Part 25 (1/2)
”What happened to you tonight,bella ?” Marcello asked, turning to lay his long length next to her. ”Why did you run?”
Tatiana blinked, only now remembering why she'd tired to escape him in the first place. Hardening herself against him, she jerked when his fingers reached to stroke at her exposed breast. Her body was covered in a light sheen of sweat. His was not.
Tatiana pulled away from him. Crossing over to the wardrobe, she grabbed a silk robe and tugged it over her body. When she turned around, Marcello was still on the bed, watching her. His eyes were blank, his face pa.s.sionless.
”I hope you enjoyed yourself, my lord,” she spat at him, incensed. ”For that is the last taste you will ever have of my body-- blood or otherwise.”
”What are you speaking of,bella ?” he asked, his gaze darkening to a demonic blackish red. ”I own you. I will taste you whenever I wish. Besides, you weren't complaining as you urged me deep inside you, begging me to f.u.c.k you hard.”
Tatiana wasn't sure what the word 'f.u.c.k' meant but she knew she wouldn't like it. She gulped, turning red in her outrage.
”Why don't you gof.u.c.k one of your at the music hall! They looked to be more to your taste, vampire.”
Tatiana thought of his hand on the pet.i.te blonde's breast, his lips sucking her neck, his eyes boring forward to her, wanting her to watch him, trying to make her jealous. Well, it had worked beautifully. She was jealous and she hated him for it. But, she hated herself even more for wanting him as she did.
”What are you--?”
”I saw you. You know I saw you.”
”Bella--?” he tried again. His eyes darkened even more so in warning. She could feel the tension radiating off him, though he held his temper back well.
”No. You can never call mebella again. I'm not yourbella mia . I'm not your anything, except your wh.o.r.e,” Tatiana screamed at him. Her body still sung with the aftermath of his touch and it only made her angrier to have to feel it. ”That is what you think of me, isn't it, my lord Count? That is why you brought me to a bordello tonight, isn't it? You wanted to show me that I was nothing more to you than a prost.i.tute. Well, my lord vampire, if I'm a wh.o.r.e then I expect to be paid for my services rendered.
Because anything I gave you did not come from any tender sentiment. For your soul and your heart are dead. And even if they weren't, I would want nothing of them. I want nothing of you. I detest you. I despise you. You disgust me. I hate you.”
Marcello shot up from the bed in anger. He flew toward her, gripping her arms in a bruising hold. His nostrils flared as he slammed her into the wardrobe. The contents inside the furniture crashed at the jarring motion.
Tatiana breathed heavily, but she did not back down. Her red robe fell open, showing him the valley of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her flat stomach, the curls of her nether hair. She waited for him to kill her, her pulse racing. She could see that he wanted to. His eyes were lit with demonic fire. To her surprise, he forced his fingers to uncurl from her throat. He let her go. His hands slowly pulled back and the strong lines of his brooding features became a dead mask.
”Padronissimo, baldracca,”he stated.
”What--?” she began, not understanding him.
”I said it will be as you wish, my wh.o.r.e.” Marcello voice was dark as he turned from her to look at the floor.
Tatiana's eyes devoured the strong, proud line of his naked back. The taut play of his muscles worked gracefully as he moved.
She bit her lip, watching his hips, his tight b.u.t.tocks. All too readily did her body remember the feel of him against her. Her nerves stung, reaching for him. She wanted him back against her flesh, wanted him deep inside. Her body ached, swirling with the fantastic sensations that only he could arouse inside her.
Marcello took up the necklace he'd bought for her as a gift. With a toss of his wrist, threw it at her feet. The heavy strand of gemstones wrapped around one of her ankles before sliding to the floor. ”Consider your services paid for.”
Tatiana gasped, suddenly unable to move.
”Sleep,baldracca , it has been a long day of work for you. Tomorrow, you will reorganize the mess you made in my wardrobe.”
Marcello nodded over her shoulder. Tatiana glanced behind her, seeing one of the doors had opened and there was a trail of clothing strewn out onto the floor.
”Thisbaldracca ,” she spat, ”doesn't clean.”
”Ah, but my slave does!” he mocked cruelly. ”You are duty bound as my slave to obey me, Tatiana. Being a wh.o.r.e was your choice.”
Suddenly, she was very tired. She turned her back on him, knowing she couldn't sleep by him tonight. Her heart squeezed painfully in her chest. She blocked herself from him, refusing to let him feel her. Looking down at the gemstones at her feet, she lifted them up. She weighed them in her hand. She'd been touched by the gift, but now the pleasure of necklace was lost on her, now that it represented payment.