Part 32 (1/2)
”She doesn't know?” Leandro asked, turning curiously to his brother before leaning to address Tatiana. ”He is our father.”
Marcello stiffened. He dropped his arm and motioned his fingers to an attendant standing motionless behind him. The servant bowed and turned. Suddenly, the sound of violins drifted in from the other room.
Gio smiled. His dark eyes narrowed on the dark beauty before him. Without him having to say a word, she stood and walked around the table to him. Gio rose, taking her arm. Lord Adolfe's mouth fell open slightly, but he didn't dare protest as Gio shot him a look of warning and led the woman to the front hall for a dance.
Lord Adolfe blinked and turned to her. His smarmy grin again lit his lecherous face and he seemed to forget all about her stabbing him. It was obvious he wasn't used to being refused.
”Mademoiselle, would you do me the honor of--” he began.
”No,” Tatiana stated loudly with a hard finality. Lord Adolfe gasped. She ignored him, instead turning at the soft sound of laughter behind her back.
Tatiana looked up at Marcello. He gave her a half smile and bowed to her. Lifting her hand into his, she let him lead her from the seat. She noticed that other couples had gathered on the dance floor--mainly the vampires stealing away the drunken men's women. The human men were lethargic, nearly asleep in their chairs.
Tatiana s.h.i.+vered, drawing closer to Marcello's chest. He tried to dance with her, but she couldn't move. She looked earnestly up at him, her round jade eyes trying to be brave.
”Please,” she whispered. ”Let me retire. I don't want to watch this.”
”Watch what,bellamia ?” Marcello asked. At his insistence, she allowed him to lead her to the gentle, beautiful music.
I don't want to watch you kill these people, she thought, hoping he'd hear it. He did and stiffened.
”You really do think me a monster, don't you?” he mused quietly. He didn't speak again, pulling her closer to his chest as they danced.
As the night wore on the dancing didn't stop. The men still sat with their eyes in a stupor. The wine in her veins made her forget all but Marcello and the movements of his lithe body close to hers. He didn't speak as he wove a spell around them. She almost forgot there were others in the room.
”Marcello, here.”
Tatiana blinked, turning to see a blond vampire who came with Gio. He was offering his dance partner's wrist to Marcello as if it was most natural to do so. She glanced around, seeing that the other vampires fed on the drunken women. The women moaned, rubbing themselves against the immortal creatures who kept them enthralled. Some of them had several bite marks in various places. Almost in a trance, the vampires would switch partners, only to drink from a new victim before switching again. Tatiana had no desire for the other vampires to drink from her. She moved closer to Marcello.
”You must drink,” the blond one said. ”You must try her. Gio's wine is strong in her veins.”
Marcello looked uncomfortable. Without knowing where the words came from, Tatiana pushed the woman's wrist away from them and said, ”He already has a meal.”
Marcello stiffened in concealed surprise and turned to her. The blond vampire smiled in appreciation of her boldness. His eyes edged with a bit of jealousy until she realized he'd actually wanted Marcello to switch partners with him.
Tatiana kept her eyes on the blond vampire, more out of fear than anything else. To prove her point, she wrapped an arm around Marcello's neck and pulled him to her throat. Her fingers wound into his silky hair. Marcello had no choice but to bite her. The others stopped dancing at her comment to watch.
She smiled slightly at them, letting them see she belonged only to one of them. She wouldn't be traded about. Leandro frowned at her and turned away. She didn't have time to think about it as he climbed up the stairs and disappeared out the door. A light moan escaped her as Marcello's lips caressed and sucked at her neck. He pulled back at the sound, biting his lips to heal her, before lifting his cheek in a soft nuzzle against her face.
When he pulled back, his gaze was rimmed with the red of her blood. Looking deeply into her eyes, he murmured, ”A fine vintage indeed. My compliments to your winemaker, Gio.”
Tatiana s.h.i.+vered in pleasure as the heated words rolled over her. She looked up at him, dreamy-eyed.
Leaning over, Marcello kissed Tatiana's cheek lightly. ”Go to our room,bella mia , and await me there.”
Tatiana stiffened. Her eyes opened wide as if to protest. She swallowed nervously before nodding in agreement. She saw the look on Marcello's face, begging her not to cause a scene.
She gave him a small curtsey and turned, making her way along the empty side of the table. When she was gone, Marcello felt a presence beside him.
”She is a very beautiful mortal,” the blond vampire said.
Marcello felt the restlessness of his vampiric guests. Tatiana was a tempting treat whom they all wanted to taste. He would've asked them to leave, but he couldn't be rude and kick them out of his home. Instead, he smiled, turning to look at the blond vampire who had asked to taste his witch.