his rock hard, six pack abs with the back of my hand. The man was muscled perfection at its finest. ”Yeah, well I hate it. One of these days I'm going to level your b.u.t.t.” Sadly enough, I meant every word I said. It would be accidental, I'm sure of it, but it would happen.

”Are you going to start tossing magik at me, too?” he asked, his blue gaze raking over me. ”I almost begged you to electrocute the barely legal girl.”

”Hey, I zapped her in the rump at least four times. Maybe more. Those were for you by the way. I noticed she kept grabbing your backside and you kept pulling her hand off. If you'd rather I didn't toy with her. I'll stop.”

His eyes widened as I reached up and hit the search b.u.t.ton on the sound system. ”No. Please feel free to do whatever you want to her, Mads. She's purposely delaying the scene and it's p.i.s.sing me off. Why the h.e.l.l they picked her is beyond me. We obviously don't connect.”

”You better start connecting real soon, Brady. She's your romantic lead. So in between things blowing up and you kicking the bad guys', you have to look like you can't get enough of her.” I gave him a droll look. ”Currently, you're coming across as not being able to get far enough away from her.”

”That would be because I can't get far enough away from her. Trust me, I've tried.” He ran a hand through his hair and then over his squared jaw. He scratched his neck and yawned, proving what I already knew, he was tired. It had been a long day, full of action packed scenes and endless retakes, not to mention his lack of enthusiasm over the redhead. All things considered, Brady had the right to be a bit worn around the edges. As his best friend, I had the right to try to cheer him up.

I headed towards the set and smiled wide at the mock nightclub that had been erected several years back. In reality it was a half square that pulled apart for shooting purposes. On film, it was anything from a happening dance club to a raunchy bar, dependent upon what movie was being filmed there at the time. Currently, it was a high cla.s.s strip club-a gentleman's club. That struck me as funny.

Yes, often I equate a gentleman with some guy ogling chicks' b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Not.

Arching a brow, I cast a questioning look at Brady and let my gaze travel over his bare pecs. ”Tell me again why they have you with your s.h.i.+rt off in the middle of a crowded club? No other men have their s.h.i.+rts off. What? Was your character suffering from hot flashes? I don't get it.”

Brady smiled as he stretched his arms high above his head, yawning so loud that for a moment, he covered the music playing in the background. He also did a fine job of showing off every muscle as it rippled with his movements. ”I asked them the same thing. They told me your dad ordered it.” A sly grin spread over his sleepy face. ”Something about my s.e.x-appeal.”

It sounded exactly like something my father would say. He owned the production company and did whatever the h.e.l.l he wanted. Exploiting his hottest star, Brady, was one of his favorite pastimes. I hated every second of it and always felt bad for Brady. I wasn't sure if he agreed to my father's demands because he wanted to or if he did it to please me. ”Do you want me to get that changed for you?”

For some reason, I was one of the only people who could get my father to budge on anything in the way of toning down how much he tried to exploit Brady. He knew I hated it. My father also knew Brady wasn't fond of stripping down in front of millions yet he still tried to push the envelope.

”Let me think about it. If the barely legal gal keeps being all touchy-feely I might. She tried to slide her hand down my pants three times already. And I'm not trying to be a d.i.c.k but the girl can't dance.”

Running my hand over the black bar, I glanced around the set again. They tweaked it enough to not be recognizable from movie to movie but the general layout stayed the same.

”What ya thinking about?” he asked, watching me closely.

I laughed softly. ”I was just thinking of how much fun it was to practically grow up here. I've seen just about everything. The first time I asked to go out dancing with my girlfriends, my father freaked out and had us use this place instead. I'm fairly sure we filled it to capacity. They all enjoyed it. I kind of wanted to go somewhere else but they had fun and that's what was important.” I glanced back at him, recalling he was there as well. ”Did you have fun?”

Brady nodded slowly as he walked towards me. ”I enjoyed watching from the sidelines. I didn't enjoy every one of your little girlfriends swarming around me until your mother came to my aid by kissing me on the cheek and putting her arm through mine. Your girlfriends looked p.i.s.sed. Your mom just smiled.”

”Did you know she cornered me later about not coming to your rescue?” I asked, giving him the evil eye.

”Nope, but from the look on your face, it was my fault.”

”Mmmhmm, she told me I should have done that for you. I should have been the one to rescue you from them all. I laughed but she didn't. I then went on to tell her I didn't understand what the big deal was. It's not like she looked a day over thirty. And I think you've gotten locked in some weird time warp too because you've looked exactly the same since I met you.” I cast him a wary look as I flipped the disco lights on, instantly bathing us in a multi-colored shower of light.

Brady moved up behind me and gave me the courtesy of dragging his feet a bit to warn me he was there. ”Why did your mother think you should have been the one who saved me from your friends?”

”I'm not sure. You know how she is. She's crazier than I am. But she went on and on about it. Mom even got to the point she told me, don't laugh, millions of women around the world would die to get to kiss your cheek.”

Sure, it was true but it wasn't something I expected to come out of my mouth. I tended to ignore Brady's celebrity status unless picking on it. I wasn't one for the public eye and still couldn't understand how comfortable he was with all the attention he received. Of course, he didn't have to hide his true calling from the world for fear he'd inadvertently notify all humans that demons were not only real but living among them.

Despite what I said, Brady laughed and took my hand in his. ”What did you say?”

”I shook my head and told her I was still baffled by the idea of anyone purposely lining up to kiss you. She whapped me in the back of the head. When I pointed out it was only you, she did it again. And then she told me if I dared to dance with Michael Serener one more time she'd personally see to it I never saw the light of day again.”

Brady pulled me against his expansive chest, moving our bodies back and forth as the music played. He'd always been one to spontaneously grab me and dance. It always felt right. Nothing about Brady put me off. Tossing my arm over his shoulder, I smiled. He pressed his thigh between my legs and began to rock his lower body in slow circles, taking me with him. I rubbed against him, following him move for move.

”So, what you're saying is that you, my roommate and extremely close friend, do not find me attractive?”

I took hold of the hand he had on my hip and moved it to my b.u.t.t. He c.o.c.ked an eyebrow and I laughed softly, as I leaned back slowly, still riding his leg as I went. ”You do realize we may be the only two people in the world who do this while having a full conversation like nothing is going on.”

Brady's warm hand touched my bare midriff and I drew in a sharp breath as my body reacted to him. He slid it up, going under my green silk cami. I moved, backing up slowly, watching him intensely as I did. Every now and then, my body would react to him s.e.xually. It was fairly easy to squish because he was my friend and it felt different.