Part 5 (1/2)
I could hear Giovanni moving around in the bathroom. I climbed in bed and waited for him to come out. I was suddenly very aware of how tired I was. It'd been a long night and it had finally caught up with me. I remember hearing the bathroom door open and feeling Giovanni slide into bed next to me and that was it. Sleep overwhelmed me.
Chapter Nine.
I turned around in the all white room and looked for signs to tell me where I was. The soft scent of vanilla filled the area. Pallo stepped out of the white mist and up to me. He was wearing white from head to toe and he took my breath away. I looked down to find myself dressed in a white gown, as well.
”Where are we?”
He put his hand up and looked around me. ”It is just a dream.” I knew better, nothing was ever as it seemed with him. ”I need you to listen to me, Gwyneth. Malita has told me about the attack on you. I think you should leave and come home with me.”
”I'll bet she isn't too big on helping me now. She has a clearer path to your pants if I'm not in the way .... No, I'm safe here. Giovanni has taken precautions to prevent it from happening again,” I said. The mention of Giovanni's name made Pallo's jaw tighten.
”Gwyneth, you do not understand how dangerous he can be. I would not put it past him to be behind the attack on you.”
I took a step back from him. ”Pallo, don't do this. Don't call me to you or invade my dreams to try and plant seeds of distrust in my mind. I wouldn't even be here if you had opened your mouth and objected to my engagement to Caleb. I only ever wanted to be with you.”
He came to me and touched my hands. ”Gwyneth, your father will never allow you to pick a vampire over a faerie for your life-mate. Especially, one that could produce an heir. There is no way to know what kind of child we would have and he would not tolerate anything less than perfection. If I had voiced my objection publicly then he would have been forced to acknowledge me as a possible suitor in front of his entire kingdom. Even he cannot ignore the fact that I, too, am a candidate to be your mate. Kerrigan is many things, but forgiving is not one of them. He would have seen me on the pointy end of a stake before the night was out.”
It was on the tip of my tongue to say my father would never do such a thing, but the reality of it was that Pallo knew my father a h.e.l.l of a lot better than I did.
”Come home with me, Gwyneth. Wedding plans are underway and you need to be present for them. Giovanni is not someone you should be seeking safe haven with. If your father finds out that you are with him there will be no stopping his vengeance.”
I pulled my hand out of his. ”My father won't find out, will he, Pallo?”
”Come home with me, Gwyneth.”
”Why in the h.e.l.l do you want to marry me off to Caleb so badly?”
”If I cannot be the one to spend forever with you then I want it to be someone who will love you as I would and who would never hurt you. Giovanni is not that person, Gwyneth. He is a monster.”
”And, you're the expert on those, right?” He jerked back from me. I gave him a wicked smile. ”And, by the way, while we're on the subject of being with someone, I heard you and Malita were quite the item. What was it ...? Oh, yeah, you were her first.”
He grabbed a hold of my arms and turned me to him. ”That was long ago, Gwyneth. It was a darker time for me. She and I shared a common goal-evil. Yes, I took her to my bed many times, but every moment I wished it was you there with me.”
I turned my head away from him. His attempt at clearing that up had only succeeded in pouring salt on the wound. ”It's over Pallo, let me go.”
His grip tightened on my arms. He shook me slightly. ”Gwyneth, he is poisoning your mind with lies. That is what he does. He is using you. You are nothing more than a f.u.c.k and a showpiece to him. He wants to be the one with the most toys, Gwyneth. He could not handle that you were leaving him long ago. He snapped, not out of love, but out of the disgrace of you picking a mortal over him. Do not listen to him and do not trust him. Please, Gwyneth ....”
I cut Pallo off. ”No, don't turn this into a rally around hating Giovanni. He made mistakes, Pallo. We all did. He's sorry for them and if you must know, I haven't had s.e.x with him, so what's his reasoning for that? Don't think I haven't tried. I've begged the man and he has resisted. I want him to touch me as badly as I want you to. How can you stand there and tell me that he's using me?”
Pallo yanked me to him. ”Gwyneth, he is luring you to him. He is making you trust him. He wants you to fall in love with him. Once he has you he'll never let you go. You left him long ago for a reason, Gwyneth. Trust your first instincts and leave him now.” He tightened his grip on me, and I cried out in pain.
”Bella?” I opened my eye and looked up at Giovanni. His black hair hung around his face and fell down onto my shoulder. ”You were having a bad dream. Are you all right?”
