Part 2 (1/2)
For a single instant the boys stood motionless and silent, stupefied by the sudden apparition. Then, as though shocked by a galvanic battery, they woke to life.
”Quick!” shouted Bob. ”To the bungalow! It's our only chance!”
Like a flash he was off, followed by his comrades. Even Jimmy's feet seemed winged, and they reached the porch in record time.
Frantically Bob grasped the k.n.o.b of the front door. The door was locked. He threw himself against it, but his weight was not sufficient, and although the door groaned it refused to yield. He glanced at his comrades, surrounding him in a panting group, and then at the bear. The latter was still coming, and seemed to have increased his speed.
The roof of the veranda was supported by half a dozen wooden pillars.
”s.h.i.+n up these!” shouted Bob, throwing his arms and legs about one and setting the example.
In a trice they were all climbing desperately. Fortunately they had not far to go, for the roof of the veranda was not high. But they felt as though they were in a nightmare, and although they were really making surprisingly good time, it seemed as though they would never get to the top.
Bob reached there first and swung himself over the roof. Not waiting a moment to rest, he rushed over to the post that Jimmy had chosen, reached over his hand and caught one of Jimmy's wrists. There was a mad scramble and then Jimmy lay on the roof, gasping.
Joe and Herb needed no help, as they had reached the roof only a second later than Bob.
For the moment at least they were safe, and they sat panting and trying to get their breath.
And while with fast-beating hearts they are wondering how they are to escape from the monster below them, it may be well, for the benefit of those who have not read the preceding volumes of this series, to tell who the radio boys were and what had been their adventures up to the time this story opens.
Bob Layton was the son of a prosperous chemist who was a leading citizen of the town of Clintonia, a wideawake, thriving, little city with a population of about ten thousand. The town was located on the banks of the s.h.a.gary River, and was about seventy-five miles from New York. Bob, at the time these incidents occurred, was in his sixteenth year. He was tall and well built, of rather dark complexion and frank, merry eyes that always looked straight at one. He was good in his studies and a leader in athletic sports among boys of his own age. He had a firm, decided character, and was always at his best in an emergency that demanded cool thinking and quick action.
His closest friend was Joe Atwood, whose father was a physician with a large practice. Joe was fair in complexion, while Bob was dark, and they differed in more than mere physical qualities. Joe had a fiery temper and was apt to speak or act first and think afterward, and Bob many times served as a brake on the impulsive temperament of his friend.
Herb Fennington was a year younger than Bob and Joe, and of a more indolent, easy-going disposition. He was full of fun and jokes and n.o.body could long have the blues when Herb was about.
A fourth member of the group was Jimmy Plummer, whose father was a carpenter and contractor and a highly respected citizen of the town.
Jimmy was fat, red-faced and good-natured, with a special partiality for the good things of life. He had gained the nickname of ”Doughnuts,” because of his fondness for that famous product of the kitchen, and did his best to deserve the name.
Besides the liking that drew the boys together, there was an added link in their interest in radio, which by its wonders had taken a firm hold on their youthful imaginations. In delving into the mysteries of this new and fascinating science, they had been greatly a.s.sisted by the kindly help afforded them by the Reverend Doctor Dale, the pastor of the Old First Church of Clintonia. His suggestions had been of immense value in helping them to master the elements of the science, and whenever they got into a quandary they had no hesitation in appealing to him for help that was never refused.
What gave the boys an added stimulus was the offer by the member of Congress for the district in which Clintonia was situated of prizes for the best radio sets made by the boys themselves. The contest was open to all the boys residing in the Congressional district, and Bob, Joe, and Jimmy entered into it with enthusiasm. Herb, with his natural indolence, did not go into the compet.i.tion and was sorry afterward that he had not. The first prize was a hundred dollars, and the second, fifty. To the boys this seemed a whole lot of money and well worth the winning.
It was hard work though, and made the harder by the obstacles put in their way by Buck Looker, the bully of the town, a.s.sisted by Carl Lutz and Terry Mooney, two of his cronies almost as worthless as himself.
Buck tried to wreck Bob's aerial and got a richly deserved thras.h.i.+ng in consequence. Later on the trio tried to steal Jimmy's set, but the radio boys got it back in a way that brought a good deal of discomfiture to the Looker crowd.
While the radio sets were in the making, an exciting incident occurred in town that drew the boys into a series of adventures. An automobile running wild and das.h.i.+ng through the windows of a paint and hardware store in the town gave Bob and Joe an opportunity to rescue the occupant, a Miss Nellie Berwick, and to learn her story of having been swindled out of some property by a rascal. How by the means of radio they got on the track of the scoundrel and forced him to make rest.i.tution, how they overcame all the machinations of their enemies and came out ahead in the compet.i.tion, is told in the first volume of this series, ent.i.tled: ”The Radio Boys' First Wireless; Or, Winning the Ferberton Prize.”
Shortly after Bob had won the first prize and Joe the second, the radio boys went down to Ocean Point on the seacoast to spend the summer. A colony had been established there by several of the Clintonia families, including those of the radio boys, and they had great fun on the beach and in the surf. Here too they made marked advances in their knowledge of radio, in which they were greatly helped by Brandon Harvey, the wireless operator at the Ocean Point sending station. How they repaid this by pursuing and capturing the man who had a.s.saulted him and looted the safe at the station, what exciting adventures they met with in the pursuit and capture, how their knowledge of radio enabled them to send help to a s.h.i.+p in peril on which their own families were voyaging, are told in the second volume of this series, ent.i.tled: ”The Radio Boys At Ocean Point; Or, The Message that Saved the s.h.i.+p.”
Their summer at Ocean Point was further marked by a gallant rescue of two young vaudeville performers who had been run down by reckless thieves in a stolen motor boat. How they finally brought these men to justice, how they managed to bring congenial employment to a crippled friend, and how in doing this they found scope for their own talents in the fascinating work of radio broadcasting, are told in the third volume of this series ent.i.tled: ”The Radio Boys At the Sending Station; Or, Making Good in the Wireless Room.”