Part 9 (1/2)
I believe, however, that marriage is several weeks the elder.
War is an epitome of all wickedness.
The race of preachers inveigh against little vices, and pa.s.s over great ones in silence. They never sermonise against war.
What strange rage possesses some people to insist on our all being miserable? They are like a quack, who would fain have us believe we are ill, in order to sell us his pills. Keep thy drugs, my friend, and leave me my health.
Can one change their character? Yes, if one changes their body.
Men are fools, but ecclesiastics are their leaders.
I do not believe even eye-witnesses when they tell me things opposed to common sense.
The fanatics begin with humility and kindness, and have all ended with pride and carnage.
The Pope is an idol, whose hands are tied and whose feet are kissed.
What an immense book might be composed on all the things once believed, of which it is necessary to doubt.
That which can be explained in many ways does not merit being explained in any.
Theology is in religion what poison is among food.
Theology has only served to upset brains, and sometimes States.
That which is an eternal subject of dispute is an eternal inutility.
To pray is to flatter oneself that one will change entire nature with words.
Names of sects; names of error. Truth has no sect.
No man is called an Euclidian.