Part 37 (1/2)
”Some would say you are close to it,” he chuckled. ”No, you're in the Den of the Lycan. Do you remember?”
Tatiana moaned. She could feel him moving as if she were part of him. It was a strange sensation. Her body reached for him, but not to touch him or hold him, but to join to his soul.
”Yes, child, we are connected now. I have been feeding you my blood.”
Tatiana grimaced and tried to shake her head. Domin lifted his sleeve, showing the many scars on his arm that were slowly healing. She gagged, trying to pull away from him.
”I don't want to be like you,” she gasped, horrified, rocking back and forth in agitation.
”You won't be, child,” Domin answered, not insulted by her words. ”It is my bite that you must fear, not my blood.”
”Why ... would ... you...?”
”Several reasons,” Domin answered honestly. ”My blood marks you and protects you from my kind. It joins us so our powers may always call upon each other.”
Tatiana s.h.i.+vered. She knew he spoke the truth.
”Yes, so there will also be no lies between us.”
”Why?” she ground out. Her voice was hoa.r.s.e. ”Why chain me? Why do this? Why not just ask me?”
”You don't remember?” he asked, not at all surprised. ”It is a painful joining, for both of us.”
Domin lifted his wrists, showing that he too had been shackled. Red rings of flesh, scabbed and scarred, wrapped him like bracelets. ”I was just now released.”
”I don't understand,” she cried. Tears started coming down her face. Her body rocked weakly, back and forth, back and forth. ”I don't want this. Please, I don't want this. Let me go back to the country. Let me marry Thomas. I don't care about the parties or the money or the big house. I don't care that I don't love him. He loves me. He loves me. He's the last one, only one, to completely love me. Please, please, please....”
Domin frowned at her words. She was losing her sanity again, warring with the madness inside of her. His mind pulled heavily at her. She stopped rocking. Domin forced his thoughts into her, soothing and warm in her brain. It was like the summer sun on her skin, glowing in her body. She smiled and relaxed.
”You are destined for more, child, much more than Thomas,” Domin whispered. His hand stroked her cheek and this time she did not jerk away. Tatiana knew he read her feelings and thoughts as she pa.s.sed over the memory of it. ”There is a reason you sent your thoughts to your vampire. There is a reason you did not let Thomas kiss you, why you pushed the witch away from you.”
Tatiana waited on his every word, breathless.
”You are destined for more, child, so much more. You are a seer. But, your line has been dormant too long. Because of the strength of your ancestral birthright, you are confused. This is why I have taken some of your pain and why I have given you some of my strength. It is this connection that will save you. I can handle your insanity as my own and you in turn will be balanced by my wisdom and strength.”
”Why would you care? I'm just a witch,” she mumbled. ”Just a witch, a witch, just a little witch.”
”No, not just a witch,” Domin said. His eyes gla.s.sed over. ”I saw of your coming long ago. I was there the night theAddien powers drained. Your ancestors fought a great evil force--a G.o.ddess who would slaughter all of mankind with her hunger and greed. They paid the price with their lives. They were exposed and left weak. Humans, fearful of them, slaughtered them like animals. They took the sacrifice, knowing what would happen to them.”
”Broderick,” Tatiana whispered, remembering him in most of her visions.
”Yes, as a human he killed in the name of his church. He rid the world of much evil. But, he also rid it of good. Humans can't distinguish between the two sometimes when it comes to our kinds. You must not blame Broderick for his human ignorance.
He has blamed himself enough over his long centuries, he blames himself still.” Domin sighed and stood. He looked weak and Tatiana knew he was still feeling the after effects of what he'd done for her. She knew it was quite possible that he saved her life. If the powers were to continue to grow uncontrolled, she wouldn't have been able to understand or stop them.
”You did not find me in time,” she whispered sadly. ”I still feel it. I still feel the madness.”
”Yes, I know.”
”You are to kill me, aren't you? I can read the thought. You are to kill me if I can't be balanced.” Tatiana smiled, nodding her head. ”I should be killed, killed. You must do it and soon. That is what you are thinking, always thinking, burn the witch.”
”You're right. I am to destroy you and all your kin if you can't find balance.” Domin sighed. His head perked up and he looked to the open door. ”But, I have felt you find your balance. Tell me, what is it you think of when you calm yourself? What is it you are hiding from me and yourself?”