I s.h.i.+vered. Giovanni moved down closer to me and kissed my cheek. I turned my face into him and felt his lips find mine. I closed my eyes and let my body surrender to him. His tongue dove in and found mine and his hand moved up to my hip. I moved my hand down his side and found that he was naked. My eyes flickered open and he was smiling at me. I moved my hand across his low stomach and let my fingers brush through his trimmed nest of hair. I found the object of my desire and ran my cupped hand up and down his shaft. His kisses came faster and my stroke matched his pace. He grew in my hand and drew in a deep breath.
Giovanni's hand moved down and found mine. He put his hand over mine and stroked himself with me a few times before pulling my hand up and pinning my arms out. I arched my back up towards him. His mouth found my left nipple and his tongue ran around the growing edges of it. He pulled it into his mouth and moved it around with his tongue. I cried out and my legs tightened with the antic.i.p.ation of having him in me. He moved his body over mine. He pushed his knee between my legs and pried them open gently.
He positioned himself between my legs, moved his mouth lower and kissed my stomach. He planted a continuous row of kisses all the way down until his face was nestled between my legs. He spread my slit and then flicked his tongue across my swollen c.l.i.t. I slammed my head back onto the bed and pulled at the covers. I bit down on a pillow and cried out into it, afraid if I was too loud that I'd bring everyone running to us.
The second Giovanni's finger entered me I knew I was moist and ready for him. He varied between sucking and licking my engorged nub and my legs twitched. I screamed into the pillow as a spasm coincided with my o.r.g.a.s.m. His fingers kept moving in and out of me, sending more and more s.h.i.+vers down my legs. I grabbed a hold of his hair and pulled his head up.
He smiled and moved his body up and over me like a snake. His face was above mine and I could smell my s.e.x on him. He leaned in and kissed me slowly. He pulled back and looked into my eyes.
”Giovanni.” I wanted him to take me.
He pushed his c.o.c.k into me. I moaned as I took him in. Somehow, my body managed to accept all of him. He held himself pressed deep within me and looked at me. ”Am I hurting you?”
I nodded and he began to pull out. ”No, no it's a good pain. Don't stop.” He smiled down at me and eased himself back in. I grabbed hold of his shoulders and squeezed to help alleviate the mix of pain and pleasure he was causing between my legs. He went to pull back out of me again.
”No,” I said and tugged on his shoulders.
”Bella, I cannot enjoy being with you if I am hurting you.”
I pulled harder on his back. ”Giovanni, please it's okay.”
”I told you I would never hurt you again, Gwyneth and I meant it. I love you too much to ....”
I grabbed his long black hair and pulled his head back. ”What did you just say?”
He locked gazes with me and smiled. ”Ti amo-I love you.”
Another memory came back to me. I didn't get any vision of things that happened in the past, but I did get the knowledge of little pieces of our relations.h.i.+p. ”That's the first time you've ever said that to me-ever.”
His body tightened in me. ”I have changed, Bella, for the better.” Pallo's words of wisdom from my dream haunted me. Could I trust Giovanni? Was he lying to me and confessing his love for me to trick me? It was too late now. I was pinned under him and had him deep within me.
I pulled his mouth to mine and forced my tongue in. I moved my hips under him and felt him give in and push back. His body moved into mine so gently, all the while he flooded my face and neck with kisses. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my body completely relaxed for him. I cried his name out as he thrust himself into me. His hands found mine and our fingers locked together. He pushed my hands into the bed and moved his hips in a circular motion, I screamed as my toes curled downwards and the tingling sensation that proved he'd done well swept upwards. His body pushed into mine and I dug my nails into his hands. He pushed harder and in my climatic state, I wanted nothing more than for him to finish in me. His body tightened and his rhythm changed, causing me to remember what it was I wanted to tell him.
”I'm not taking any birth control.”
He slammed into me and his head arched back. We cried out together as he finished in me. His body collapsed down onto mine and he kissed my neck repeatedly.
”Giovanni, did you hear me? We didn't use any protection.” His c.o.c.k twitched deep within me. The already damp area now seemed to be oozing s.e.xual aftermath.
”Earth to Giovanni...”
He pulled his head up from my neck and smiled down at me. ”We spent close to a hundred years together and never once conceived a child.”
His hips moved a little and I could feel him flexing himself within me again. ”But, I'm not the same, we could possibly ....”
He touched my lips with his cool finger. ”Gwyneth, I better than you, understand how very much you've changed. I never had to be this gentle with you before. I am not complaining. I rather enjoyed the surprise.”