Part 48 (1/2)

”I see the death in your face. Your eyes ... they are ... you're.... Please, leave us in peace, spirit. He is young, too young to go with you. Please!” The woman cried, rocking her child in her arms almost desperately. ”I ... I think he recovers. The doctors are wrong. He'll live, I know it. Today he opened his eyes.”

”You love your child,” Tatiana said with an approving nod. She was jealous of the woman, but felt her good, albeit weak, heart.

”Yes, yes, with all my soul,” the mother whispered.

”What is his name?” Tatiana asked, stepping closer and reaching out her hand. She could hear the mortal woman's heart racing in fear and was sorry for it.

”Wil--William,” the woman stuttered softly, fighting to catch her breath. ”And I am Mary.”

”Ah, Mary,” Tatiana said soothingly. She lifted a hand to pull back the blanket, hiding the pale little face. The soft skin was warm against her fingertips. ”Such a sweet face. I don't see my brother in it.”

”Yes, he ... he looks like your father.” Mary tried to pull the blankets back and hesitated as her hand brushed Tatiana's. She jerked back, taking her child with her. ”You're as cold as a corpse.”

”Yes,” Tatiana dismissed. ”But I don't bring you death, Mary. I bring you life.”

”Life?” the woman whispered, disbelieving.

”Let me hold him?” Tatiana asked holding out her arm. ”May I see my nephew?”

Mary shook her head, sinking into the wall as if it could protect her. She cried harder. ”N--no.”

”Shhh,” Tatiana hushed, letting her mind comfort the woman. ”I will not harm him.”

Mary instantly calmed and reached out with her arms. Tatiana took the babe and brought him to her chest. Looking down at him, she whispered, ”Ah, sweet William, open your eyes so that I may see them.”

The baby listened, twitching and fussing as he fought to awaken. Mary came close, hovering protectively with her arms ready to strike should anything happen. Tatiana ignored her. William's eyes opened, the blue orbs so clear and bright in his small head.

”He's beautiful,” Tatiana said, looking up at Marcello. A strange emotion crossed his face and he nodded. To her surprise, she felt him stiffen as he turned his back to gaze out the window.

Holding the child with one arm, she lifted her finger to her mouth and bit it. A drop of blood surfaced. Mary paled as Tatiana offered her finger to the baby.

”What are you doing?” Mary demanded.

”Shhh,” Tatiana told the woman and Mary instantly went silent and calm. ”Come William, you must drink. Look into my eyes and drink.”

The baby took the finger in his mouth and began to suckle. Tatiana watched health and color come over his features. He began to wiggle and squirm, drinking greedily. Tatiana pulled her finger back and the child protested with a loud yelp of anger.

”Shhh,” Tatiana hushed him and he quieted. She watched her blood swimming in his eyes, turning them red. When her blood left them, they were no longer blue, but jade green. ”There you are William. Now I will always be able to find you and yours.”

”What did you do?” Mary asked weakly, looking at her son. She saw his strange eyes and gasped.

”I saved him,” Tatiana answered simply. She did not want to let him go, but she really had no choice. ”Keep him from all sunlight for a week if you wish him to live. After that, he will be as he was born, albeit strong and healthy. Tell no one of my coming. If William has need of me, I will know. Until that day, if there is such a day, don't reveal to him my existence.”

”Yes,” Mary said in awe. She felt her son moving in her arms and began to cry tears of happiness. ”You have my word. But, what of Henry? Your father? Surely they--”

”No one,” Tatiana repeated sternly.

Mary nodded her head. ”Yes, no one. I promise. Please, tell me how I can repay you for the life of my son?”

”I demand only this,” Tatiana said. Marcello still had not turned from his place. ”Raise him well and tell him grand stories of his father, our family.”