Part 4 (2/2)

It is sometimes given to procure abortion. The _perchloride of iron_ has also produced alarming symptoms, after being taken for the same purpose. Dr. Christison relates the case of a man who died in five weeks from an ounce and a half of the tincture. Magnesia and diluents, freely administered, must const.i.tute the treatment.



This division of the cla.s.s of simple irritants is an important one, on account of the substances composing it consisting in considerable part of ordinary remedies or drugs, which given in over doses, may produce symptoms of poisoning. They chiefly give rise to vomiting and purging.


The most important are _aloes_, _colocynth_, _jalap_, _gamboge_, _scammony_, _elaterium_, _croton oil_, _castor oil seeds_, various species of _arum_, _euphorbium_, _bryony_, _mesereon_, _physic nut_, and others less commonly known. Dr. Taylor says that aloes and colocynth are the basis of _Morrison's pills_, which in many instances have induced fatal purging. In _Holloway's pills_, aloes is the chief ingredient. A favorite remedy with nurses for promoting the catamenia is _hierapicra_, a brown powder consisting of four parts of aloes to one of canella bark.

This may give rise to dangerous symptoms.

The _symptoms_ induced by these substances are those of irritation of the intestinal ca.n.a.l, severe pain, vomiting, diarrha, tenesmus, &c.; followed by collapse, cold sweats, and occasionally convulsions. These effects may also be produced by diseased and decayed vegetables.

The _treatment_ must be directed to the removal of the injurious substance by emetics, &c., unless spontaneous vomiting has freely taken place, when it need merely be encouraged by the use of diluents. If the irritant has pa.s.sed out of the stomach into the intestines it must be carried off by purgatives, especially castor oil. The inflammatory symptoms should be cautiously combated, on account of the great prostration usually caused by these poisons. Opiates, emollient enemata, and fomentations to the abdomen will subsequently be found useful.


The substances which require consideration under this head, though few, are important.

_Poisonous Fish._-Several kinds of fish are constantly poisonous, while some only act injuriously on particular const.i.tutions. The chief effects are sickness and vomiting, irritation of the eyes, depression, and severe urticaria or nettle-rash. In this country the different varieties of sh.e.l.l-fish are those most frequently injurious, especially c.o.c.kles, mussels, crabs and such-like.

_Poisonous Meat._-The flesh of animals which have died of disease has produced serious symptoms when eaten, and has even destroyed life.

Several substances, as sausages, cheese, bacon, &c., also become poisonous from putrefaction.

The _treatment_ in these instances should consist in the use of emetics, purgatives, and diluents. The vital power must be supported by stimulants, tonics, nutritious diet, &c.



The chief are chlorine, sulphurous-acid gas, nitrous-acid gas, and hydrochloric-acid gas. When diluted, they admit of being inhaled; not so when pure.

_Chlorine._-This gas has a greenish-yellow color, and a powerful suffocating odor. It is used to fumigate buildings, being a valuable disinfectant. Chlorine is employed by the calico-printer and paper-maker for its bleaching properties. The men who work in an atmosphere slightly impregnated with it suffer from dyspepsia, but are long-lived, and it has been supposed to be actually beneficial to consumptives. Any attempt to inspire chlorine in its concentrated state would at once prove fatal by closing the glottis and causing asphyxia. When diluted it excites excessive irritation of the air-pa.s.sages, cough, difficulty of breathing, and inflammation.

In poisoning by chlorine, the inhalation of a small quant.i.ty of sulphuretted hydrogen appeared to afford relief in a case reported by Christison, but with that, or any other of the irritant gases, our treatment must chiefly consist in the instant removal of the sufferer to pure air. Then the cautious inhalation of ammonia, sulphuric ether, or the vapor of warm water, will be useful.

_Sulphurous Acid Gas_ is one of the products formed by the combustion of ordinary coal. It possesses bleaching and antiseptic properties; and is very irritating when inspired.

_Nitrous Acid Gas_ is a very violent poison when inhaled, producing inflammation of the lungs, &c. It has proved fatal in several instances, when given off by nitric acid.

_Hydrochloric Acid Gas_ is irrespirable in its concentrated state, and when diluted produces great irritation of the lungs and air-pa.s.sages.
