Part 34 (1/2)
Broderick didn't stop the carriage until dusk. To Tatiana's surprise, Leandro stepped inside. For a moment, her heart leapt in hope to see him. But, as he settled into the seat next to Broderick and said something in a language she couldn't understand, her hope went cras.h.i.+ng to the ground.
Leandro smiled widely at her, his eyes lighting in slight interest to see her clad only in a silk robe, and simply acknowledged, ”Bella donna.”
Tatiana pulled her robe closer to her body, grabbing it about the neck to hold it closed. Outrunning or outsmarting a werewolf was one thing--but a werewolf and a vampire?Tatiana knew she didn't a stand a chance. Maybe if she knew more about her powers, she could've fought them off. As it was, she didn't even know if her powers could fight them off.
They traveled hard throughout the night. Broderick provided a basket of food. Leandro turned away while they ate, staring out the window.
”I thought werewolves ate humans,” Tatiana said, eyeing Broderick with a look akin to suspicion.
Leandro glanced back to them and laughed. Broderick grimaced slightly.
”Only when they deserve it,” Broderick answered, his words echoed by a low growl. ”So considered yourself warned, my lady.”
”They prefer to be called lycans,” Leandro said. A cloud pa.s.sed over his eyes as he looked at her and he again turned away.
Splendid,Tatiana thought, sensing that she might have insulted Broderick.I've been kidnapped by easily offended brutes.
Remembering Broderick's last comment, she muttered under her breath, ”You already killed me once. I shouldn't wonder that you will do so again.”
Broderick's vivid blue eyes whipped around to stare at her. He narrowed his gaze as it flickered with gold fire.
”It's no use,” Tatiana said. She glanced at the bread in her lap, absently tearing it into small crumbs. ”I've learned to block my thoughts. You're just going to have to ask me what it is you wish to know.”
Leandro chuckled, but did not turn his attention away from the night.
”Fine,” Broderick said easily. His tone was light, but his gaze was aggressive and his grin wolfish in intent. ”What do you mean I killed you once?”
”I saw it that night in the alleyway when you touched me. I think it was a past life. I have been seeing many past lives. I was in an icy stream, tied to a tree. I had long red hair and you called me Maighdlin, right before stabbing me in the heart.”
”There is no way you could recall that,” Broderick whispered in horror.
Leandro glanced curiously at his friend. ”Who is Maighdlin?”
”No one,” Broderick said. His reaction wasn't what Tatiana would've expected, not from a cold hearted killer. If she wasn't mistaken, his eyes looked sad, hurt, horrified.
”I remember her and I remember another. I was in a field and knights charged me. This time my hair was blonde. I tried to run but they lopped my head off,” said Tatiana. Offhand, she whispered, ”That was probably you too. You have the knight's build.”
Broderick paled. Tatiana gasped to see the look. She trembled. The bread fell from her lap as she inched away from him.
”What manner of death do you have in mind this time, lycan?” she inquired in fear.
”I don't seek to kill you, my lady,” Broderick said. His expression was earnest, but she was hard pressed to believe him. She could still feel the blade to her neck and the knife in her heart.
”I don't believe you,” she said. ”What are you? A witch hunter? Is that why you have come for me?”
”I did not kill you,” Broderick stated instead. ”What you see are your ancestors. The blonde witch was supposed to be the last of your line, but a child survived her. You are a descendent of her child. Magic is in your blood and that is why you see these things. Your powers were tapped out long ago and just recently must have built the energy to come back to your line. The life force of your ancestry had to wait for an opening, a trauma if you will. I imagine seeing a vampire was your trauma.”
Tatiana paled. No, seeing what Henry had done to Alice's body was her trauma. That is when it had come to her.
”Your blood is trying to reunite you with your power and your past,” Broderick continued. ”So, my lady, you see, I didn't kill you. Just a few of your ancestors.”